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Forum Statistics 0.2



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    The two errors on "unlink" and "chmod" are because the webserver program doesn't have permission to do those operations. This could be because you're using PHP safemode? Alternatively, you may need to change the ownership of those files to match the webserver (e.g. www-data.www-data instead of debono.users, but you have to check). Either way, as long as the permissions are manually correct (as they appear to be), you can just comment out those probably works just fine without them.
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    it'l work fine but it probably isnt cacheing the details correctly which results in a heavier mysql load.
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    edited August 2006
    That was my problem exactly! The stats do seem to be working but I still get the same errors when I hit the Modify button.

    I was able to set all permissions in my control panel to allow (hopefully this won't cause problems other places??) but never did find anything related to CHMOD anywhere in my control panel. I just assumed it referred to permissions since I really don't know what CHMOD means (or does).
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    chmod refers to the linux/unix command for changing file permissions, so you've already found it in your control panel. Which errors exactly do you get when you choose "Modify"? Is it these:

    Warning: unlink(/usr/www/users/debono/forum/extensions/Statistics/ Permission denied in /forum/extensions/Statistics/default.php on line 59 Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /forum/extensions/Statistics/default.php on line 63

    It sure seems to me like it's actually saving the file without any problem...otherwise we'd see an error on line 60. If so, then it's just failing to delete the file (on line 59) and then change the permission (on line 63). If I were you, I'd comment out lines 59 and 63, like so (note the double-forward slash...//):

    //if(file_exists($this->Context->Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH']."Statistics/")) unlink($this->Context->Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH']."Statistics/"); $link = fopen($this->Context->Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH']."Statistics/", "w"); fwrite($link, $this->StatisticsFile); fclose($link); //chmod($this->Context->Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH']."Statistics/", 0660); unset($this->StatisticsFile);

    See if that fixes it. In particular, see if the file changes after a new post. If so, then it's working.
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    That's exactly what I did jonathanve see here...

    Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in forum/extensions/Statistics/default.php on line 28
    The above error on previewing a new comment.
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    Wow...that's a weird one. That doesn't seem to be the result of the suggested change...line 28 is way before and very much unrelated. Are you sure you're using the latest version of Vanilla?
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     Quote: jonathanve  Are you sure you're using the latest version of Vanilla?
    Yes unless someone slipped me an imposter!
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    Alright, I see what you're saying. You've hit a genuine bug between the statistics plugin and the preview post plugin. Here's a link to an updated version:

    This version has both the permissions issue and the recent bug fixed (hopefully).
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    edited August 2006
    wow, i didn't know there were so many problems with it!!! Looking at the great responce to this extension, and how many people have downloaded it, i'll make a newer version once i get the time for it. @jonathanve - Thanks for the fixup, i'll update it now.
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     Quote: jonathanve  This version has both the permissions issue and the recent bug fixed (hopefully).

    Thank you, all fixed, working beautifully.
    I changed it so it displays on the categories page instead of discussions, more room for it there.

    Thanks again.
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    the statistics extension doesn't appear on index if you have the show categories page first extension enabled, it only seems to work if you have the default page disucsssions, if you have the category first it will display only when you click on a discussion is there anway to keep the stats on even if we have categories first ?
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    Open up the default.php file in the statistics folder, find the bit which says something like
    in_array($Context-SelfUrl, 'index.php'); or whatever, and add ,'categories.php' into that bracket.
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    I only see this if ($Context->SelfUrl == "index.php") { when I try to add ,'categories.php' only a blank page appears, I also tried it with " " and same thing
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    change that line to
    if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl('index.php','categories.php'))) {

    Should work i think.
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    edited September 2006
    virtually deleted ;-)
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    Sorry. I'm trying to do stuff from memory here. Replace the if statement with:
    if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("account.php", "categories.php", "comments.php", "index.php", "search.php"))) {
    (you can remove any of those pages you dont want it on) and it should definitely work!
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    edited September 2006
    virtually deleted ;-)
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    ever since I did a new install of vanilla the statistics extension has had some major issues, no doubt some of the permissions issues described up top but have not found any solution, I downloaded that updated fix but now it own't even show up in the extension list, that is the only extension i'm having trouble with
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