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Major Quotations extension update



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    WOW! So quick! The new version works perfect for text, but with smileys there is a problem....

    The Extension quotes the smileys as an HTML code (actually like they are shown in the HTML sourcecode of the page), but it shouldn't. Here an examlple:

    The comment I want to quote is typed in in this way, is also shows up so if I click on the edit button:

    dfgsfgsfg :D :P -> :D and :P are smileys inserted with the Vanillacons extension

    The Quotation-Extension quotes this text on that way:

    [quote][cite]Posted By: uzi[/cite]dfgsfgsfg[img title=:D alt=:D]extensions/Vanillacons/smilies/standard/:D.gif[/img][img title=:P alt=:P]extensions/Vanillacons/smilies/standard/:P.gif[/img][/quote]

    after that the smileys are not shown in the qoute due to the disabled HTML.

    So the quotation should be like that:

    [quote][cite]Posted By: uzi[/cite]dfgsfgsfg :D :P[/quote]

    Then we automatically let the Vanillacons extension convert the smileys and everything works right.

    Any ideas?
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    Try it now :D
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    Yeah! Now it works well with smileys :)
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    sweet! will give it a shot later.. will the new updated quotations work w/ both the html and bbcode at the same time?
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    edited May 2006
    will the new updated quotations work w/ both the html and bbcode at the same time?
    No, because there's no way to know which format markup the user is going to use at the time the quote button is pressed.

    Then again, most forums only have one markup choice, and maybe plain text, so I didn't see it being much of an issue.
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    I uploaded the new version with BBCode and language support.
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    so I installed the new quotation extension and I recieve the following error... when clicking on a thread. Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/answerus/domains/ on line 25 i looked at the code but from what i can tell it looks ok... i wish i had a better grasp on php so i could fix myself... anyone wanna take on a student? hehe
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    edited May 2006
    Hmm, that seems like a problem with the way I'm accessing the language dictionary; I'll have to look at it later.

    EDIT: for now, replace that line with:
    $CommentList .= '<a onmousedown="quote(this);">quote</a>';
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    that worked... what exactly does this do differently that the original code?
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    edited May 2006
    I was trying to read the word "quote" from the dictionary rather than just using a string, but it didn't work for some reason.

    I changed it back for now.
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    blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    Hmm, I get this error everytime I try and view a topic now:
    Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/glosunit/public_html/extensions/Quotations/default.php on line 25
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    see previous page for answer
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    blizeH: redownload the extension :)
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    blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    Worked a treat, thanks jared!

    But will re-download it anyway, if there are any other changes made? :)
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    No just that
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    I think it would be also good to have an option to cut off the quote after some amount of words and also an option, that allows not to show the other quotations within the quotation :-)
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    uzi, not quite the same but: you can highlight the text you want to quote first, then press the quote button. works nicely.
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    edited May 2006
    And as for the other question, when dumpCodeTree() is looping through the child nodes you can force it to ignore other quotes by adding:

    if(tagName == "blockquote") { tagName = ""; }

    That should disable nested quotes.
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    to bergamot: hey, it works :) thanx :)

    to jakob_r: yes, I know, but not all of the users use this function and so, i think, this cut-off option is required :)
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    hmm I don't know why it still isn't working for me, i get this error. Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/.cerebrum/jkantro/ on line 25 i am using the bbcode extension and followed your instructions.
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