The thing about debug is if you didn't have fatal errors before you turn it on, you can have fatal errors after you turn it on depending on how the errors are tracking.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I will try to answer everyone's questions in one post.
@vrijvlinder I linked to the same discussion you linked to...I don't see a hack supplied by hgtonight. All I see is you saying "Thanks ! " What hack am I not seeing in that Discussion?
I did delete all the files in my .ini folder, because it's step 6 of the steps I followed in the upgrade steps I linked to in my original post. Are you saying I should try deleting them again?
I went with 2.1b1 because the top discussion here is "Vanilla 2.1b1 Released" and not "Vanilla Released", ha.
"cleaning up the permissions table" Is something I'd like to avoid, but more and more it seems to be clear I need to pretty much start fresh, because...
@UnderDog Yep, Import from phpBB, and it seems to have caused more trouble than it was worth (case in point). I had problems on my first install, and had problems with this on, and I think it's because of that import.
The reason I upgraded in the first place is because my ISP has shut me down twice based on resource spikes due to the forum's code, and I thought a newer version would have better code/database.
I would hate for my community to lose out on 5+ years of conversations, which is why I'm trying so hard to force this imported database into working...I would also hate to start fresh because I spent so much time learning and getting it to work just the way I liked it.
I went with 2.1b1 because the top discussion here is "Vanilla 2.1b1 Released" and not "Vanilla Released", ha.
lol. its your choice to do as you want. I just offered you a suggestion. It's just me, that's what I would do. - use
"cleaning up the permissions table" Is something I'd like to avoid, but more and more it seems to be clear I need to pretty much start fresh, because...
it appears you may be having permissions problems. - I still believe that people who use porter to migrate forums often have permissions table problems - that come to bite them in the rear frequently and chronically.
correct the permissions tables to default roles and then fix userrole accordingly and then go into dashboard and clean things up. I believe several people have avoided this because it seemed like it would take an hour or two and didn't want to spend the time, only to realize that they spent the next 72 hours trying to fix things, often unsuccessfully.
After the frustration, they realized oh well, maybe I should indeed consider the tip on changing the permissions table, and spent an hour or two doing it, lo and behold they were much happier. Since I've given instructions about 10-20 times on the forum, I figure you could find the link with a search by author and keywords.
Also - I'll let you in on a tip. If you try to enable some plugins that change table structure via config.php and they have never been enabled you will certainly break your installation. So it is really a bad practice to get in this habit.
- NeverWrong could be causing you problems - but I could be wrong.
$Configuration['Garden']['Theme'] = 'NeverWrong';
I would change the respective config statements to
//regarding your theme
$Configuration['Garden']['Theme'] = 'bittersweet';
regarding controller
$Configuration['Routes']['DefaultController'] = array('discussions', 'Internal');
regarding rewrites:
$Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] = FALSE;
As usual feel free to disregard anything i suggest, and feel free to dispute it, or not follow it.
I am just telling you what has worked for me successfully in the past.
So you decide....
Another thing - you haven't disclosed is if you changed anything in the core of vanilla.
if you haven't changing versions or reloading the core takes 5 minutes and is not an onerous task.
and turn off debugging unless you have a fatal error
and delete ini files in /cache when you changing themes or changing locales or after upgrades, or when you can'r solve a mysterious problem - it doesn't hurt and can ofter fix things.
One last suggestion. create a separate test installation of version or 2.1b1 without upgrade and see if you exhibit similar problems. Then you will know if it is host problems or database problems/
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@StumpyJoe whatever you do, please, please keep backups of your themes, plugins and database of the current situation. It's very interesting, to say the least...
Step 1 is to look at that Apache error, so as soon as your current host wakes up and looks into that error, just show the error in this thread.
As soon as you have set up the copy of your situation at the host, on your local computer (like is suggested by one of our very high respected users), just see if you can follow some of those advices on your local computer. You can always return to the situation you have now...
