


  • SrggamerSrggamer ✭✭✭

    Of course I am the dictator, though my slaves are erm... A bit of a democracy to me.

  • @vrijvlinder APP Mobile is the new tecnology market and the most expansive indrustry now. So much Companys want app's and Facebooks games only for virals public tactics.

    Ehmm i love my english <3

  • SrggamerSrggamer ✭✭✭

    @Konquet said:
    vrijvlinder APP Mobile is the new tecnology market and the most expansive indrustry now. So much Companys want app's and Facebooks games only for virals public tactics.

    Ehmm i love my english <3

    You dont say? But yes I agree with you.

  • edited April 2013

    @x00 said:
    Other than rental I rarely pay anything , becuase I don't make enough to be charged.

    I am going to use this if I ever get audited

    Do you pay to take money out of a bank ATM?

    It is yet another money bleeder, but that is nothing, in Mexico if you deposit more than 10k pesos equals almost 1k dollars, you must pay a surcharge on that cash if you want to wash your money at the bank ....

    Yep an idea by the ever so profitable war on drugs and cartels and money washing. Made In the USA

  • Why would you wash you money at the bank, are saying it is like a bribe?

    If you want to wash money, then you use a cash business, or lot of nobodies to make transactions for you. Or in a cash economy you can just stash it away somewhere.

    Anyway I agree with you on the war on drugs.

    Personalty I think if governments bought heroin, and cocaine, directly off poor farmers, even if they didn't do anything with it, they would waste less money than the war on drugs.

    But they could also give it to addict in a controlled safer way, which would reduce addiction based crime. But it would be better still because they would know something about them, and could help wean them off drug dependence.

    This would undercut the cartels, and no doubt they would kick off, because they have profited precisely because it is illegal (I believe one of the cartel founders was involved in rum smuggling during prohibition). However if they addicts aren't buying from them, their market is gone.

    Also informed that heroin substitutes like methadone are even worse than (pure) heroin, lot of heroin addict have a methadone addiction, and it is even harder to get off.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00

    If you want to wash money, then you use a cash business, or lot of nobodies to make transactions for you. Or in a cash economy you can just stash it away somewhere.

    Well according to the Banks/government ,the reason for charging a percentage of what you deposit is to collect taxes from those who run a cash business like those who sell oranges on the street or chiclets.

    It is highly unsafe to stash money in the home. If people learn you have money stashed , that's the end of your stash.

    These people obviously don't make enough to need to pay taxes. But since it is not known how much they make, it is a flat rate for every 1000 dollars .

    The ones who don't use banks are the cartels, they are a bank in a way. They spend money on poor towns build schools and feed people in exchange for safehousing etc.

    This is a huge problem that is too late to fight. It is no longer about drugs, since that was an excuse like terrorism to get away with illegal search and seizures .Eminent domain type activity by the governments.

    I believe they should adopt Holland's success at curtailing the use and sales of hard narcotics by legalizing the use of canabinoid plants.

    The only problem they continue to have is alcoholism .

    I think legalizing it all and controlling the sales is the only option. Using the taxes to help those who want off the drugs.

    Don't forget about legal drugs abuse and dependency . Things don't need to be illegal to create addiction. The root of the problem is a personal story of the individual and their reasons to do drugs. Poverty, despair, illness, unemployment , abuse.

  • go to offtopics! And stop invade my support forum! hahaha

  • Hey the thread is called vrijvlinder, that makes it mine :)

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    Hey the thread is called vrijvlinder, that makes it mine :)


  • SrggamerSrggamer ✭✭✭

    @vrijvlinder said:
    Hey the thread is called vrijvlinder, that makes it mine :)

    Yes, well it is. Don't you feel the love?

  • I do and I appreciate it very much and send love back your way !! just don't ask me to marry you I already have one standing offer from Konquet, just waiting to see if he can get the million bucks down payment :)

  • You need more maybe @vrijvlinder ?? :D

  • SrggamerSrggamer ✭✭✭

    @Konquet said:

    You need more maybe vrijvlinder ?? :D

    @konquet we agreed no black money.

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    I think the Queen foots the bill no? except for parts of Ireland ?

    I'm afraid not, especially not in Ireland, where "UK" is almost considered a swearword, in some areas. :D

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited April 2013

    @businessdad said:
    I'm afraid not, especially not in Ireland, where "UK" is almost considered a swearword, in some areas. :D

    This sound like someone who hasn't been to the Republic recently. UK-Ireland relations have never been better. It is considered a swearword in very few places, Irish are very hospitable, and the Irish have long come over to the UK and we get on quite well.

    The Republic has it own stuff to deal that that NI, and its position is near identical as ours, we are committed to peace. It is not laying claim to anything, if you think that, you have misunderstood the nature the conflict in NI and is relationship between in and the UK and Ireland.

    Sinn Fein is a minority party in Ireland. Irish Garda arrest dissident Republicans terrorists as they would Unionist terrorists, and not as a token measure.

    It may surprise you but Irish citizen are eligible to become a UK member's of parliament, this is an old law that hasn't been revoked. Although it is unlikely to be used, it has to stay in place for the time being.

    For those that don't understand the conflict in NI. it is much more about the groups the are in NI than outside. There is no compelling economic argument for unification with either the UK or Ireland. Me personally I think the best and inevitable solution is that NI should be an independent country.

    I'm just waiting for the older generation to die, therefore there wouldn't be such entrenched views on each side. Majority of people in NI Ireland just want to get on with things. there just happens to be deprived Protestant and Catholic areas, which causes tensions still.

    The fact is Ulster Scots lived side by side their Catholic counterparts for yonks. Oliver Cromwell screwed things up, can't really do much about that now.

    But they have just as much an identity in NI, as the the Catholics do.

    As an aside the Roman called Ireland Little Britain becuase it was the same tribe on either side. St Patrick was Welsh after all.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 said:
    This sound like someone who hasn't been to the Republic recently. UK-Ireland relations have never been better. It is considered a swearword in very few places, Irish are very hospitable, and the Irish have long come over to the UK and we get on quite well.

    I'm afraid I've been unclear: I was being ironic (although the smiley at the end of the sentence might not explain it very well).

    I know that the relationship between UK and Ireland is good, I've been living in the green Republic for years now. :)

  • I didn't really get it.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 said:
    I didn't really get it.

    As an ignorant American, I won't ever get it. ;)

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  • @x00 said:
    I didn't really get it.

    I noticed that, sorry for the confusion. I didn't mean to offend anybody, apologies if I did.

    I must say, though, that there are still some stubborn ones, in the Republic. One of the first Irish I met when I arrived, my first boss, asked me what I knew about Northern Ireland. When I told her that I knew that was an area of the island which is part of the UK, she scolded me, saying that "it's feckin' Ireland". That day I learnt the meaning of the word "feckin'" and to avoid any hint of political discussions in the office.

  • "it's feckin' Ireland".

    That reminds me of a very funny sitcom, Father John no?

    About some priests , has got to be the funniest show I have ever seen !!

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