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SMF vs Vanilla any thoughts ?



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    edited August 2006
    Hi Steve, I tried your script a few minutes ago and encountered a few problems. I totally suck at PHP & MySQL stuff, so maybe I did something wrong, however I somewhat managed to make it work. Here's what I noticed:

    - First I've got the following message after running "forums.php":
    Unable to connect to database. Error: Access denied for user 'steve'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

    Dunno if it has something to do with the fact I was trying to run your script on local or not, but I managed to make it work after replacing your name on line 56: $db_link = @mysql_connect ($GLOBALS['config'][$this->type . '_host'],'steve' in "include.php"

    - After that I successfuly ran "forums.php", but only categories from SMF's first section were converted to Vanilla categories. I suppose it could be fixed if I put all of my SMF subforums in a single section. I've got this error: MySql Error: Duplicate entry '9' for key 1.

    - Finally all of the posts and users seem to have been converted. Everything works fine, but I'm french and use silly caracters like "é", "è", "à" and so on. The problem is all of these characters were replaced by "?" in Vanilla. Dunno if it comes from your script or not. Maybe it has something to do with Mark's international character recent problems.

    I didn't try the SMF Password Hash Extension yet, but will in a few minutes. I hope you'll find my comments useful (or understandable...) thanks anyway for this script :-)

    edit: I just noticed only the discussions titles work. When I click on a discussion, all of the comments are just replaced by a single "0". I suppose it has something to do with Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in \formatting.php on line 228. I get this when I run "posts.php".
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    edited August 2006
    ok I got the url ok but says unable to connect to database, doing some re-checking ;-)
    I've noticed a lot of duplicate errors, is it using the same number system as vanilla
    ie if vanilla item is listed as 1 and smf is listed as 1 becomes a duplicate error,
    on posts.php I get a blank page
    so far it hasn't imported anything from smf
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    Hiya, It looks like i trashed the formatting.php when i tried to tar it up with the wrong syntax :) I've pulled it down for now and I'll post up the correct version once im home from work tonight. Looks like I've posted it up a tiny bit prematurely sorry As for the other issues mysql errors: I've put up the version that was on my dev server, turns out it wasnt the final one, I'll try to get the one I used on my production server conversion mysql duplicate rows: You will need to drop the existing default Vanilla Category of 'general'. I will address this issue in the script tonight french characters: I'm not sure how these are handled in SMF or Vanilla, I'll have to look into this
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    any updates on this steve? just curious, not trying to be a pushover :)
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    Okay lets try this again!

    Warning: This will drop all current categories/discussions/comments from the destination <b>Vanilla</b> database before importing - Your Vanilla install should be a blank one, and if this is the case you wont lose any data. This also drops any users other than with UserID 1 - The script does not replace or import the userID of 1 for either Vanilla or SMF - I've assumed this would be a generic admin account.

    <b>Modify settings.php</b> with your configuration

    Then run the following scripts in this order:

    As my previous post - This extension has been unchanged

    Just yet out if there are any more problems

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    edited August 2006
    Works perfect! only issue I'm having is that I have about 100,000 'comments' and it's dying after about 75,000. Any way I can set a pause or something in the script? I'll sit here and press "Next" for 2 hours if I have too. :) Edit: Just put set_time_limit(0); on line 1 of comments.php. Thanks Steve!
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    if you have access to your php.ini, just increase the max_execution_time to a couple of minutes.
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    edited August 2006
    Alright, here is the only issue I've found: I can't get the passwords to work. I guess if worse comes to worse I can have all users reset their password.
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    edited August 2006
    Misery, did you load the SMFPasswordHash extension? It is required to use the password hashes from SMF due to the way they are salted. If you are using it please let me know what version of SMF you are converting from.
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    Steve, Yes I have loaded it. I'm converting from the latest version: 1.1 RC3
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    edited August 2006
    It worked like a charm for me.

    However there are still two problems: special characters are still replaced by a "?" (not only french ones, but also things like "Ü" for example) and the SMFPasswordHash extension seems to be half working. From what I've tried with different accounts, it appears passwords with mixed numbers & letters don't work, but I'm not sure about this. It may also be a length issue since those which worked were 10 characters long or less.

