I made some tests again and it just works with another Locale definitions than 'tr-TR'.
It also works if you change folder name such as , tr, turkish, whatelse...
It is very strange but it seems a bug with the words "tr-TR"
@magruf said:
I made some tests again and it just works with another Locale definitions than 'tr-TR'.
It also works if you change folder name such as , tr, turkish, whatelse...
It is very strange but it seems a bug with the words "tr-TR"
What do you think, is this a bug? or did you try it in any live server?
It could be an interaction between available locales on your server. without knowing the locales available on your server and the names, it is too hard to tell. too bad you can't run some commands due to permissions set up by your host. I only have a local installation.
if someone has the same problem as you - could execute this
copy and paste this line to a file e.g. mylocalecheck.php
<?php system('locale -a') ?>
can you display your results.
Do you and the other fellow who has the problem have forums on the same server?
Because you and I have confirmed tr-TR works on local installations.
At least they now know how to solve it if they have a problem.
Also, you might want to post a note under the Turkish locale - if it isn't there already - about this solution.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Gdn::FactoryInstall() in /home/xxxxx/public_html/xxx/vanilla/bootstrap.php on line 161
P.S.: After step 5 there is just $Configuration['EnabledLocales']['Turkish'] = 'zz-ZZ'; in /conf/config.php
And at this point website is still in English.
I have an error after add $Configuration['Garden']['Locale'] = 'zz-ZZ';
When I remove $Configuration['Garden']['Locale'] = 'zz-ZZ'; I can enter website without error. Of course in English.
Im thinking about doing a Updated Russian Translate plugin.
Of course, we need help...
I just tried your offers above with new installation step by step but this is the result.
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Gdn::FactoryInstall() in /home/zaheknet/public_html/vanii/bootstrap.php on line 16
What I did:
-I installed new VF
-changed definitions.php as above
-upload it to /locales
-changed conf...php
I made some tests again and it just works with another Locale definitions than 'tr-TR'.
It also works if you change folder name such as , tr, turkish, whatelse...
It is very strange but it seems a bug with the words "tr-TR"
For examle , attach file works.
thx @magruf
I was guessing that might be it. so the change I posted-
does work I assume - since it uses the
vanilla/locales/Turkish ---- turkish folder
and 'Locale' => 'zz-ZZ'
Do you and the other fellow who has the problem have forums on the same server?
Because you and I have confirmed tr-TR works on local installations.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
What do you think, is this a bug? or did you try it in any live server?
It could be an interaction between available locales on your server. without knowing the locales available on your server and the names, it is too hard to tell. too bad you can't run some commands due to permissions set up by your host. I only have a local installation.
if someone has the same problem as you - could execute this
copy and paste this line to a file e.g. mylocalecheck.php
can you display your results.
Do you and the other fellow who has the problem have forums on the same server?
Because you and I have confirmed tr-TR works on local installations.
At least they now know how to solve it if they have a problem.
Also, you might want to post a note under the Turkish locale - if it isn't there already - about this solution.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
you could also try testing ...
put this in turkishtest.php
and post the results
if the results show tr_TR.utf8
then try the following if the above program echoes out
the original transiflex loaded
with a change in the definitions.php
'Locale' => 'tr_TR.utf8'
with appropriate changes to the config statements
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yes, yes , yes
Finally, we have done it. Thanks first.
It seems that it si corrected when we set locale as "tr_TR.utf8"
Here is correct files.
Now at least, I added some explanation about it and how it can be used in Turkish to Transiflex page. Maybe it helps someone.
well done @peregrine
grep is your friend.
Hi again,
I tried your suggestion:
1-) Install new VF.
2-) Upload the attached zip file to locales folder.
3-) Replace text in locales/Turkish/defintions.php
4-) Enable Turkish Transifex from Dashboard.
5-) Set default locale as tr-TR
6-) Add (edit) two lines in /conf/config.php
And Error:
P.S.: After step 5 there is just $Configuration['EnabledLocales']['Turkish'] = 'zz-ZZ'; in /conf/config.php
And at this point website is still in English.
I have an error after add $Configuration['Garden']['Locale'] = 'zz-ZZ';
When I remove $Configuration['Garden']['Locale'] = 'zz-ZZ'; I can enter website without error. Of course in English.

It's working!
Thank you.
We are not on same server.
As I said before I can't run system command, sorry.
When I upload the turkishtest.php to /vanilla/locales/turkish
There is an error:
But when I replace 'Locale' => 'zz-ZZ', to 'Locale' => 'tr_TR.utf8', in definitions.php it's working.

Now it's in Turkish, thank you.
I also reported to Github.
Exactly, great
I believe it is related to this bug
grep is your friend.
$LocaleInfo['vf_tr_TR'] = array (
'Locale' => 'tr-TR',
$LocaleInfo['vf_tr_TR'] = array (
'Locale' => 'ca-TR',
tr-TR change ca-TR