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Website + vanilla forum integrated Auto-login (Jsconnect or proxyConnect) ?

Hey guy's i am really new with vanilla and i need some help if anyone can help me.
I am just gonna tell you all the details so you understand my "prooject" and could give me some advice what i sould do.

  • I have a website with Jbose & Seam. (with a login Form and a databank in the back)
    - From the xhtml page "Forum" i call the iFrame version of vanilla into my project.
    -I downloaded Vanilla install create DB, upload intall plugins and edit all the .CSS for my likeing (everithing works fine)

My "Problem" & Question:- What should i use to auto-login into vanilla forum JsConnect or ProxyConnect ? and why ? and how ?
- I have read that using auto-login the vanilla will automaticlly will create for the user of my website a user in vanilla db?

Please if someone know's how i cand do this, please healp me.

Thank you very much.


  • I'm going through looking for options on the best solution also. Either or, I don't care, just need a good SSO before I start.

  • Welcome to the community!

    I would suggest using jsConnect. Since you are using Java, you should check out jsConnectJava. Be sure to read through this post about implementing SSO:

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  • Hy thank you for you'r answer!
    I have downlaoded "jsConnectJava-master" and "jsConnect" could you please explain to me the exact order i have to do thins to make this work ?
    Were do i have to put "index.jsp" ?
    Were do i have to put "jsConnect" ?
    Please help me i really don't know how to handel this vanilla forum sign-on!
    Thank you very much in advance !

  • hgtonighthgtonight MVP
    edited June 2013

    The first step to success is reading the documentation.

    jsConnect is a plugin you install and enable in your Vanilla installation. jsConnect works by specifying a url that authenticates a user as signed in on your custom site.

    index.jsp is an example of how to use the file. This outlines what you will have to do. You will have to place this file where ever it makes sense in your application and modify it to fit your situation.

    Both files are well documented.

    Good luck!

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  • Ok thank you! see this i did not understand, i was thinking i hat to introduce the index.jsp somewere in my project and everythink will work like the others "Social media login" or the other plugins. Writting the code in my and from there i sent the param to the login of vanilla forum. Tnx i will put here snip of the code when its all done !

  • It seams i ca not figuer out exactly what i have to do .... can someone help me please with this ?

    • what to i need to do in my website?
    • and what to do in my Vanilla Version

    So when i login into my website to automaticly login into vanilla forum.

    I have looked over api, jsconnect, proxyConnect and i can't understand exacly what i have to do... I dont want when the user goes into forum the sign on to appear with the user and pasword field or sign with ...

    Thank you.

  • read all the documentation provided including the links within.

    The help we give is support not programming lessons.

    grep is your friend.

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited July 2013

    The Settings page for the jsConnect plugin has the rest of the things you'll need to set up to make sure they're redirected to your signin/register pages.

    For future readers too: Definitely use jsConnect (current, maintained) over ProxyConnect (deprecated).

  • OK, i understand but please tell me exact what i have to download because i have like 3 or 4 jsConnect can you please give me links to what i have to download ? Thank you in advance !

  • Please and just tell me what were too insert because i really dont understand ... please help me

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