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javascript console mess up my dashboard

DenisSDenisS My brain hurts Buriram ✭✭

Somehow i installed Chrome javascript console, it messed up my dashboard pushing everything over the the left. It took me 3 days to disable it as it didn't show in my APPS page. I have looked at master php but can't find how it's doing it. What is the name of the dashboard code file and where is it?
I have other identical forums and they are all ok.
see photos;



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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

    Does your dashboard look normal in a different browser?

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    DenisSDenisS My brain hurts Buriram ✭✭

    Thanks hgonight: I just tested in IE8 and yes it's the same. My others forums are ok, I just can't understand it at all.

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

    This is more than likely a CSS issue. Did you edit any CSS files?

    Have you tried emptying your browsers cache?

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    DenisSDenisS My brain hurts Buriram ✭✭

    not edit any files and yes cleared all history and cashe

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    Looks like some kind of CSS or Javascript is messed up, like hgtonight mentions. First take a look at it with FireFox. What happens if you disable the 'speedup' plugins in your Vanilla install?

    Since you haven't made any changes, either copy over the files from your working installs or revert to a backup from before you installed that chrome plugin

    I'll bet you can find some more caches to clear

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    DenisSDenisS My brain hurts Buriram ✭✭

    sorry not understand >> 'speedup' plugins in your Vanilla install? Can you explain please:
    Is the dashboard code the same page as the homepage in>
    surin-expatsforum > applications> conversations> dashboard > default.master.php ___?
    I have been through this and can see nothing wrong.
    I did rename default.master.php copied the default.master file from another forum install which is ok and it was still the same, so i reinstated the original. So I think the problem is maybe not browser based. Because the other forums are ok, if browser would it not effect any other Vanilla forum install?

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP

    Disable minify or pagespeed or any plugin that consolidates . Disable all the plugins and re enable one by one until you find the cause.

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    DenisSDenisS My brain hurts Buriram ✭✭

    I have installed Safari & firefox and the same: I disable minify about a month ago i just enabled it and the same, so disable it again. Just enabled Debugger and the is ok full screen width but only the Debugger is full screen everything above is still over to the left. I'll try it one friends computer today if the same that should eliminate browsers and my something in my computer. After I deleted Javascript Console I remember i did a system restore without effect.

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    If your friend's computer has never visited Vanilla / Vanilla Admin on your site and it's still screwed up on FireFox and Chrome it dismisses the browser cache as a culprit.

    Look in your HTML source and take a look at which stylesheets are loaded (copy / paste in this thread) compare with the working sites, the name of those stylesheets (copy / paste in this thread)

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    sahotataransahotataran Developer, Bay Area - CA ✭✭✭

    can you try Firebug and see if you are getting 404 on any CSS or javascript that is required by the page?

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    DenisSDenisS My brain hurts Buriram ✭✭

    Yes tested it on my friends computer and it the same it had never gone to my forum's. It's which style sheets effect the dashboard is the hard thing to figure out. There are just so many. Ok sahotataran I'll try that, i'll try anything at the moment. Maybe even an up-grade!

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP

    the only style sheet for the dashboard is admin.css

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP
    edited June 2013


    ftp this one into your dashboard design folder and see if this will fix it. If it does not then it must be another cause.

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    Look in your HTML source and take a look at which stylesheets are loaded (copy / paste in this thread) compare with the working sites, the name of those stylesheets (copy / paste in this thread)

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    DenisSDenisS My brain hurts Buriram ✭✭

    vrijvlinder, thanks for the try with admin.css but made no difference. Underdog when you say look at HTML source do you mean through "Source View" ? If so
    here's from Source View.
    Dashboard - Surin Expats Forum


    script type="text/javascript">

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    DenisSDenisS My brain hurts Buriram ✭✭

    If i needed to alter this code i have no idea where to locate it.

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    DenisSDenisS My brain hurts Buriram ✭✭

    sahotataran: I did install firebug and run it on my pages..
    I noticed that i get this at the top of the dashboard page. " admin440 Sign Out"
    but my other forum it's without the 440 like this " admin Sign Out"
    so there is an error somewhere.

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    DenisSDenisS My brain hurts Buriram ✭✭

    I would like to thank you all for your help, I am learning as i go along, honestly!

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    peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2013

    disable "ALL your plugins" and see if you have the problem.
    and see if you have a problem.

    if you don't you know what to do next.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP

    Look DenisS It is hard to diagnose this , please make me an admin account in your forum so I can look at the code myself. Send via private message the log in info. After that you can delete me as admin. But I think it is the only way to see what is happening

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