One last thing... When I upgrade, I would do it with the default theme and not while being embedded, so everything clear, default (and *.ini deleted) on the localhost. You now know what to do when the upgrade bonks (keep the backup from before the upgrade!) and you know how to add that special field. The rest is peanuts, after you realize that upgrades succeed on local computer and not on your ... current host... Good luck!
Let me start by saying thanks to everyone in here for their patience and help. And sorry for the delayed replies, naturally I had to go out of town the weekend I needed to work on my forum, haha.
I've read everything you guys have said twice (or more), and have been trying things over and over in different combinations to see what works and what doesn't work, and I'm at a place where I feel "good" about the way things are, and here's what I did...
I deleted my entire /root folder and everything in it, and then uploaded the 2.1b1 files
I couldn't nail down if it was my custom theme, my permissions, or what (to answer a question, any changes I made to the core of Vanilla can be found in my Discussions here. I didn't really mess with anything major, I don't think).
Anyway...I'd turn on my custom theme, get an error, switch to the default theme, get a different error (though functionality was a bit better). I tried and I didn't have permission to view the Dashboard, so that's when I tried a clean install.
So I think I'm going to start from scratch, theme-wise. It looks like that's changed some anyway? bittersweet uses default.master.tpl in its /views whereas my old theme was using default.master.php in its /views. Is there a good/updated theme guide for 2.1? I don't think I'll have a problem using bittersweet as a springboard, but I thought I'd ask.
The biggest "casualty" from my clean install was user images, but that's not a dealbreaker, as I have backups.
The one thing that's sticking with me is what @peregrine was saying about cleaning up my GDN_Permission table.
"clean up the permissions table so it uses the standard permissions and ids."
"correct the permissions tables to default roles and then fix userrole accordingly and then go into dashboard and clean things up. I believe several people have avoided this because it seemed like it would take an hour or two and didn't want to spend the time, only to realize that they spent the next 72 hours trying to fix things, often unsuccessfully."
This all sounds good, and I'd like to follow through with doing so, especially If my phpBB import is going to cause an issue with this now and in the future...but I couldn't find a solid guide/answer on what exactly I should do/see what a clean table should look like...(I'm using my two whole database slots on my server, so I can't create a test/clean database there...guess an option is local?)
Oh, and I still get this bug when I try enabling themes or plugins, but I know until that's fixed I can either comment out the line on github, but since Todd doesn't like that I'll just manually switch themes/enable plugins in my config.php
@vrijvlinder said:
not three digit numbers, I would think just substitute them for the corresponding ones in vanilla. 1 being admin and so forth ...
Right, but where can I find an example on what the vanilla standard permission values are? The documentation for roles and permissions leaves a little to be desired in that department.
Also, just to be clear, are we talking about roles or permissions here? @peregrine suggested cleaning up the permission table, which I take means the add/allow/approve/delete/etc permissions, but you say "1 being admin" which I take to mean the role...I'm confused if my GDN_Permission table (28 rows, 36 columns) needs updating, or my GDN_Role (8 rows, 6 columns) needs updating.
In GDN_Role, my Admin role has a RoleID of 4664 (the other 7 roles also have 4 digit IDs starting with 466). I'm guessing that Admin RoleID should be "1" like you say. Looking at the default config.php, Members should be 4, and I'm wondering how strict these roleIDs should be to the default.
Then, in GDN_Permission, I see those 466x RoleIDs all the way down those 28 rows...It's the "chicken or the egg" scenario that's confusing me. Do I update the GDN_Role table to fix those RoleIDs, then go into the dashboard to reassign permissions (thus updating/fixing GDN_Permission), or do I "clean the permission table" and the GDN_Role table at the same time, or...?
@StumpyJoe said:
Todd doesn't like that I'll just manually switch themes/enable plugins in my config.php
Some plugins have functions that are run on enable. The easiest workaround is to open the enable (or apply) button in a new tab. It will go through without issue.
based on his roleids's he almost certainly did.
