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Unpleasant effect in Internet Explorer



  • mejor in en el css del foro

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • ¿en el css del foro?

    Si en el custom.css es en el que hay que cambiar las cosas ...

  • Voy a probarlo, ahora os cuento.

  • edited March 2013

    ok tener que cambiar algo por que al ponerle max-width se hace muy chico entonces añadir width:98%

    #content {
    float: left;
    width: 98%;
    margin: 0 260px 0 0;
    max-width: 600px;
  • Ahora sobresale por el lado :S

  • Ahora no sobresale por el lado pero sigue cortándose por debajo y al entrar en algún post sale cortado el post según la longitud, entra en el post YA ERA HORA DE PONER UN FORO y verás lo que te digo. O intenta poner un post muy largo con mucho texto y se perderá hacia abajo. También sigue el mismo problema de los usuarios registrados, que hace el efecto desagradable que hacía antes en explorer.

    Now does not protrude from the side but still cutting her down and goes into a post post cut to length, enters the post it was time to put a forum and you'll see what I mean. Or try to put a very long post with lots of text and will miss down. It also follows the same issue of registered users, which makes the unpleasant effect in explorer did before.

  • ok I don't know what you did but I noticed that the iframe is not the right size again.
    Try this: make sure you remove the space I put between the ,< > if you copy this

     < iframe id="vanilla77697" name="vanilla77697" src="" scrolling="yes" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" border="0" width="100%" height="1000" style="width: 100%; max-height:1500px;overflow:auto!important; border: 0px; display: block;" >< /iframe >
  • Ahora sale un scrollbar en el lateral de los post largos, que cosa más rara. Y sigue teniendo el problema en Chrome de bajarse hacia abajo la pagina. ¿No habría manera de que el iframe fuese elástico y se adaptase a la tabla donde está metido el foro?

    Now get a scrollbar on the side of the long post, that strange thing. And still having the problem in Chrome down off the page.

  • cambiar los valores del iframe a 100% por 100% haber si se arregla. quitar el scrolling yes y poner no . Por eso no vale la pena arreglar las cosas para Internet Explorer porque entonces los otros no jalan. Creo que yo escogeria que jale con FF y chrome porque tambien jala con safari. A mi no me aparece ese problema y no puedo hacer que suceda. Para mi toda funciona bien en todos los navegadores. educar a la gente a usar un navegador que sea mejor. You just have to adjust it until it works. Play with the values until you find the right combination.

    Use Firebug browser extension to inspect elements on your page. It is the fastest easiest way to see the changes as you make them.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited March 2013


    and I quote the "activity badge fortune cookies"

    Getting this far requires gumption, something you have in spades.

    You''ll be an MVP in no time :).

    Also - you deserve the longest conversation en espanol badge.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • ClisterClister New
    edited March 2013

    Lo dejaré asi por un tiempo. Pasado un tiempo volveré a preguntar en el foro por esta duda, a ver si ha salido algo nuevo para solucionarla. Muchas gracias vrijvlinder ¿Podrías editar los mensajes que salgan la url de mi web? No quiero que se vea la url de mi web desde el exterior. Miles de gracias ...... eres el mejor, te has volcado mucho para ayudarme.

    I'll leave it for a while. After some time I will ask in the forum for this question, to see if something new has come to solve it. Thank you very much vrijvlinder Could you edit the messages you leave the url of my website? I do not want to display the url of my website from the outside. Many thanks ...... you're the best, you have to dump much help.

  • it would have been easier and quicker to drive to spain and do it in person lol, plus you could have got me some duty free booze !

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • hahahahaha thank you all, you're great!

  • Can not you edit posts? With whom would you talk about? I want to remove my site url of this forum, but nothing serious and no one sees it from the outside, if not too much to ask. Thank you.

  • you can edit posts but they have a timer, maybe @UnderDog could be kind enough to remove the url to your site.

  • @peregrine said:

    and I quote the "activity badge fortune cookies"

    Getting this far requires gumption, something you have in spades.

    You''ll be an MVP in no time :).

    Also - you deserve the longest conversation en espanol badge.

    ay caramba yes indeed !

    That would be bilingual , longest bilingual conversation. I deserve muchos muchos ojitos !! lol

    You''ll be an MVP in no time :)

    I already am ! MexicanVanillaPlayer lmao!

  • Thanks for everything, I just communicate. You deserve eyes, hearts and even a beach house in Spain hahahaha. back with more questions soon, do not forget.

  • I like my heart cooked on skewers over charcoal, with a nice marinade.

    Never tried eyes.

    grep is your friend.

  • .> @x00 said:

    I like my heart cooked on skewers over charcoal, with a nice marinade.

    That would not come out very nice, I'm afraid. The heart's fibers are too elastic, it's not suitable for grilling. Cut in strips and quickly stir fried with garlic and rosemary gives an excellent result, but it has to be eaten hot, when it gets cold it becomes like rubber.
    Note: I'm not joking, the above is the way I cook beef heart. :)

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