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error trying to import PHPBB
in Feedback
when I use the tool i get the following error message
The topics table is missing the following column(s): topic_replies
any help to fix this please
@Linc is maintaining this now.
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I've actually handed it off to @initvector as of February.
Im getting the same thing, any ideas?
What version of phpBB are you two using?
It looks like topic_replies is a required field in the phpbb2 and phpbb3 packages, but I only see references to it in the phpbb3 package.
I'm assuming you guys are using phpBB 2.*. Can you confirm?
In the meantime, I've nuked topic_replies as a requirement from the phpBB2 package.
Thanks for posting:
I have latest phpBB3 ( 3.1.4)
Ive done a full reset of my forum so its back to a vanilla install (no pun intended), no mods etc
The database is MySQL 5.5.42-cll
my site : www.pc-forums.co.uk
@Cruel_Coppinger Do you recall what version you started on? Maybe 3.1?
Hi Linc
It was probably before that, I think I set the site up on or around 2008/9 which according to wikipeadia is on the cusp of moving from v2.X to v3.X
Hi, any suggestions to help me get the conversion tool working. Im really keen to move our community over Vanilla but this is a major roadblock.
@Cruel_Coppinger did you try the latest version @initvector updated here: https://github.com/vanilla/porter ?
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thanks, I'll try it out now and report back
me again
I download the latest release from github
uploaded it to a writeable folder
Navigated to /porter-master and ran make.php
This generated the valline2export.php file
I then loaded this up in my browser http://pc-forums.co.uk/porter-master/vanilla2export.php?
but unfortunately Im still getting the same error
"The topics table is missing the following column(s): topic_replies"
After digging into this a little more, it does appear phpBB 3.1 dropped the topic_replies column from the topics table.
I'll see what I can do about updating the phpBB 3 package to remove dependency on that column.
I've created a branch in the Porter repo for addressing this (and potentially other) phpBB 3.1 compatibility issues. You can find it here: https://github.com/vanilla/porter/tree/hotfix/phpbb31
When you can, please use the latest version there to attempt your migration and let me know if you still have issues.
Note: Removing topic_replies means CountComments in the discussion table will be regenerated towards the end of the import process. Please make sure this number is accurate.
Ive managed to sort it. The updated porter work
Thanks for all your help
2.2 is now released with this fix.