How good is the Vanilla forum search?
I'm considering migrating my forum to Vanilla, but seeing how bad search is on another forum that uses it (v2.1.6), I'm a bit concerned: - nothing useful on the first page of results. The post I was looking for had those keywords in the subject. - the first result is what I'm looking for.
What has your experience with Vanilla search been like? Is the Webix forum perhaps using it wrong?
If search isn't up to snuff, how difficult would it be to integrate another search engine?
vanilla search works perfectly on my site and other vanilla sites i have tried.
Also, I feel vanilla is the best forum solution for you. I HAVE HAD NO REGRETS USING IT
I strongly recommend investigating using the Sphinx integration. It really does wonders for the quality of results. The search limitations in default Vanilla are more a factor of what's possible with just MySQL, which isn't meant to be a search index.
second sphinx search.
mysql isn't really cut out for search indexing.
grep is your friend.
I third Sphinx search. It is so much better than mysql fulltext search.
Search first
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Has Sphinx been implemented in the meantime? I'm a user on a cloud-hosted Vanilla instance, and search there is terrible.
@dandv search on hosted vanilla is changing dramatically within the next few months. I'd wager you'll be happier with it when that happens.
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Sphinx doesn't work on shared Web hosting, I have a number of issues related to shared hosting I'm probably going to organise my own VPS.
Does it work on cloud-hosted Vanilla instances? The search on is atrocious.
@dandv, not sure mate. Someone else might have the answer.