I guess i always assume people backup database. but glad you mentioned it UD
you can extrapolate or interpolate if you choose to read this...
the other option is to stick with vanilla until vanilla >2.1 is released officially, which will give you more time to learn.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
The thing about debug is if you didn't have fatal errors before you turn it on, you can have fatal errors after you turn it on
depending on how the errors are tracking.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I will try to answer everyone's questions in one post.
@vrijvlinder I linked to the same discussion you linked to...I don't see a hack supplied by hgtonight. All I see is you saying "Thanks !
" What hack am I not seeing in that Discussion?
I did delete all the files in my .ini folder, because it's step 6 of the steps I followed in the upgrade steps I linked to in my original post. Are you saying I should try deleting them again?
I went with 2.1b1 because the top discussion here is "Vanilla 2.1b1 Released" and not "Vanilla Released", ha.
"cleaning up the permissions table" Is something I'd like to avoid, but more and more it seems to be clear I need to pretty much start fresh, because...
@UnderDog Yep, Import from phpBB, and it seems to have caused more trouble than it was worth (case in point). I had problems on my first install, and had problems with this on, and I think it's because of that import.
The reason I upgraded in the first place is because my ISP has shut me down twice based on resource spikes due to the forum's code, and I thought a newer version would have better code/database.
I would hate for my community to lose out on 5+ years of conversations, which is why I'm trying so hard to force this imported database into working...I would also hate to start fresh because I spent so much time learning and getting it to work just the way I liked it.
lol. its your choice to do as you want. I just offered you a suggestion. It's just me, that's what I would do. - use
it appears you may be having permissions problems. - I still believe that people who use porter to migrate forums often have permissions table problems - that come to bite them in the rear frequently and chronically.
After the frustration, they realized oh well, maybe I should indeed consider the tip on changing the permissions table, and spent an hour or two doing it, lo and behold they were much happier. Since I've given instructions about 10-20 times on the forum, I figure you could find the link with a search by author and keywords.
Also - I'll let you in on a tip. If you try to enable some plugins that change table structure via config.php and they have never been enabled you will certainly break your installation.
So it is really a bad practice to get in this habit.
As usual feel free to disregard anything i suggest, and feel free to dispute it, or not follow it.
I am just telling you what has worked for me successfully in the past.
So you decide....
Another thing - you haven't disclosed is if you changed anything in the core of vanilla.
if you haven't changing versions or reloading the core takes 5 minutes and is not an onerous task.
and turn off debugging unless you have a fatal error
and delete ini files in /cache when you changing themes or changing locales or after upgrades, or when you can'r solve a mysterious problem - it doesn't hurt and can ofter fix things.
and i leave you with this once again.
see this for debugging
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Have you considered changing your theme name from "NeverWrong"
to UsusallyCorrect.
maybe it's jinxing your installation and Zeus, Athena, and the others think it is too hubristic.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
One last suggestion. create a separate test installation of version or 2.1b1 without upgrade and see if you exhibit similar problems. Then you will know if it is host problems or database problems/
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
ok well here is that link to the famous fix by hgtonight....
He does not like to be associated with such fix , so we shall say the holy spirit came to him one night and gave him the hack .....
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
@StumpyJoe whatever you do, please, please keep backups of your themes, plugins and database of the current situation. It's very interesting, to say the least...
Step 1 is to look at that Apache error, so as soon as your current host wakes up and looks into that error, just show the error in this thread.
As soon as you have set up the copy of your situation at the host, on your local computer (like is suggested by one of our very high respected users), just see if you can follow some of those advices on your local computer.
You can always return to the situation you have now...
One last thing... When I upgrade, I would do it with the default theme and not while being embedded, so everything clear, default (and *.ini deleted) on the localhost.
