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Where the hell is mini?



  • That reminds me, when the hell do we get a Red Dwarf movie?
  • When Lister leaves Coronation Street. Everytime I see him on screen I start looking out for The Cat, Rimmer or Kryten. I also await the word smeg.
  • edited May 2006
    Well last I'd heard, the actors were all for it, but nobody wanted to fund it. They're getting pretty old, though.
  • If I had the money. I'd fund it. Although I'd make the Kochanski series vanish. They just didn't work for me at all those ones.
  • Schrodinger's cat is not dead.

    *wonders how many people will actually get that* ;)
  • I get it. It's good!
  • the 'not' should be 50% transparent.
    Although I'd make the Kochanski series vanish. They just didn't work for me at all those ones.
    Ok, but you have to admit that New Kochanski >>>>> Old Kochanski
  • Mash (tv series) was horrible, so bad, I cant even think of anything to say.
  • Krak, you're dead to me.
  • New Kochanski >>>>> Old Kochanski


    Claire Grogan will always have a special place in my heart
  • I don't/ didn't like MASH either!
  • I never actually watched MASH that much, few episodes here and there so I don't have a clear opinion formed, but I don't think that it is so good as people make it out to be. I reserve my judgement till I see something very funny. Red Dwarf is absolutely the most awful tv shows and I would be glad to see the people who came up with it burn in chlorine, that would be most enjoyable, most enjoyable.
  • Red Dwarf is absolutely the most awful tv shows and I would be glad to see the people who came up with it burn in chlorine, that would be most enjoyable, most enjoyable.
    Yes indeed, I've seen it once or twice. Very low budget (at least I hope, from what I've seen of the sets), and I didn't find it that funny at all.
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