[Donations: $1650] Mac Book for Mark! (WE DID IT)



  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited May 2006
    WooHoo. We're up to $204!

    My new VAIO is broken. If I hit the a key with any sort of weight, it does this: aa\/sa\b.ak.ak.

    Not always those characters, but some messed up stuff comes on screen. It also does wierd things like moves to different lines, and when I did it on this screen it pulled up a "Save web page as" dialogue. It's super annoying. The thing is - it is under warranty, but there aren't any service centers near me. I'd have to send it out to another city and I'd be without it for at least 10 business days. Which I just cannot do. But if I had another computer to work on .... :)

    Plus, it would be really nice to be able to easily test all of the Lussumo stuff on an apple. If it's as nice as everyone says they are, I might make it my main development machine.
  • edited May 2006
    @Mark: look for a donation in the next 2-3 days :-) from me. Anywho, I think this is great that people are doing this. As far as using a Mac for web development and just development for say for Mac applications, it is truly awesome. Everything is cleaner, easier, and more functional (can't really explain this, but it just is) than it would on a PC. I am no web developer i.e my site ( http://jonkantro.com ), but I do project manage and develop a native Soulseek client for Mac, SolarSeek ( http://solarseek.sourceforge.net ) and the development environment and developing it is a great and fun experience (different strokes for different folks). NOTE: I am no Mac fanboi, just a developer and Mac convert who loves the platform (if that makes sense).
  • There you go .. $50 CAD for you :) The least I could do for you.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Thanks Peter!
  • Not a prob :D
  • edited May 2006
    I just sent $30 CAD.

    And hey, even if you don't get all the way up to the price of a macbook, it'll at least make it a heck of a lot cheaper :D
  • edited May 2006
    navitron you cunt. i forgot i got 15% student discount. That makes this laptop look like a slightly worse choice :( I still love it though. Maybe I'll get a mac next time. Mark i'll buy you the macbook if you give me your vaio (fixed, that is)? Or there's $100 donation in if you get mini vanilli going again? :D
  • Ahahahahaha

    Just what he needs: feature-dependant donations.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Well, donation or not, I will be making the mini vanilli theme again. I want to use it for one of my side projects. So feel free to donate $100. Hell, donate $200 if you want, I don't mind.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    And thanks Bergamot!!
  • This is going up pretty fast. Excellent :D
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭


  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    I'll donate another $10 if someone can fix the fact that my icon doesn't display correctly on a mac.
  • It's because you're not using The One True Mac Browser.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    Happens on the true one mac browser as well!
  • It does. I can confirm.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    {If I bump the browser text size up a notch, it doesn't happen}
  • BenBen
    edited May 2006
    Could be a line-height issue? So the extra text size increases the space the Account Icon div has to expand into?
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    Hmm we should continue this on a new thread I think, so as not to hijack this one...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    3stripe - I already told you it has to do with the different ways that PC and Mac machines render font sizes. It will just take some extra padding on the stylesheet for the icon. Gee - this would be a lot easier to rectify if I had a mac to test on... ;)
This discussion has been closed.