You now know what to do when the upgrade bonks (keep the backup from before the upgrade!) and you know how to add that special field.
The rest is peanuts, after you realize that upgrades succeed on local computer and not on your ... current host...
Good luck!
There was an error rendering this rich post.
Let me start by saying thanks to everyone in here for their patience and help. And sorry for the delayed replies, naturally I had to go out of town the weekend I needed to work on my forum, haha.
I've read everything you guys have said twice (or more), and have been trying things over and over in different combinations to see what works and what doesn't work, and I'm at a place where I feel "good" about the way things are, and here's what I did...
I deleted my entire /root folder and everything in it, and then uploaded the 2.1b1 files
I couldn't nail down if it was my custom theme, my permissions, or what (to answer a question, any changes I made to the core of Vanilla can be found in my Discussions here. I didn't really mess with anything major, I don't think).
Anyway...I'd turn on my custom theme, get an error, switch to the default theme, get a different error (though functionality was a bit better). I tried and I didn't have permission to view the Dashboard, so that's when I tried a clean install.
So I think I'm going to start from scratch, theme-wise. It looks like that's changed some anyway? bittersweet uses default.master.tpl in its /views whereas my old theme was using default.master.php in its /views. Is there a good/updated theme guide for 2.1? I don't think I'll have a problem using bittersweet as a springboard, but I thought I'd ask.
The biggest "casualty" from my clean install was user images, but that's not a dealbreaker, as I have backups.
The one thing that's sticking with me is what @peregrine was saying about cleaning up my GDN_Permission table.
"clean up the permissions table so it uses the standard permissions and ids."
"correct the permissions tables to default roles and then fix userrole accordingly and then go into dashboard and clean things up. I believe several people have avoided this because it seemed like it would take an hour or two and didn't want to spend the time, only to realize that they spent the next 72 hours trying to fix things, often unsuccessfully."
This all sounds good, and I'd like to follow through with doing so, especially If my phpBB import is going to cause an issue with this now and in the future...but I couldn't find a solid guide/answer on what exactly I should do/see what a clean table should look like...(I'm using my two whole database slots on my server, so I can't create a test/clean database there...guess an option is local?)
Oh, and I still get this bug when I try enabling themes or plugins, but I know until that's fixed I can either comment out the line on github, but since Todd doesn't like that I'll just manually switch themes/enable plugins in my config.php
He might not like that , but that is what it is
I got tired of manually everything .... It did not break anything so far ...
You need to change permissions for users with the schema of vanilla.
not three digit numbers, I would think just substitute them for the corresponding ones in vanilla. 1 being admin and so forth ...
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
Right, but where can I find an example on what the vanilla standard permission values are? The documentation for roles and permissions leaves a little to be desired in that department.
Also, just to be clear, are we talking about roles or permissions here? @peregrine suggested cleaning up the permission table, which I take means the add/allow/approve/delete/etc permissions, but you say "1 being admin" which I take to mean the role...I'm confused if my GDN_Permission table (28 rows, 36 columns) needs updating, or my GDN_Role (8 rows, 6 columns) needs updating.
In GDN_Role, my Admin role has a RoleID of 4664 (the other 7 roles also have 4 digit IDs starting with 466). I'm guessing that Admin RoleID should be "1" like you say. Looking at the default config.php, Members should be 4, and I'm wondering how strict these roleIDs should be to the default.
Then, in GDN_Permission, I see those 466x RoleIDs all the way down those 28 rows...It's the "chicken or the egg" scenario that's confusing me. Do I update the GDN_Role table to fix those RoleIDs, then go into the dashboard to reassign permissions (thus updating/fixing GDN_Permission), or do I "clean the permission table" and the GDN_Role table at the same time, or...?
Some plugins have functions that are run on enable. The easiest workaround is to open the enable (or apply) button in a new tab. It will go through without issue.
The wiki has a page with explanations of permissions here:
I believe @peregrine meant permissions.
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