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Vanilla Community NEW STYLES CONTEST! (cash prize!) Ends October 1st



  • Add $30 to the pot for me.
  • edited September 2006
    I am working on a style although I doubt it will be done before the 1st if it is I may consider entering but anyways here it is. I have only put about two hours in and haven't gotten the header styled nor the content, just have the layout and some of the main colors. Update: Still Need to make it more stable and finish coloring! I hope its not too logical, I think users do alot better with a design when the creater does a drag and drop kindof thing.
  • jazzman, i love your teaser :-)
  • I LOVE this idea. I have been busy at work on a super elegant and simplified theme for Vanilla, which may be done in time for the competition, but unfortunately I doubt it. We should do these every few months. The more themes, the better.
  • I'm in (finally) for my 20 bucks.
  • Andy K said:...I'd love to see a "Clockwork" like series (from 0.9.x)...
    Ok, thats the second time you've mentioned it. I will remake them for v1.
  • I finish one :
    That took me one week to finish it
  • jazzman, I get a real vibe from your teaser, and I like it!
  • Wow, that's lovely Camie, absolutely fantastic, by far my favourite Vanilla style I've seen so far, and even my fussy git friend loves it :D
  • Ok, thats the second time you've mentioned it. I will remake them for v1.

    Actually, that was the secondary reason why I mentioned it, so that you'd redo them for v1. SUCCESS!!! (^.^)

  • Just droppig in to say hi and catch up on new releases...
    Camie thats a nice smooth style, very nice.
    Unfortunately (kinda) im on holday at the moment so havent had chance to make any more styles or the theme I wanted to make. So I wont be able to get any more submissions in before the competition deadline.
    Cant wait for the new theme jazz, looking good so far, appart from the little comments/author mix up ;-)
    Also good to see subsequent submissions having the style overrides concept in them *cough* my idea *cough* making for a more complete style :)

    I'll try drop in over the next few days if I get chance just to see who wins.
    Some very nice entrants so far and I sure plan to make more after the competition ends.

    If I dont get back in time, congratulations to the winner(s)!
  • Thanks blizeH, redux ! :)
  • One last pre-close announcement:

    JUST (approximately) ONE DAY LEFT!

    Even in the last 24 hours, I see some nifty styles being uploaded. Keep them coming, guys!

    The next update from me will be right after the submission deadline falls (October 2nd) with more information on what to expect until the winners are announced, etc.

  • edited September 2006
    So, who's judging the contest? And who's going to make a place to preview all the themes, or upload them to a server so you can use them on this forum?
  • I can soon setup a test ground if we need one..?
  • Andy KAndy K
    edited September 2006
    So, who's judging the contest?

    Me (plus Mark for consult/tiebreakers)- Please read the first post in this thread.

    And who's going to make a place to preview all the themes, or upload them to a server so you can use them on this forum?

    I've been uploading/testing all of them on my own forums. No need to test them out on the official support/community forums.

  • edited September 2006
    I'm afraid I won't be done with my style in time for the deadline, cross-browser fixing simply is taking too much time (gnahr, gnarh, stupid IE).
  • I made it in! just under the wire!!! w00t!

    SketchPad v1.0


    online example here
  • go deel! it's ya birthday!
  • nooo!!! not enough time to complete my theme :(

    i'll still work on it if there is any interest for it...
This discussion has been closed.