bergamot, that javascript resizing thing is slick. i've got a suggestion: could you make it "snap" to the nearest even size when you let go of the slider?
I thought about doing something like that, but every browser does the math a little differently, so there's no guarantee that a specific notch on the slider corresponds to any specific size.
Okay, my turn to shamelessly plug a site I just finished. (WordPress) (Vanilla)
I built that for my business partner's wife. Just launched today. I can't WAIT until v1 comes out (wink wink nudge nudge) so I can integrate the logins for the two (WP and Vanilla) so that users don't have to register twice...and so that I can feed the individual category RSS feeds from Vanilla into the front page of the WP site.
The WP theme is completely custom built and the Vanilla theme is Soulscape Blue that I hacked up to include the new header graphic...and custom changes to the language file and using Ben's tab extension which I also hacked to add a tab to go back to the main WP site.
My blog which I coded from scratch using PHP/MySQL. The backend's quite solid, but it'll never be completed. I'm just very lazy like that :)
Well, my pet project. I'm interested in game development. I've done a few things in the past, but all lost due to a hard disk crash, and inactivity due to school work and other things I've been busy with (mostly web development). I only set up the forum now (using Vanilla, and I'll get a site done when I can get myself to.
I've set up an installation of Vanilla at my site. Feel free to apply and help start the new community up! At these forums, feel free to post about anything you want. We'll provide troubleshooting and help with web design, programming, Windows, Linux, Mac, or whatever you want. So come on over and join! I'm not really a great coder and I am only just really starting with CSS. The forum is slightly jigged about soulscape theme. The whole site is a work in progress..
My homepage is (now only in russian and german)
The Forum is and runs PunBB, I am now migrating the forum on the Vanilla-Script - ;)
So far, so good. Our user base is a ton of young skateboarders, and they tend to scream when anything is slightly different from before (It's the young part, not the skateboarding part).
They've seemed to settle down a bit and a few are checking out the features that Vanilla has to offer. We're slowly plugging away at enabling extensions/features that keep kids happy, their biggest demand is a quote button, and they don't seem to enjoy selecting between text / html / BBcode radio buttons.
Sad Reminders, a fan site for Mark Kozelek (of Red House Painters, Sun Kil Moon)
actually I'm thinking about switching over my 986 users to Vanilla.. been thinking that for a while (was just waiting for 1.0 to drop), and I'm about to pose that question to them to see what they say. I've been using punbb for a couple of years and it's OK.
Comments Forums
Spread the word too! Thanks!
By the way, the first 3 applicants I will let become Moderators automaticly!
So far, so good. Our user base is a ton of young skateboarders, and they tend to scream when anything is slightly different from before (It's the young part, not the skateboarding part).
They've seemed to settle down a bit and a few are checking out the features that Vanilla has to offer. We're slowly plugging away at enabling extensions/features that keep kids happy, their biggest demand is a quote button, and they don't seem to enjoy selecting between text / html / BBcode radio buttons.
Forum I run using Vanilla
Personal Blog running Wordpress
All the other stuff I do is mostly on private networks
....any feedback [+/-] will be appreciated.
thank you so much, Mark.... and all of the extension / style contributors.
It's got a ways to go but I'm having fun butchering it.
actually I'm thinking about switching over my 986 users to Vanilla.. been thinking that for a while (was just waiting for 1.0 to drop), and I'm about to pose that question to them to see what they say. I've been using punbb for a couple of years and it's OK.