It could be that there is a monopoly, but presumably the want more customers. Carlos Slim has got very rich off telecoms. But did he get very rich form high price? not so sure. Probably pushed the margins, but he still wants customers.
Son it is a question of capacity too.
Internet bring economic development so it is a catch 22 if it is limited by high price, advertising doesn’t pay for the internet, it might pay for individual sites.
I think the reall reason is the local internet companies a paying a high price to use expensive satellite relays.
@peregrine said:how much is monthly cost for high speed in your neck of the woods?
I think the Queen foots the bill no? except for parts of Ireland ?
You need infrastructure and infrastructure costs.
That is the biggest excuse they use, when will the infrastructure get finished?
Funny you Mention Slim he is the richest man on earth here in Mexico and still lives in the same house he grew up in or since he married. He is not a spendthrift unlike his sons, that I met in the past. In Mexico they give away computers, the telephone company. The cell calls, one does not pay for incoming calls. Technical support is free 24 hours. If you have home internet you can use the wifi network by just logging into it. Even though the price for high speed is high for Mexico, they make up with other things. In the the USA , they just bleed you.
The internet is made up of different communication channels linked together. Nobody is forcing anyone to build them.
www != internet
I could give an economics lecture, but it is linked to living cost and disposable income. You do not have the same pricing strategies as in the US. It is not always possible to do that. Your free support is paid for by the US market paying for support in Mexican call centres.
@x00, I know I pay for incoming calls on my cell phone. That and text messages really bothers me. If someone sends me one, and I don't even open it, I still get charged for it!
It is definitely the culture. Luckily you can make it work if you don't mind bucking the trend. In my example, every telecom is required to offer text message blocking for free.
The trend is that banks still charge for using an ATM but will refund you if asked. Some banks will even refund you automatically. It is weird. Not something I like.
Hey @vrijvlinder this is really nice! This comunity start to run in a great way! And @Peregrine, soon i talk with you in PM. I start soon a big professional project. Where'll bet for Vanilla in my forum comunity, obviusly soon i need some addons and themes custom supports.
@x00 said:
who pays for incoming calls? This is pretty rare I think.
be careful about just logging to unsecured wifi, you don't know who set up the network. It is pretty easy to spoof a network.
Actually the caller pays for the call. Calling cell numbers from a land line costs a bit more. But calling another cell on the same network is free for the first 5 minutes. And to often called numbers is free based on the package you purchase.
The network that you log in is supposed o be secure because it requests password and id from provider. There are very few open wifi networks most require a password. It is people who don'y know to secure it that leave it ope and you can get on, but it is risky of course.
I also agree that getting unwanted messages and getting charged for them is fraud.
I understand that when something is new like cellular and it is emerging, that it costs to build. However don't let the third world status here fool you, some tech development is more advanced here than in the USA.
I understand that when something is new like cellular and it is emerging, that it costs to build. However don't let the third world status here fool you, some tech development is more advanced here than in the USA.
The infrastructure of many things in many countries is better than the US. (Just look at the health care system in US .
Some get to start it from scratch and don't have to go through the upgrade process, and some regions are geographically smaller, and some don't have the powerful lobbyists that manipulate infrastructure for their own ends and means.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yes indeed , people from elsewhere who go to the USA and had some wrong notion that it was the land of innovation soon realizes it is very behind. Specially when it comes to social medicine.
If it was not for the Political power, the USA would be a second class country. And if it continues to outsource jobs, it will soon become a third world from poverty of the middle class....
Oh yes sure I agree, the inflationary state we are living in is not great.
However people also don't accept political realities. If you have a country with quite a small population, but ample an liquid resources, it is going to have a higher standard of living than those that don't. These are the lucky ones.
You have to have spectacularly bad polices to mess that up.
That is why I think we often give ourself far too much credit that we deserve, we are far to idealistic.
The reality for China, Mexico, Brazil, India, is industrial revolutions are finite. I hate to break to you there is no evidence that they endure, and every evidence that they eventually decline. No answer to that, I think it will be interesting to find out what happens where there is total world stagnation, does the situation reset? Who is going to be producing, because we still need stuff, and for what cost.
As standard start going up, expectation get higher, less get produced, everything get more expensive.
The opposite side of inflation is poor countries, where it is really difficult to get things done.
That is very true, I can see it already and it is spelling disaster. Mexico was the leader in manufacturing for cheap then the chinese offered even cheaper, it started to create problems with the economy because mexican goods were being undersold due to the cheap chinese goods entering the country, so they placed a 500% import tax on certain goods from china , like textiles and shoes and many others, to prevent the industry here from collapsing. That did not last because people here started to have the stuff made in china as well. At this point the view is grim if this continues. The only mexican made goods left are the arts and crafts. The cultural stuff, which some of it is also now being made in china.
China will become the power, solely because they make all the goods and can control the global markets. Amazing !! And they are still communist and still have terrible conditions for workers and the poor. People don't think of it when they buy made in china...
On the other hand it is IT time here in Mexico. It is like it was in the early 90's with the dot com, except this time people have more choices and know what is going on.
There are competitions here to make apps and win millions.
It seems the mobile app market is bigger here. People have smartphone before having a computer, they learned about computers through the similar functions of their smartphone. So it makes sense that it would be more popular.
how much is monthly cost for high speed in your neck of the woods?
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
You need infrastructure and infrastructure costs.
It could be that there is a monopoly, but presumably the want more customers. Carlos Slim has got very rich off telecoms. But did he get very rich form high price? not so sure. Probably pushed the margins, but he still wants customers.
Son it is a question of capacity too.
