Here some of mine, not es good as most of yours, but they are mine...
about kites:
about Live Roleplaying:
Hey, Bumping this thread to add my own input. It's been month since I'm member of this community and never posted a link to my own Vanilla integration. This is because I've been working on a full web application in which Vanilla is rather deeply integrated, and this is only two days ago that the site is publicly available. It's a site about books, libraries, authors, readers and community on the matter.
From a Vanilla user/admin point of view, what is special there? Not so much : • Custom theming to smoothly integrate into the global design. • The most visible is the ajax updater in every page header to see recent forum posts. The update frequency is settable from user preferences. • Full integration of Vanilla's people framework. It is used as the base for user administration, while all custom needed user settings are kept in the separate application database. So if an exploit is found in public Vanilla code, the harm would not propagate outside of the Vanilla database. The account tab is then pulled out of Vanilla tabs and showed at the main tab level. It features custom application settings, in a separate control form. • ALL customizations of Vanilla are made by extensions, without core hacking. It uses my CategoryRoles extension and a modified version of LanguageSelector (no language select for unregistered user, the language choice is in the application settings and stored in application database). This and every other custom features are in a single custom extension, around 220 code lines. • Extensions translations are in separates files as I often suggested in several threads. • The special category "Livres/books" has an added feature. Opening a new thread is not allowed for users (as by CategoryRoles setting) but is automatic from the "community" application tab. Before Mark added the 1.1 post authentication I used my own.
I still have to add some needed extensions like "participated threads".
You need to register, through usual Vanilla controls, to see most of customizations. Feel free to do so. The registration is not moderated, for now.
If you care to look at the xhtml code of application dynamic pages (i.e. everything from the left sided top menu), notice that not a single bit of code is output with inline echo. The page content is made up building a php object tree rendered from its own method. This is to avoid false tag soup.
The next big step will be to design a robust cache mechanism, including forum pages. This is not an easy job because of the intrinsic volatile nature of application informations. I'll have to do so as user base will grow.
Last, two disclaimers: • I'm not the owner of the site, I was hired to do it. • It's brand new, has not been announced anywhere yet. This is beta step, be kind to inevitable bugs and lacks of features.
someone here has which is freaking me out because I've had for 5 or 6 years. wierd.
came across this in a google search. i've been working under the name onetwentysix since about 1998 or so, so i've had it for quite a while. i remember stumbling across your site several years ago thinking you ripped me off actually. haha.
I created these forums because I found it very hard to find a place on the web where advertisers could get together to communicate with each other and share ideas. My intention is to bring the advertising community together to a place where we can all discuss our own projects, get critiques and share other works and ideas we have found on the web or elsewhere. I hope others find this a useful place and that it will grow into a friendly community.
These forums are also open to others that enjoy advertisements or design or just want to join in on a new community.
If this place becomes useful to others and an active web forum I plan to continually upkeep and upgrade it (including buying a domain so the url isn't so long).
Edit: It is only a forum for now, but I plan on building upon it if I find that there is interest in the place.
The Forums - Amazing integration, I'm so proud of everyone there, and happy to be a part of it.
Bumping this thread to add my own input.
It's been month since I'm member of this community and never posted a link to my own Vanilla integration. This is because I've been working on a full web application in which Vanilla is rather deeply integrated, and this is only two days ago that the site is publicly available.
It's a site about books, libraries, authors, readers and community on the matter.
From a Vanilla user/admin point of view, what is special there? Not so much :
• Custom theming to smoothly integrate into the global design.
• The most visible is the ajax updater in every page header to see recent forum posts. The update frequency is settable from user preferences.
• Full integration of Vanilla's people framework. It is used as the base for user administration, while all custom needed user settings are kept in the separate application database. So if an exploit is found in public Vanilla code, the harm would not propagate outside of the Vanilla database. The account tab is then pulled out of Vanilla tabs and showed at the main tab level. It features custom application settings, in a separate control form.
• ALL customizations of Vanilla are made by extensions, without core hacking. It uses my CategoryRoles extension and a modified version of LanguageSelector (no language select for unregistered user, the language choice is in the application settings and stored in application database). This and every other custom features are in a single custom extension, around 220 code lines.
• Extensions translations are in separates files as I often suggested in several threads.
• The special category "Livres/books" has an added feature. Opening a new thread is not allowed for users (as by CategoryRoles setting) but is automatic from the "community" application tab. Before Mark added the 1.1 post authentication I used my own.
I still have to add some needed extensions like "participated threads".
You need to register, through usual Vanilla controls, to see most of customizations. Feel free to do so. The registration is not moderated, for now.
If you care to look at the xhtml code of application dynamic pages (i.e. everything from the left sided top menu), notice that not a single bit of code is output with inline echo. The page content is made up building a php object tree rendered from its own method. This is to avoid false tag soup.
The next big step will be to design a robust cache mechanism, including forum pages. This is not an easy job because of the intrinsic volatile nature of application informations. I'll have to do so as user base will grow.
Last, two disclaimers:
• I'm not the owner of the site, I was hired to do it.
• It's brand new, has not been announced anywhere yet. This is beta step, be kind to inevitable bugs and lacks of features.
Here it is:
I'll welcome comments, here or there. - personal website/blog - art forum I'm trying to make happen, Vanilla powered! Design by me
The Designer Forum
@3stripe: I am too embarassed to show my failures, but have plenty of them.
I created these forums because I found it very hard to find a place on the web where advertisers could get together to communicate with each other and share ideas. My intention is to bring the advertising community together to a place where we can all discuss our own projects, get critiques and share other works and ideas we have found on the web or elsewhere. I hope others find this a useful place and that it will grow into a friendly community.
These forums are also open to others that enjoy advertisements or design or just want to join in on a new community.
If this place becomes useful to others and an active web forum I plan to continually upkeep and upgrade it (including buying a domain so the url isn't so long).
Edit: It is only a forum for now, but I plan on building upon it if I find that there is interest in the place.
justin hileman - my business card website
Swing Kids forum - the forums i've converted to vanilla