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Where the hell is mini?

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have not seen him around lately. He is ususally commenting on EVERYTHING, or at least in every discussion (at least once).


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yeah. It's been 4 days. What's up with that?
  • He had better not have got himself killed (or seriously injured) in that fancy car of his.
  • Maybe he finally figured out how to work the doorknob and he is lost in the sunshine.. poor guy, we never saw him again.
  • I thought you meant this:

    heh.. but yeah mini has been mia for a bit, hope everythings ok.
  • School? Job? who knows, perhaps he's been abducted!
  • anal-probe :O
  • we miss you mini! I hope it wasn't the probe!
  • I believe in the doorknob theory.
  • I have a doorknob theory, but it has nothing to do with doors.
  • Knobs then?
  • poor mini. a discussion regarding how much he was missed has degenerated into a discussion about doorknobs (or other unspeakables!)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Hey. I googled him and I found this:


    I'm pretty sure that's an oooold picture, but hey. It's him.
  • He has Manga hair!
  • Cool pic! :)
  • it must be old. He can drive now. He must be at least 18-19 or something now. He looks about 14-15 (could even be 13) in that pic.

  • Mark's a stalker.

    And I know 18-20 year olds who look younger than that.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • I checked int0rw3b's IRC room, but it's like 2am there, so nobody was talking.
  • edited April 2006
    And I know 18-20 year olds who look younger than that.

    Do you work/ live near a circus by any chance? There is no way that that photo is of an 18+ year old.
  • Do you work/ live near a circus by any chance?
    No, a college.
    There is no way that that photo is of an 18+ year old.
    Probably, it's just an old photo. The fact that he's using Kazaa backs that up.

    But if a guy who looked like that was in one of my classes, and claimed to be 19, I'd probably believe him.
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