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Major Quotations extension update



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    @ Ignicoccus
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    Couple of issues that I'm having: 1. I'm having a problem with smilies (Vanillacons) in quotes - they are not being displayed properly in the quote. You can see an example here: When I hit the quote button, this is the code that is displayed in the comments box: <blockquote><cite>Posted By: dhdesign</cite>Just another post to test the board.<img title=":wink:" alt=":wink:" src="/forum-new/extensions/Vanillacons/smilies/standard/wink.gif"></img><span class="CommentSignature">just a small one-line signature</span></blockquote> In the post preview, the smilie shows up fine. Once I submit the comments however, then it is displayed as in the screenshot linked above. 2. Also, the signature line is being quoted along with the rest of the post. Someone else further up in this discussion mentioned the same problem, but I couldn't find any comments recommending a solution.
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    This quote is not working in vanilla 1 all it shows is the <blockquote><cite>
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    Do you have the HTML formatter turned on/selected?
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    edited August 2006
    ok I figured it out, I didn't click bbcode in the post it was set to text works now
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    is it just me or is quotations extension not working in V 1.0.1 ? ?

    when I click on the quote link nothing happens
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    Could be; it's pretty touchy about DOM structure.
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    would be nice if things were set up in a way where nothing would break ever, the coding structure would be such that nothing would ever interfere with it, yea i'm living in a dream world so sue me ;-)
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    Hey I'd like that too; it'd stop me from having to rewrite the darn thing every time the theme changes a little. If anyone has a suggestion for a better way to write the javascript, to make it more robust, I'd like to hear it. At the moment, I'm about ready to junk the existing code and grab the unformatted text and author name from the server with ajax.

    My first priority, though, is saving the quoted text in a cookie, so you don't have to be on the last page for it to work. Maybe I'll give that a shot tonight.
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    NickENickE New
    edited August 2006
    If I had to write the js, instead of calling quote(this), I'd pass it the comment id and the poster's name (and possibly id, if account links are to be created). Then the js function could both locate the comment body easily with the id CommentBody_[id], and not have to worry about finding the user details.
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    See, that's an excellent idea!

    It's still a little dependent on the theme defining comment body ids, but its a heck of a lot better than spelunking around the DOM tree looking for divs.

    Also, It would make a nice stepping stone in case I feel like doing the Ajax thing later.
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    edited August 2006
    For saving the quote when you are not on the last page you could use $_SESSION[quote]
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    Yeah, but I want to be able to save and load the quoted areas from within the javascript.
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    Forgot it was a javascript thing... make you more angry to rewrite it. Well... I would be.
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    Ok, it's been fixed so that it no longer tries to use fragile DOM voodoo to get the body text. The other stuff will just have to wait until another day.
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    why not just use the example of how other forums set up quotations which always seem to work well
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    Mainly because other forums redirect you to another page to reply, and Vanilla doesn't. That pretty much cuts out any purely server-side solutions.
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    @Bergamot (obviously) OK: first, the praise: nice job. Now, onto the carping:I know you know it quotes Attachments, but that's a default behaviour almost nobody needs. cheers!
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    edited October 2006
    i installed Better BB Code 1.0 and the latest Version Quotations 1.6 but it only shows <blockquote><cite>Posted By: uzi</cite>hallo</blockquote> but not the formatted quotation... :((( i also did the instructions of the readme There is a BBCode replacement script in the Quotations folder. Rename 'quote.js' to 'quote-html.js' and rename 'quote-bbcode.js' to 'quote.js' to use.
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    Maybe you could use this simple script I've developed to handle cookies in javascript:
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