pin topic


is there any plugin required to have a topic pinned in the top of other topics?

i have activated "announce" option but still the topic is not coming in the top of other topics.

i'm using vanilla 2.1


  • Announce is the function that you need. Which theme are you using? Maybe screen shot of what you have in your screen with that announced topic and the other topics

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • I'm using bootstrap3 theme, here is a screenshot.

  • Good job with that screenshot ... in conf/config.PHP there's a section with enabled plug-ins copy/paste that in this topic please

    That screenshot you showed ... is that your homepage? Seems like your 'general' category

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • // EnabledPlugins $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['HtmLawed'] = 'HtmLawed'; $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['AllViewed'] = TRUE; $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Buttons'] = TRUE; $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Emotify'] = TRUE; $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Flagging'] = TRUE; $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['VanillaInThisDiscussion'] = TRUE; $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['SplitMerge'] = TRUE; $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['cleditor'] = TRUE; $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Facebook'] = TRUE; $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Twitter'] = TRUE; $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['AddRegistrationQuestion'] = TRUE; $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['timeago'] = TRUE;

  • there is a slight bug. After you fix it things will work correctly.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • i have changed in applications/vanilla/controllers/class.postcontroller.php


    if (C('Vanilla.Categories.Use')) {
             $Result = array_merge($Result, array(
                '1' => '@'.sprintf(sprintf(T('In <b>%s</b> and recent discussions.'), T('the category'))),
                '2' => '@'.sprintf(T('In <b>%s.</b>'), T('the category')),

    still no luck, and same problem

  • I have to same problem and the solution from here didn't worked. Can anyone help with this issue? Thanks

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited July 2014

    re:I have to same problem and the solution from here

    it works but you need to re-edit old announcements. new announcements should work

    it its a category announcment it will only remain at top in specific category. if it is not category specific announcements will remain at top.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine said:
    re:I have to same problem and the solution from here

    it works but you need to re-edit old announcements. new announcements should work

    it its a category announcment it will only remain at top in specific category. if it is not category specific announcements will remain at top.

    Thanks for your reply. I have tried one more time but my announced discussions are still sliding down when someone else posts in an other thread. I've tried with new discussions and also edited the old discussions. What I'am doing wrong :\ ?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited July 2014

    you have to pick

    In "Your Category" and recent discussions. to keep at top in all discussions.

    In "Your Category" - will float will not stay at top in recent discussions, only at top in specific category view.

    A category announcement (announcements that stick when viewing a specific category,
    have a value of "2" in the announcements field in discussion table
    these don't stick in the main discussions page (discussions from all categories)
    But primary Announcments that are announcements in main discussion page (all categories)
    have a value of "1" in the announcements field in discussion table

    the bug fix again

    the postcontroller.php needs the array swapped


        if (C('Vanilla.Categories.Use')) {
        $Result = array_merge($Result, array(
        '2' => '@'.sprintf(T('In <b>%s.</b>'), T('the category')),
        '1' => '@'.sprintf(sprintf(T('In <b>%s</b> and recent discussions.'), T('the category'))),
        if (C('Vanilla.Categories.Use')) {
        $Result = array_merge($Result, array(
        '1' => '@'.sprintf(sprintf(T('In <b>%s</b> and recent discussions.'), T('the category'))),
        '2' => '@'.sprintf(T('In <b>%s.</b>'), T('the category')),

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Hi @peregrine‌, I found my mistake :) So first of all, the solution works as you said.

    The problem I have is the mainpage where I see multiple categorys (not the /discussions or /categories/ page). I would like to have the announcements stick on the mainpage as I see them on the categories page for example. Because on the mainpage the announcements still slide down when someone posts something on another discussion. Can you tell me how to solve this? Thank you :smiley:

  • You have several options to choose from:

    • use a /discussions as main page
    • file a feature request on github
    • use messages instead of announcements and select all forum pages since there is no way in current code to isolate to just categories page.

    perhaps @r_j or @hgtonight can give you a work around.

    To me personally, having announcements take priority in categories page and rise to top defeats the purpose of seeing the most recent x number of discusions.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • So Announcements do not work in /categories/discussions! Well, to me that sounds like a bug. Is it a bug or a feature, @Linc?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited August 2014

    I think it should be an option. (whether it is bug or feature) Since if you have

    $Configuration['Vanilla']['Discussions']['PerCategory'] = '1'; // or 2

    you will only see an announcement. if there is one or two announcements in category, and you will never see most recent.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • R_JR_J Admin
    edited August 2014

    Agree. Would be good to have checkboxes like that

    [ ] Announce in category.
    [ ] Recent discussions.
    [ ] All Categories.

  • I have followed all the steps here, and couldn't fix the problem.

    i will have to leave vanilla and move to mybb or phpbb :(

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited August 2014

    @Chalipa said:
    I have followed all the steps here, and couldn't fix the problem.

    i will have to leave vanilla and move to mybb or phpbb :(

    your choice (irrational to one of us, but to each his own). you have been presented other options to mitigate problem.

    maybe linc will explain if it is bug or feature.

    if you re-read the comments in discussion - it does not work as you want on /categories but it works as expected on other views (e.g. recent discussions, discussions, etc.)

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • can you check this for me if i give you my cpanel login details?

  • I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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