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Unpleasant effect in Internet Explorer



  • no disrespect guys, but chatting about this in spanish is about as much use as a chocolate teapot for other users, especially those who face similar issues. Either take it private or publish english versions too.

    Its lookin more like a script for antonio banderas than vanilla help

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • ClisterClister New
    edited March 2013

    You're right, I'm short, the problem with my forum is for sizes, now it works fine in all browsers, thanks to the solution before raised by vrijvlinder but now the problem is in registered users, clicking on a forum post is going down, but on this occasion only happens in Google Chrome, the same problem I had before in Internet explorer.
    The companion vrijvlinder and I believe that the problem is in the textbox where you write the answers, that is the only thing that changes when you login, you get the textbox and we believe that is what distorts the size of the forum.
    I hope you understand: S

  • edited March 2013

    Que version de chrome tiene? Baje la ultima version. Algunas medidas con porcentajes causa problemas en ciertas versiones de CHROME

    "Chrome sets a minimum resize value to whatever the height is. "

    Tiene que poner en la altura de el embed en donde dice style y agregar min-height:1000px para que no lo mueva como quiera. Por lo menos eso es lo que estoy leyendo sobre los problemas que tiene ese navegador. No le gusta porcentajes y no le gusta height:auto

    What version of chrome are you? Download the latest version. Some measures with percentages cause problems in certain versions of Chrome

    "Chrome resize sets a minimum value to whatever the height is."

    You need to put in the height of the embed where it says style and add min-height: 1000px to not move as you want. At least that's what I'm reading about the problems with that browser. dislikes percentages and height: auto

  • Its lookin more like a script for antonio banderas than vanilla help

    I bet you Antonio does not know the difference between body and #Body lmao !!

    but chatting about this in spanish is about as much use as a chocolate teapot for other users,

    I don't get that to me it sounds sweet , a teapot of chocolate hmmmm, sorry got carried away, trying to explain so they can faster resolve the issue. I did not think people would be still interested.

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    I bet you Antonio does not know the difference between body and #Body lmao !!

    Actually, he made a movie called The Body, perhaps he has some experience.

  • and he made a right HASH of it !

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • if it was a left hash - he would have got it right.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    Que version de chrome tiene? Baje la ultima version. Algunas medidas con porcentajes causa problemas en ciertas versiones de CHROME

    "Chrome sets a minimum resize value to whatever the height is. "

    Tiene que poner en la altura de el embed en donde dice style y agregar min-height:1000px para que no lo mueva como quiera. Por lo menos eso es lo que estoy leyendo sobre los problemas que tiene ese navegador. No le gusta porcentajes y no le gusta height:auto

    What version of chrome are you? Download the latest version. Some measures with percentages cause problems in certain versions of Chrome

    "Chrome resize sets a minimum value to whatever the height is."

    You need to put in the height of the embed where it says style and add min-height: 1000px to not move as you want. At least that's what I'm reading about the problems with that browser. dislikes percentages and height: auto

    A ver si lo entiendo, entonces en el código del iframe debo de desactivar todos los porcentajes y poner px? y en vez de height poner min-height no?

    Tengo la última versión del Chrome.

    Let's see if I understand, then I iframe code to disable all the percentages and put px? and instead of putting height min-height not?

  • Lo del iframe no va a valer porque los mensajes me los corta cuando hay dos o tres post seguidos, lo acabo de probar. He probado también varias medidas y no hay manera de adaptarlo. ¿Cómo se modifican las medidas del código javascript?

    What the iframe will not be worth it to me short messages when there are two or three consecutive post, I just try. I have also tried various measures and no way to adapt.

  • edited March 2013

    Las medidas se las pones todas,ara cubrir lo que necesita cada navegador, no desactivar los porcentajes las medidas de iframe se quedan como las dejamos pues funciona en todo menos chrome. Las medidas de la caja de texto se cambian en el custom.css del tema. En el custom.css metemos el codigo para hacer la caja del texto mas chica o algo mas grande. Yo trate de ver que me ocurriera a mi use todos los navegadores y no me sucede . Es posible que no va a pasar con toda la gente.

    Creo que lo mejor para hacer es dejarlo lo mejor que se pueda. Si ya se hizo bolas , empezar de nuevo no pasa nada.

    No need to shorten anything , the important part is to fix it the best way possible. I could not replicate the problem. But if it has gotten too mixed up start all over trying to fix the sizes. Now you know more about where they are.

    Can you try installing cleditor plugin to see what happens?

  • edited March 2013

    @businessdad said:
    Actually, he made a movie called The Body, perhaps he has some experience.

    Yea with the Body, not the #Body lol although his Body is now # so that could clue him in...

  • The problem is that the iframe cuts my forum when multiple messages at a time or a very long message, I speak up. The javascript at least fits all and never cut the forum. That's the problem vrijvlinder. :S

  • When you say iframe do you mean the forum iframe or the form iframe?

  • El formato para embeber el foro en la web, con el código < iframe>

    The format for embedding in web forum with code



  • edited March 2013

    Ok so how about moving the form down?

    first change this in the singlecolumn.css

    #content {
    margin: 40px 10px 0 !important;
    position: relative;

    change or add this in the custom.css

    div.messageform {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 40px auto;
  • edited March 2013

    El formato para embeber el foro en la web, con el código < iframe>

    ese tamaño ya quedo no? me dices que es la forma de el textbox que se mueve para arriba? The point is in order to fix this for all browsers you will have to adjust everything that causes a problem . It is a cascading effect, you move or change size of something it may affcet another element. You go from element to element until you fix the whole thing problem . I know it is tedious but that is how it is. There is no magic code to fix it all :(

  • El problema es el foro entero, que al contener un post tres o cuatro mensajes sale cortado. Acabo de probarlo nuevamente y me lo corta. :/

    O sea que es inviable el iframe, porque cuando se sale de las medidas el foro se corta y se pierde el contenido que queda fuera. Si hubiese alguna forma para que no se cortase, sí sería viable.

    The problem is the entire board, that contain three or four messages post cut out. I try again and I cut it. :/

    So it's impossible the iframe, because when it comes out of the measures is short and forum content is lost that is outside. If there was some way to not cut off, they would be viable.

  • El problema es este código:

    < iframe id="vanilla77697" name="vanilla77697" src="" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" border="0" width="100%" height="1000" style="width: 100%; height: 600px; border: 0px; display: block; " >< /iframe >

    Hay alguna manera de modificar las medidas del foro con el código javascript?

  • el iframe es el contenedor puede hacerlo mas grande o mas largo pero eso no afecta lo de adentro. solo si es mas pequeño que el contenido.

    Para arreglar esto se tiene que ajustar lo de adentro del iframe. Trate esto ok?

    #Body {
    margin: 0;
    width: 99.9%;
    position: relative;
    max-width: 600px;
    max-height: 1000px;
    height: auto;
    #Content {
    width: auto;
    margin: 0 260px 0 0;
    max-width: 600px;
  • ¿Dónde pongo ese código? ¿en el css del foro? ¿en el plugin embebed?

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