Vanilla Community NEW STYLES CONTEST! (cash prize!) Ends October 1st



  • Just release what you have now :) My style also needs some tweaks and fixes. But if it's "stable" you can just upload it :)
  • Andy KAndy K
    edited October 2006
    i'll still work on it if there is any interest for it...

    There's ALWAYS interest in new styles, themes, extensions etc. By all means please keep working on them and uploading them, because someone is going to either Use It, or Build off of it.

    If it's broken, I'm not quite as enthusiastic about uploading broken stuff: There's a few alpha version extensions in the Add Ons section, and no way to tell apart the Tested from the Totally Untested/Known Broken. I'd at least get it working between basic Firefox and IE first. That's just my opinion, though.

  • I uploaded my style, which isn't done, but I think it says pretty clearly that it's far from done. So you don't need to check it for the competition judging.
  • Is it still cool to add $20 to the pot? If so I'll pop that on tonight when I get home.
  • ...and... we're closed!

    The Last Style to make it in before the deadline is "Y H Beta" (Yeah Bjorn, I know it's not completed yet, but still some feedback wouldn't hurt).

    As per the contest rules in the first post, I have until next week, October 9th, to give you the results in this thread.

    giginger: Let's make Monday (today) the last day for submitting money to prevent confusion. If you get a chance to, feel free to submit Paypal to Mark and hit me up (whisper is fine, too) when you've done so.

    Thanks all- If you're still working on themes, for the Greater Good of Glorious State Vanilla, please eventually submit them!

  • No style from c-unit/Bergamot/Ben and other awesome developers we have on here? How dissapointing!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've been way too busy. I had Saturday set aside to finish mine, but then I got a call from my parents to help them move and I chose to be a good son.

    Oh well, we'll just have to do another contest soon.
  • BenBen
    edited October 2006
    Sorry, blizeH. I got a new client on a very tight deadline this last week, I've been frantically doing that instead.

    I have to say, my favourite is easily the YHbeta style, with Vaneablack a close second.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I added all of the styles (that apply to the default theme) to this forum. You can switch them around in your account tab under "change stylesheet".

    Sadly, that lussumo banner up there looks all crappy on most of them. Oh well.
  • Excellent work, thanks Mark! VanaeBlack is preview.png though btw, not .gif, and it's also imho a clear winner, despite being rather buggy.
  • Looking at them all, I only really see YHbeta as one that I could use all the time. It also shows how good the default style is.
  • I feel the same way you do Ben, I've had a very hard time finding a style I like better than the default. Then I downloaded Jazzman's Tabled theme to try out the Vanilla Ocean style and I fell in love....with the default style for the Tabled theme. I like the way the Discussion and Category pages are displayed and I get the tough-to-beat default color scheme at the same time.

    Many Kudos to Jazzman...
  • Where is the Tonka and Tyco love??? Tonka's preview is a .png also My faves are C8A2E, Wicked Orange, YHBeta, Vanea Black, and of course Tonka.
  • edited October 2006
    No style from c-unit/Bergamot/Ben and other awesome developers we have on here? How dissapointing!
    I was supposed to do some mockups for jim, but I got bogged down with school work, paid projects, and personal project. I'd really love to make a theme one of these days.
  • NickENickE New
    edited October 2006
  • I'm currently using VaneaBlack on one of my installs. No real problems as of yet that I couldn't handle. All though, I added a few extra css pieces that I felt were absolutely necessary, such as for comment quotes. But, after testing them all out here on the lussumo forums, I chose Soulscape. Still one of my favorites.
  • Andy KAndy K
    edited October 2006
    Hey all, just wanted to give a heads up:

    I'm still going through the entries, and will announce the winners on Sunday or Monday.

    EDIT: Make that Monday Night, I promise effendi! :-)
    (the winners are picked, I just need to frame them up in a post after dinner/events tonight)

    If you recall, there were to be two prizes, the Main Prize and the Creativity Prize. The winners were to be chosen solely by me, with Mark serving as a tie breaker. I cheated a bit and actually asked around here and read a lot of the peer feedback from the Lussumo community in regards to what people liked and what they found useful. However, a few rose to really push the buttons of what the categories, and the contest, were all about.

    And all around there were some AWESOME styles submitted. I'm really glad to see such participation, and I hope that people keep running with it and modify or create their own styles to upload to the Lussumo Community. I wanted to say thanks to anyone who submitted a style or theme (or extension, for that matter) to the community. You guys rock.

    Anyway, without further ado:

    "The Creativity Prize will be awarded to the design that is the most creative with design, and enhances Vanilla's capabilities. It pushes the limits ("it is aaaaaahhhhrt") while still readable."

    The Runners Up are:
    AquaLounge by Ø
    WickedOrange AndrewVos

    The Creativity Prize goes to...

    PurpleHaze by redux

    PurpleHaze was a style that I winced when I saw it: "That amount of "Purpleness", I thought, was too sickly-sweet to possibly be readable!" But I and my peers were quickly proved wrong; PurpleHaze spanked us, hard, with it's totally mellow and laid-back layout, it's solid use of colors and contrast of the complimentary yellow-and-purple. Not just colorful, but artistically sound and solid. It is simple and stylish, as it professes, and turns any user forum into like the disco-ball spinning pimping disco lounge of communities.


    The Runner Up is:
    VaneaBlack by Camie (it was a real close race, this is a monster awesome style!)

    The Main Prize goes to...

    Vanilla Ocean by Jazzman

    This one came as probably little surprise to those who were following along. VaneaBlack it totally hot and all, but man, when Jazzman slapped Vanilla Ocean, and the Tabbed **THEME** that he built JUST to run it, there was really no question to people who have tried it out. Vanilla Ocean works with most Extensions. It brings Vanilla into a whole splinter-development, a totally new design of the basic Vanilla structure to push the limits of the forum software. Its gorgeous, functional, and has awesome little widgets too like the little icons associated with the various tabs. It's a real feat, and Jazzman really earned that award.

    Congratulations, Jazzman and redux! Thanks everyone for participating!

    I had fun organizing the first ever styles contest, but I turn it back over to the community: If someone wants to pick up the torch from here (and perhaps make the entry period longer than a month, I admit it was a little quick) and run a styles contest, or the Ultimate Extreme Extensions Contest or whatever, go for it, and good luck!

    Thanks again!

  • Congratulations Jazzman, I'm sure it's a bonza stylle and all judging from the screenshots I've seen but it don't work on my setup, yes I have the tabled theme, the CSS is all over the place, no color, no images.
  • Major Kudos & Congrats to Jazzman and Redux, as well as all of the Runners-Up. I also want to thank and congratulate everyone who submitted a theme. The Vanilla community is a much better place thanks to all of your efforts.
This discussion has been closed.