GuestPost v1.3



  • Yup, version 1.1 here boss :-)
  • Hmm. That doesnt really surprise me. I'm not all too familiar with the define function.

    Grab the new version 1.1f and see if that helps.
  • Sorry Minisweeper, same error.
    Shame, I've had over 1400 unique visitors in the last 4 weeks, only 2 registered, I'd like to try allowing guests to post and see if it makes a difference.
  • Err. Try dropping the single quotes round $GU and $GP on lines 64 and 65 and see if that works. If it doesnt then replace those lines with just $Username = $GU; and $Password = $GU; and see if that works. Bit confused what's up there.

    Before you do that, I assume it works if you put a username and password in..?
  • Hey Minisweeper, that worked BUT...

    After the comment is added, Guest remains logged in with access to the Account tab, not good!
  • What worked, removing the ''s? If so try changing the bit lower down where it references GuestUsername to $GU?
  • edited October 2006
    Minisweeper, removing the single quotes on lines 64 and 65 worked.

    Also, changing GuestUsername to $GU on line 84 now logs out the guest properly.

    Thanks sincerely for your interest and patience not to mention talent!

    Later: Also, line 54 should be...
  • Ok for anyone else with trouble i've uploaded a v1.2.

    No probs though, no talent about it it's entirely guesswork :D Seriously though I'm not sure why any of those things fixed it... Hmm...
  • Thanks heaps Mini, this is a truly useful extension for anyone with fairly itinerant and not very committed visitors, to encourage some comment, and hopefully growing involvement. It seems to work perfectly for me, but I guess time will tell.
  • I realy sux at PHP, so please bright me up - define the guest account username and password-?? In witch line exucatly i need to change and what, if for example my login will bee "guest" and psw will bee "abrakadabra". Im already made a guest account ar roles and perrmissions. I got latest versions of sources, but still I see that error "Some problems were encounteredThe requested username and password combination could not be found." Thanks !
  • yeah, could not find propper topic, so making offtop. here, sorr for that,, Is there some addon whitch allows wrote in forum in aas exotic language as latvian? the point is thai in latvian are some letters like Ä€, Ū, Ķ , etc, but in my forum they looks вlвз. Maybe its hosting problem?
  • If you open up the default.php file which comes in the GuestPost folder you'll see 2 lines near the top which define the username and password. Change them to the right details and it should work fine.
    As for your second post, it's to do with the charset of the forum. There are discussions on here. If you cant find one then please make a new one.
  • Hi Minisweeper, I installed your extension awhile ago but it was very confusing for the users as they all had the same name. I used to have a forum that was completely open and it was very active. Now that people have to register, the topics and posts are non existant. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a field where people could input their name which would appear behind the word guest. e.g. guest:jpsloshua

    As well as a captcha to keep out the spammers. I still like the idea of only letting registered members make topics but shutting the forum for guest posting is really killing me.
  • The only way I could do it would be to add a form for a name input, and then prefix the comment with that name, so it'd be like:

    guest 3 hours ago
    this is joshuas comment.

    guest 2 hours ago
    this is jakes comment.

    That any better for you?

    I've also no idea about captchas. Maybe i'll look at the existing captcha extension and see if i can steal something from it...
  • Yeah that would be perfect... Hope you can work out the captcha as it would be neccessary to keep out the spammers.
  • I agree. Guest post with captcha and names would be awesome, just too many people cannot be bothered to sign up. It would make things more spontaneous. Maybe you wouldnt even need the "guest" prefix for guest posters when the name they enter is checked against the member database (so in case there is a duplicate name it will have an error message).
  • Prefix?
  • He just means the "guest" needs to go before the name they input, exactly like your example. I am not sure if the database would be neccessary though.
  • I have guests allowed to post, and it works extremely well.
    I have modified the text in the comment box with "Please include your name in the comment."

    No SPAM issues yet, it has been about 3 months and still SPAM free.

    I tried CAPTCHA, it will not work with my server, in any case I think its over-kill unless SPAM becomes a problem.

    I have a JavaScript alternative to CAPTCHA, not fool-proof but seems to do the job.

    Posted: Monday, 1 January 2007 at 12:15PM (AEDT)

  • for m, captcha is a necessity. I have been using another forum software and have run into major problems because captcha was missing. Sometimes I had to spend hours just deleting spam. so a guest post with captcha would be the best combination.
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