Internet bring economic development so it is a catch 22 if it is limited by high price, advertising doesn’t pay for the internet, it might pay for individual sites.
I think the reall reason is the local internet companies a paying a high price to use expensive satellite relays.
grep is your friend.
I think the Queen foots the bill no? except for parts of Ireland ?
That is the biggest excuse they use, when will the infrastructure get finished?
Funny you Mention Slim he is the richest man on earth here in Mexico and still lives in the same house he grew up in or since he married. He is not a spendthrift unlike his sons, that I met in the past. In Mexico they give away computers, the telephone company. The cell calls, one does not pay for incoming calls. Technical support is free 24 hours. If you have home internet you can use the wifi network by just logging into it. Even though the price for high speed is high for Mexico, they make up with other things. In the the USA , they just bleed you.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
Onlookers ~
The internet is made up of different communication channels linked together. Nobody is forcing anyone to build them.
www != internet
I could give an economics lecture, but it is linked to living cost and disposable income. You do not have the same pricing strategies as in the US. It is not always possible to do that. Your free support is paid for by the US market paying for support in Mexican call centres.
Mexico is in emergence. Like China and Brazil.
grep is your friend.
who pays for incoming calls? This is pretty rare I think.
be careful about just logging to unsecured wifi, you don't know who set up the network. It is pretty easy to spoof a network.
grep is your friend.
@x00, I know I pay for incoming calls on my cell phone. That and text messages really bothers me. If someone sends me one, and I don't even open it, I still get charged for it!
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lol you are being had!
There are some cultural practices too.
Do you pay to take money out of a bank ATM?
grep is your friend.
Other than rental I rarely pay anything for calls, becuase I don't make enough to be charged.
grep is your friend.
It is definitely the culture. Luckily you can make it work if you don't mind bucking the trend. In my example, every telecom is required to offer text message blocking for free.
The trend is that banks still charge for using an ATM but will refund you if asked. Some banks will even refund you automatically. It is weird. Not something I like.
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Hey @vrijvlinder this is really nice! This comunity start to run in a great way! And @Peregrine, soon i talk with you in PM. I start soon a big professional project. Where'll bet for Vanilla in my forum comunity, obviusly soon i need some addons and themes custom supports.
I dont care about donations soon
refund you if you bank with them?
In the UK the only ones that charge are the crappy standalone ones, inside, some shops, bars and clubs, or in remoter places.
grep is your friend.
@x00 My bank refunds any ATM fees I get charged anywhere in the US. Doesn't really fix the core problem, but I don't have to worry about it.
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So... This thread became from a thank you, to a dictatorship. Whos running this thread?
the dictator of course
. Do you have official clearance from the dictator?
If a thread isn't hijacked, it aint a thread worth readin'
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Actually the caller pays for the call. Calling cell numbers from a land line costs a bit more. But calling another cell on the same network is free for the first 5 minutes. And to often called numbers is free based on the package you purchase.
The network that you log in is supposed o be secure because it requests password and id from provider. There are very few open wifi networks most require a password. It is people who don'y know to secure it that leave it ope and you can get on, but it is risky of course.
I also agree that getting unwanted messages and getting charged for them is fraud.
I understand that when something is new like cellular and it is emerging, that it costs to build. However don't let the third world status here fool you, some tech development is more advanced here than in the USA.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
The infrastructure of many things in many countries is better than the US. (Just look at the health care system in US
Some get to start it from scratch and don't have to go through the upgrade process, and some regions are geographically smaller, and some don't have the powerful lobbyists that manipulate infrastructure for their own ends and means.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yes indeed , people from elsewhere who go to the USA and had some wrong notion that it was the land of innovation soon realizes it is very behind. Specially when it comes to social medicine.
If it was not for the Political power, the USA would be a second class country. And if it continues to outsource jobs, it will soon become a third world from poverty of the middle class....
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
Oh yes sure I agree, the inflationary state we are living in is not great.
However people also don't accept political realities. If you have a country with quite a small population, but ample an liquid resources, it is going to have a higher standard of living than those that don't. These are the lucky ones.
You have to have spectacularly bad polices to mess that up.
That is why I think we often give ourself far too much credit that we deserve, we are far to idealistic.
The reality for China, Mexico, Brazil, India, is industrial revolutions are finite. I hate to break to you there is no evidence that they endure, and every evidence that they eventually decline. No answer to that, I think it will be interesting to find out what happens where there is total world stagnation, does the situation reset? Who is going to be producing, because we still need stuff, and for what cost.
As standard start going up, expectation get higher, less get produced, everything get more expensive.
The opposite side of inflation is poor countries, where it is really difficult to get things done.
grep is your friend.
That is very true, I can see it already and it is spelling disaster. Mexico was the leader in manufacturing for cheap then the chinese offered even cheaper, it started to create problems with the economy because mexican goods were being undersold due to the cheap chinese goods entering the country, so they placed a 500% import tax on certain goods from china , like textiles and shoes and many others, to prevent the industry here from collapsing. That did not last because people here started to have the stuff made in china as well. At this point the view is grim if this continues. The only mexican made goods left are the arts and crafts. The cultural stuff, which some of it is also now being made in china.
China will become the power, solely because they make all the goods and can control the global markets. Amazing !! And they are still communist and still have terrible conditions for workers and the poor. People don't think of it when they buy made in china...
On the other hand it is IT time here in Mexico. It is like it was in the early 90's with the dot com, except this time people have more choices and know what is going on.
There are competitions here to make apps and win millions.éxico/posts/XTdz1ydWSMJ
It seems the mobile app market is bigger here. People have smartphone before having a computer, they learned about computers through the similar functions of their smartphone. So it makes sense that it would be more popular.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