[SOLVED] Can't install default 2.1.1 install



  • hmalaudhmalaud New
    edited August 2014

    I have looked for the php-fpm file or entry in any of the files and wasn't able to locate a mention of it.
    Besides, I additionnally installed on a local wamp server and got the same problem than with mamp (and couldn't locate the php-fpm either).

    BUT, following the path of the "wrongly downloaded/unzipped files", I downloaded the archive directly from vanilla's github page (branch 2.1 or master, both worked), unzipped it AND it seems to be working now (at least, I can access the Installer).

    When you guys install the archive vanillaforums.org/addon/vanilla-core-2.1.1 on a server, no one has a similar error?

    Thanks for your help!

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited August 2014

    I create the official download by just downloading the 2.1 branch from GitHub and zipping it :\ Should be identical.

  • That's weird ^^
    Is the 2.1 branch on github the 2.1.1 with security fixes?

  • different zip program have different degrees of resilience.

    grep is your friend.

  • @hmalaud said:
    That's weird ^^
    Is the 2.1 branch on github the 2.1.1 with security fixes?


    @x00 said:
    different zip program have different degrees of resilience.

    It's the same zip program we've used for every Vanilla release afaik, YemuZip, so I'm really skeptical it's to blame.

  • I'm not saying it is to blame I'm saying that not all unzip can handle all forms of zip.

    grep is your friend.

  • still seems more likely it was a copy error.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 Yeah, but then you get the .gitignore file (and soon the .editorconfig file), which I always remove first, and I rename the folder to 'vanilla' so it's standard every time.

    If I get further reports of the zip being incorrect I'll replace it or consider altering the release procedure, but 1 person getting a bad download doesn't substantiate a problem here. I just did a fresh install from the same zip and it worked as usual.

  • Good news then, it's weird because I downloaded it and unzipped it several times with the shipped-in OSX extractor and the Unarchiver.

  • Regardless of platform, use 7zip: http://www.7-zip.org/download.html

    Seriously is the best zip tool I have ever used.

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  • Can I change the status of the topic to solved somewhere?

  • Update: I have (finally) been able to try to import on a live environment, and the import worked perfectly. This is an issue linked to my el Capitan native php/apache conf... Very boring.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

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