# 99
But surely if you're a guest you cant view the stuff which isnt available to the public anyway so you cant post in it?
Yes, you are correct, but I get an error on the page which is kind of unsitely. Also, for some reason, the sitemap extension shows private pages, which I'm working to fix, but I'd still rather not get an error.
I used to use v1.2 with Vanilla 1.1.2 and it worked fine - I thought it was great. But I have just upgraded to Vanilla 1.1.4 (dunno if that makes any difference, but it was a bit tricky and I could have missed something) and installed Guest Post 1.4. Because the earlier version was titled differently, I now have them both and can select either in settings (not sure what would happen if I selected both, but I haven't tried that!!!).
Problem is, not only have I not got 1.4 to work, 1.2 doesn't work properly either now.
Just a couple of questions please:
1. I understand 1.4 needs HTML formatter enabled, which I don't have - I have preferred to use BBCode because I thought it was easier for dummies and safer. I presume 1.4 won't work with that? Is it generally accepted that HTML formatter is a better option?
2. But the problem with 1.2 is strange. When I enter a comment as a guest, it comes up with an error message, but the "Signed in as" note has changed from "Not signed in" to "Signed in as Guest". So if I click on a second time, the comment is accepted. Anyone have any ideas why that change has occurred please?
I think you are the ones who know all about this. Is there any reason why upgrading to v1.1.4 would make Guest Post 1.2 to fail? Do I absolutely have to have HTML formatter active to make GP1.4 work, or only the Capcha bit?
I dunno what your problem with 1.2 is all about and I dunno which versions of vanilla I tested this on. You dont have to have the HTML formatter installed but it means that if users type a username in the username box to use as a nickname, it will have html tags either side of it in the body of the post (instead of being bolded).
Thanks guys for commenting, but I'm still at a loss.
Wanderer: Is there any reason you stayed with v1.1.2? or was it just (like me) you never got around to upgrading? Would I be better off going back to that???
Everyone: I thought I should at least offer a little more info about my problem, in case it triggers something.
1. When I go to my forum as an unsigned in guest, the top "sign in" link says (obviously) "not signed in".
2. When I enter a comment then, I get an error screen which says: "Some problems were encountered There was a problem authenticating your post information." ..... followed by the comment box again, with my text still entered. But the "signed in" link has now changed to "Signed in as guest".
3. When I do nothing more than click the "Add comments button" again, the guest post then works. i.e. it is taking two steps, 1 to log is as guest, and 2 to make the post.
All this happens on Guest Post 1.2, which previously worked OK, indicating to me that something changed between Vanilla 1.1.2 and 1.1.4 - it could be my installation was faulty (but I have checked each file and it looks right), or it could be that something in v1.1.4 makes something in Guest Post no longer work properly.
With GP 1.4.1, the "signed in" link doesn't change so I cannot post as guest at all, I think because I haven't got HTML Formatter switched on and I don't get the Capcha. I think this is less of a problem for me as I don't really need the capcha, and I'm therefore happy to stay with GP1.2, if I can get it to work.
Sorry to be a pain, but does that give any of you any ideas??
Thanks for making this extension and thanks for your patience. I think most of the problems were at my end. I still dunno why Guest Post 1.2 stopped working for me, but I now have 1.4 working - the problem was as simple, and as stupid, as I hadn't correctly modified the default.php file. When I did, and installed the HTML Formatter and switched of Captcha (I don't need it - yet!), it seems to work exactly as designed.
Still leaves me to give the correct instructions, work out if I need and am happy with both BBCode (simpler for non computer heads) & HTML, but that should be easy now.
No problem. Ideally it would work out which formatting extension you had installed and use the appropriate code or not format at all but we dont always live in an ideal world :) Plus I'm quite lazy...!
i will check it out again
thanks for letting me know
Your example takes one directly to a private discussion which would not normally happen, although I agree the raw error should not be displayed.
I use GuestPost and have been since the start and never have any issue with it.
I do have private categories, they are not even seen by guests so they never have the option of posting in them.
I used to use v1.2 with Vanilla 1.1.2 and it worked fine - I thought it was great. But I have just upgraded to Vanilla 1.1.4 (dunno if that makes any difference, but it was a bit tricky and I could have missed something) and installed Guest Post 1.4. Because the earlier version was titled differently, I now have them both and can select either in settings (not sure what would happen if I selected both, but I haven't tried that!!!).
Problem is, not only have I not got 1.4 to work, 1.2 doesn't work properly either now.
Just a couple of questions please:
1. I understand 1.4 needs HTML formatter enabled, which I don't have - I have preferred to use BBCode because I thought it was easier for dummies and safer. I presume 1.4 won't work with that? Is it generally accepted that HTML formatter is a better option?
2. But the problem with 1.2 is strange. When I enter a comment as a guest, it comes up with an error message, but the "Signed in as" note has changed from "Not signed in" to "Signed in as Guest". So if I click on a second time, the comment is accepted. Anyone have any ideas why that change has occurred please?
I think you are the ones who know all about this. Is there any reason why upgrading to v1.1.4 would make Guest Post 1.2 to fail? Do I absolutely have to have HTML formatter active to make GP1.4 work, or only the Capcha bit?
Wanderer: Is there any reason you stayed with v1.1.2? or was it just (like me) you never got around to upgrading? Would I be better off going back to that???
Everyone: I thought I should at least offer a little more info about my problem, in case it triggers something.
1. When I go to my forum as an unsigned in guest, the top "sign in" link says (obviously) "not signed in".
2. When I enter a comment then, I get an error screen which says:
"Some problems were encountered
There was a problem authenticating your post information."
..... followed by the comment box again, with my text still entered. But the "signed in" link has now changed to "Signed in as guest".
3. When I do nothing more than click the "Add comments button" again, the guest post then works. i.e. it is taking two steps, 1 to log is as guest, and 2 to make the post.
All this happens on Guest Post 1.2, which previously worked OK, indicating to me that something changed between Vanilla 1.1.2 and 1.1.4 - it could be my installation was faulty (but I have checked each file and it looks right), or it could be that something in v1.1.4 makes something in Guest Post no longer work properly.
With GP 1.4.1, the "signed in" link doesn't change so I cannot post as guest at all, I think because I haven't got HTML Formatter switched on and I don't get the Capcha. I think this is less of a problem for me as I don't really need the capcha, and I'm therefore happy to stay with GP1.2, if I can get it to work.
Sorry to be a pain, but does that give any of you any ideas??
Thanks for making this extension and thanks for your patience. I think most of the problems were at my end. I still dunno why Guest Post 1.2 stopped working for me, but I now have 1.4 working - the problem was as simple, and as stupid, as I hadn't correctly modified the default.php file. When I did, and installed the HTML Formatter and switched of Captcha (I don't need it - yet!), it seems to work exactly as designed.
Still leaves me to give the correct instructions, work out if I need and am happy with both BBCode (simpler for non computer heads) & HTML, but that should be easy now.
Thanks again, and sorry to bug you.