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Vanillicon 2 is Coming

ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
edited October 2014 in Releases

If you're observant you'll notice that the vanillicons are on this community have changed. That's because we've been working for a while to release a new set of vanillicons. Here are a few highlights of the new set.

  • We've gone vector. Vectors are a huge trend on the web right now both with icon fonts and svgs. The vanillicons use svgs and will look great at any size.

  • We've turned up the happines. We decided to go with just happy faces for this set. No one wants to be the user that gets stuck with a bum frown so now every vanillicon is in a good mood.

  • We've made things brighter. Some of the colors in the v1 set ended up being a bit drab due to our randomization algorithm. For this set we hired a unicorn to help us come up with our color palettes.

  • Gender neutrality. We tried to make all of the vanillicons look more neutral so that people won't feel like they haven't got the right fit.

What you see is close to what we're going to launch, but this should be considered a pre-release. We might get a quick wave of inspiration before launch which could change things slightly.




  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited October 2014

    I like the happy faces.

    and the catpeople (katt- people) is interesting and apropos :)


    however there is no way to upload svg on this forum, nor can you add it except manually via tags img src if it is inline. via the advanced editor


    you might get rid of the squiggle, it wouldn't be missed.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine Good points, thanks.

  • For this set we hired a unicorn to help us come up with our color palettes.

    It's inhumane to make a man with a chest cold laugh like that. :p

  • @Linc said:
    peregrine Good points, thanks.

    among the chaff (chafing) , occasionally some wheat. :)

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Was the Unicorn's name Botox ?

    I will be sad to see the others go. Just recently I was telling peregrine how magicaly uncanny it was that they matched the user's personality 9 out of 10 times...

    I suppose one can also end up reacting to the avatar, but generally the grumpy matched the person....and so on

  • @Linc said:
    It's inhumane to make a man with a chest cold laugh like that. :p

    Canadien Yak shaving has that effect on people... you probably just need to hack up some hair balls and you will be ok... ;)

  • I think they are great and they stand out.

    Some feedback I have got though is they don't necessarily work for all themes and webmaster personalities.

    I suppose with every *-icon you have a particular style, but still some may may a muted set, or some other basic options.

    grep is your friend.

  • Congratulation to your new Pacmans! And I'm glad I do not have that *-mouth any more. My new Vanillicon looked slightly heterophoric so I changed my mail address and now I'm happy - just take a look at my brand new, winning smile!

  • I liked the old you... I think it matched your shining star personality . This one is also nice though. I guess it will take some getting used to .

  • But the colors of my shiny new Vanillicon have another great "feature": they remind me of lemonade! :)

    What I didn't like about my old avatar is that it looked as if my eyes were a hint that I am totally high and my mouth has been forcefully shut up:

  • Yes I guess you have a point, I did think you were high though and holding back throwing up for sure...I guess those vanilicons can give the wrong nimpression ... But the pig peregrine pointed out looks a bit genitalian no ?

    I guess you did good with this new one ;)

  • Yieehaaaa, can't wait!

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  • Can confirm, they look great on mobile devices!

    @x00 Muted colors should be achievable with SVG filters, could be a useful plugin


  • WHOA! Look at that: me and the lol guy are twins!


  • I seriously just spent 5 minutes wondering how you reacted as "LOL-Twin". I need to go back to bed immediately.

  • the slightly squashed appearance of this


    Is interesting it gives it more character. It is more interesting than the perfectly round ones

    grep is your friend.

  • @R_J now I am going to have to re-learn your avatar. I also happened to like your old one.

    @peregrine‌ Does this mean you downloaded your old vanillicon and uploaded it as your avatar picture?

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  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited October 2014

    @hgtonight said:

    @R_J now I am going to have to re-learn your avatar. I also happened to like your old one.

    yes that was my immediate thought. re-learning all those avatars etched into my mind.

    @r_j - I made a new image that looks more like you. and would be easier to locate.



    @hgtonight said:

    @peregrine‌ Does this mean you downloaded your old vanillicon and uploaded it as your avatar picture?

    it magically re-appeared. :wink:

    I couldn't re-learn my new avatar, had to revert to an earlier time.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • While I like the new colors, I think a few combinations are picked too often.

    Right now, these 3 are on the front page


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    It could be a fundamental flaw in the fabric of md5 or just a quirk of random chance.

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