    Anyway your script rocks, many thanks for sharing this. I'm looking forward the international characters fix :-)
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    edited August 2006
    Its not working for me, here's the error message

    Warning: main(include.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /vanilla/smf-to-v/users.php on line 3
    Warning: main(): Failed opening 'include.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php/lib/php') in /vanilla/smf-to-v/users.php on line 3
    Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /vanilla/smf-to-v/users.php on line 6

    i have it inside the vanilla root, i'm assuming even though you are calling it an extension it's not an actual extension that would be activated like Vanilla extensions that's why i have it in the root
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    edited August 2006
    From the error it looks like a permissions thing - make sure you've got the right owner set and chmod all the files it to at least 644 smf-to-v is just a standalone script not an extension - it does not need to access any of vanilla's files other than the database. Password problems: SMFPasswordHash however is an extension - It looks like SMF 1.1.x uses a different method for password salting - I'll have to update this to accept both 1.0.x and 1.1.x passwords.
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    fixed the permissions error, everything appears to work ok, as you do each one there are error messages but it imports anyway
    ie Notice: Undefined index: pun in

    on users.php there was an avatar path error but that could have been my end,

    the avatar section inthe settings is not clear, are those two paths for smf or vanilla ?
    i set the avatar config to path but it still apparently tired to pull them
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    The avatar paths are for whereever you are going to store your avatars after the import to vanilla by default SMF stores system provided avatars in and user uploaded avatars in Vanilla (the plain Vanilla without extensions) does not have any directory structure in place for storing these, so you need to decide where on your server you would like to store them, copy them there and then define the paths // for system provided avatars $config['avatar_url'] = ''; // for uploaded avatars $config['attachment_url'] = '';
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    awsome job steve remind me to buy you a drink or two ;-)
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    Hi, it's amazing to see that it's possible to migrate SMF to Vanilla!

    I'm having a dilemma now. I'm not sure whether I should stick with SMF or Vanilla now. I started out with SMF at my video games forums and had just started a engineering discussion board with Vanilla.

    Although I do like the web 2.0 feel and extensibility of Vanilla, I do say SMF looks more tidy to me. The main page of a SMF forum is categorized in categories (unlike the discussion page of Vanilla) and we could have child boards in SMF.

    Since I made this post in a Vanilla user forum, I'd expect people to say that it's better to use Vanilla. Come on, shoot me :)
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    If the categorised view and sub categories are important to you then sure go with SMF. It bugs me ever so slightly when people come to vanilla and then complain that it's not really what they want but they want to use it anyway (cant blame them, it's a lovely piece of software) so how do they make it do 'xyz' when other forum apps out there already do that. If you can live without the categories/subcategories (or can get used to using the categories tab) then use vanilla.
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    No offence Mini, Vanilla is definately a great package. Thanks for your comments.
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    I agree some of the smf packaging is attractive but Vanilla will one day have the ability the have categories of categories and sub categories, its already in the works I believe someone is tinkering with it,

    the way I look at both is this, Vanilla is a discussion board with an emphasis on discussion, the feel is different from SMF which like most forums can be looked at as a multi-cultural symposium of stuff which needs to be broken down into many categories of stuff, takes longer to find because you have keep clicking to find what you want,

    Vanilla is straight forward discussion you can see everything at a glance and its addicting once you get started, I know there are those who get itchy when new people are comparing Vanilla to other forums, its only natural,

    the bottom line is Vanilla is forum software the only difference is Vanila is re-arranged for uses to get the most out of their discussion, you could just as easily rearrange your SMF to appear like Vanilla but that would be no easy task not to mention Vanilla is all CSS this alone is worth its weight in gold when customizing it,

    I also believe, as mentioned previously that people considering Vanilla over their existing Forum should be highly respected and that the sacrifice they make converting to Vanilla is proof of the value of Vanilla,

    Why do I call it a sacrifice ? Simply because hands down SMF has much more to offer than Vanilla, but what it doesn't have is the CSS, the simple arrangement of discussions and doesn't have the emphasis on discussion that Vanilla has,I had to think long and hard before switching from SMF and don't regret it one bit ;-)

    I'd recommend try Vanilla here on Lussumo get involved in dicussion and see how addicting it becomes
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