GuestPost v1.3



  • ok. today i got my first spam post. so i took about a week since installing. now i will not deinstall the plugin again, that is no option but sooner or later the captcha would be th only way. i hope this plugin gets further developed and will see captcha soon.
  • I think the hidden checkbox idea would be much easier and hopefully about as effective...just keep bugging me about it.
  • please get something done. i just got my first spam comment in the forum. other than that, things are back to normal and very active.
  • Well I'll be doing some vanilla work over the next couple of days so I'll try and remember to fit this in somewhere. As I say though, keep bugging.
  • Ok i hope you have been doing something because the spammers have found my forum now and i am deleting about 10 posts a day. Only a matter of time until they boost the numbers where i will be forced to dump the pluggin.
  • Ok so do I just have to add a checkbox input to the form or is it more complicated than that? Shoud it be a visible or hidden checkbox? And should it be hidden properly or with css?
  • I am not really sure. Do bots automatically fill out everything? If so, it should be hidden to the users and if checked, would not save the post. I think hiding it in a corner with CSS would be good enough.
  • Or simply {display:none;} ?
  • edited March 2007
    This extension works well if the username and password boxes are left empty, or a valid combination is entered.

    However, an invalid username or password results in this error written to the top of the page...
    Warning: Missing argument 2 for forceincomingstring() in /forum/library/Framework/Framework.Functions.php on line 340

    Posted: Wednesday, 7 March 2007 at 4:36PM (AEDT)

  • Quote: Minisweeper
    pic I think the hidden checkbox idea would be much easier and hopefully about as effective...just keep bugging me about it. pic
    Please consider yourself bugged, my forum has been found by spammers so I had to deactivate GuestPost.

    That hidden checkbox sounds like a good idea.

    Posted: Wednesday, 7 March 2007 at 10:25PM (AEDT)

  • Ok so how do I hide something with css?
  • {display:none;} this should work.
  • display none where on what though?
  • I thought we were talking about a hidden form element...

    <INPUT TYPE=hidden...

    Something like this. (Not Captcha)

    Posted: Thursday, 8 March 2007 at 7:53AM (AEDT)

  • Like what?
  • A JavaScript...
    1. displays a code (image)
    2. creates a hidden field containing the corresponding code
    3. the user types the code (displayed in image)
    4. script validates
    5. if matches - form is submitted
    6. if no match - form submit is stopped

    Go ahead, try submitting this form. (it comes to me)

    Posted: Thursday, 8 March 2007 at 8:08AM (AEDT)

  • How is that not a captcha though?
  • Well it's the captcha model, concept, behaviour etc. but it's really a JavaScript implementation.

    I can send you the script if you like?

    Posted: Thursday, 8 March 2007 at 8:25AM (AEDT)

  • I see...So what would be required to use this in the posting form?
  • I just sent a working sample to your @cow email.

    It does this...

    If you can't work out how it works, ask away.

    Posted: Thursday, 8 March 2007 at 8:47AM (AEDT)

This discussion has been closed.