
MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Okay, fine. I wanted to give you guys a very early sneak peek, and here it is. I will answer no questions on this subject. Take from it what you will. When it launches officially, there will be some more information about it. http://lussumo.com/swell/ Rest assured, the real magic is on the admin side.


  • first!
  • p.s. neat!
  • methinks you just opened the floodgates.

  • Its not a blog. Its not a blog. Its not a blog.

    Yes, it is a blog.
  • edited December 2005
    Jesus man, take a week off, chill out.

    (Nice job btw)
  • edited December 2005
    That is an incredibly great thing. I just posted about something sort of similar to that, good ot know it's being worked on. :) datter
  • take a week off?! we dont pay him to relax!! Frankly i'm appauled it's not ready for release yet. NOR has he done the CMS we've been asking for OR the mailing list manager! The guy doesnt have time to take off! We're needy people!! p.s. some or all of the above may be in jest.
  • Hope you have a lot of fun with this. I'm a wordpress user and probably will stay because it has some functionality I can't miss for now. But ofcourse I hope for you this thing works out well. You only need something that can produce static pages now and you'll have a full cms. That would be cool. ;-) And ofcourse I'm curious about the "real magick on the admin side". :-)
  • http://swellit.com/ my minds associates swellit with swallowit but that's probably because I'm a pervert =)
  • http://swellit.com/

    my minds associates swellit with swallowit but that's probably because I'm a pervert =)
    Now that you mention it, swellit does sound a bit dirty. Swell what?
  • What about.. http://thatsswell.com/ I dunno.. I don't like the name as much as Vanilla. It just sounds a bit odd.
  • How about Cinnamon? getcinnamon.com is free. Or Pistachio? Or Camel? (Heh.. The norwegian name for cinnamon is kanel.. So it's not that random).

  • edited December 2005
    Yeah, was thinking it would be cool if he could stick along the same line of flavors/spices for the naming.

    But you'd have to think about the reasoning behind the name. Vanilla got its name because it is a "plain vanilla" forum with few extras (at least that's what I've always assumed). What is this blog software trying to do compared to other software that is out there?
  • www.thatsswell.com is brilliant.
  • Yeah, it is. I'm gonna buy it and hold it hostage for ransom money.

    Lussumo forumers...I want 100 million dollars from you...or....thatsswell gets it!!!!
  • Mark.. Gimmie... NOW!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    www.thatsswell.com is already taken. Believe me, I checked.
  • Needs static pages :D but that's just me :) looking hott!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Static pages will be an extension, for sure.
This discussion has been closed.