


  • Hi minisweeper, that files (of course) does not exist. if it would he wouldnt error it :) But there is no function.js available ... where should it be from? there is no function.js in the "UserAward 0.8 Beta" included. any idea?
  • I see eugen - interesting. Does anyone else have this extension installed and was that file included in the archive?
  • i have it installed
    no error for me
    and i did not check if the file exists
    but i will check
    let me see..
    maybe i will post back soon
  • huh? am i blind? i just downloaded: "User Award 0.8 beta" from: I DO NOT see any included function.js at all :( @hamed: are you realy sure you dont have the problem? i think you do but didnt checked it yet ;) -Please create a demo account on your vanilla. -Award this new created user an award. -Sign in on the new created user account. -You should see a notification message about a received award. - no try to click the "Hide" on the notification ... then u know what we are talking about ;) Several users complained about this "bug" and it would be a miracle if you wouldn´t got the same problem - if you are using 0.8 beta. Please check this hamed and give response. thx
  • umm i did everything you said and i did not get a bug really i did not
  • thats weird ... ^^ why does some users got that problem and some not? maybe the file was included in 0.7 and its missing in 0.8 ? so all users who used USER AWARD before 0.8 got the file and everything is working and all users who started with 0.8 got the problem? ... just speculation. mightymangoooo we neeeeed youuuu :)
  • ok so what happens when you click hide? nothing happened to me, seriously, but wh3at happened to you?
  • hamed??? did you just said nothing happens if you click on "Hide"? Then you got the same problem as stavthewonderchicken, wetcircle, me and many more. thought its working on your forum? he? :) yes, nothing happens, thats what we complain about. if you got the possibility to check your servers error logfiles please do so. maybe you got the same error message as i did. If a user clicks on "Hide" he is producing an error: Server Logg says: File does not exist: /whatever/extensions/UserAward/functions.js
  • Yeah, functions.js is missing from the zipfile of the latest release. I tried to get to mightymango's site to see if I could find an old version of the add-on, but it seems to be down. Just have to wait until he notices this, I guess.
  • hi stavthewonderchicken!

    thx for that info ... maybe someone could upload the latest functions.js - else we could wait years ;)
  • * eugen - umm dunno much about servers at this point.. so ...i did not get comprehend what you said there but it worked for me, when i clicked hide ( i think) i think did followed what you said
  • hamed. have you used this addon BEFORE 0.8 beta also? then i think i know why its working on your forum. beacuse you got the functions.js left on your server from an older version. know what i mean?
  • Sorry folks, not been around for a while.

    Off work for the next few days so will take a look at the the above issues.
  • Uploaded version 0.9 Beta of UserAward.
  • Think version 0.9b fixes all your problems.
    Please let me know if not.

    functions.js was missing, which was the cause of the problems.
    When I checked it appears to have disappeared from my system completely. I have noticed when doing a 'system restore' on Vista (have had to do this several times!) Vista seems to delete files in 'My Documents' at random!
  • oh i see but can you tell me why i did not get the error? umm or am i just not doing the right the thing to remove the error anyway thanks a bunch
  • hamed: i told you ... probably you used an earlier version prior 0.8 and so you got the missing file already on your server as u updated to 0.8 :) in my case. i started with 0.8 where the file is missing. thats why i got this error. sorry for my english, hope you know what i mean :/
  • @mightymango: just updated to 0.9 and its working fine now with an exisiting functions.js ;))) i just made a little design change to default.php: ### LINE 573: $NoticeCollector->AddNotice('<span><a href="./" id="RemoveMessage'.$Row['AwardID'].'" onclick="RemoveAwardMessage(\''.$Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT'].'extensions/UserAward/ajax/remove.php\', \''.$Row['AwardID'].'\', \'RemoveMessage'.$Row['AwardID'].'\'); return false;">'.$Context->GetDefinition('UserAwardHide').'</a></span><img src="extensions/UserAward/icons/'.$Context->UserAwardAwards['Icon'][$Row['Award']].'?now'.time().'" /> <b>CONGRATULATIONS!</b> You have been awarded by <a href="'.GetUrl($Context->Configuration, 'account.php', '', '', '', '', 'u='.$Row['AwardedBy']).'">'.$UserAwardNotice->UserAwardGetAwardedBy($Row['AwardedBy']).'</a> with following reason:<br><i>"'.$Row['Notes'].'"</i><br>Please take a look at your <a href="account.php">account profile</a> to view your history of awards.'); I think this makes the award notification message more conceptional and will look like this: [award picture] CONGRATULATIONS! You have been awarded by [user - clickable] with following reason: "[reason]" Please take a look at your account profile (clickable) to view your history of awards. you may add this or any kind of it to 0.10? ;)
  • Thanks for the update mightymango!
  • @ eugen version 0.10? that is less than .9 .9>.1 you mean version 1, right?
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