Pull requests & you

This is a quick overview of pull requests for Vanilla and how the community can help get releases out the door faster.
The very basics:
- Fork the repository. (You won't be able to push to our repos directly.)
- Pull request against
branch (FROM the branch on your fork TO our copy'smaster
) - Verify you have a CLEAN pull request without extra garbage in the change set.
- Write a great, release-notes-worthy title for the pull request.
- Write a well-considered description that details the changes being made & your rationale.
- Treat GitHub as an extension of the community: be friendly, say hello to new folks, etc.
- Mention what you've done to test it already, and what others should be looking at in their tests.
Beyond the basics:
Community evaluation of pull requests would be tremendously helpful. I realize you can't merge PRs, but there's a lot of work that happens before we get that far. And, you'll learn a tremendous amount by jumping in.
If you don't have a deep Vanilla understanding, you can look at the superficial: does it meet our coding standards and naming conventions? Is it a decent idea? Is it free of syntax errors? Has the user signed our contributors' agreement?
If you've been around a while and have been building some serious addons, go further: Is this a safe & sane idea? Can you test it in multiple scenarios to see if it causes a regression or unintended consequences? Is this a Vanilla-like thing to do? Is there already a simpler way to accomplish what the author wants without their change? (e.g.: if they say they need a hook to do X, do you know an existing hook or better way to do it?)
When you evaluate a PR, say so in the comments. We're not looking for cheerleader comments like "yay good idea", but rather "I agree this is an issue/good improvement because I've seen X or understand what they're trying to accomplish. I tested this PR by doing exactly W, Y, and Z and these were my results".
The backlog is a bit long right now, but we're gonna get 'er done. Keep pullin'!
If you want to be notified of PRs and have a github account, click the Watch icon and select Watching on the main Vanilla repository here: https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla
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I only have a 2.1 installation by now. Do the two points above implicit that
a) I have to install master and stage branch
b) or are those identical versions with simply two different names
c) I first have to check if problem I found in 2.1 still prevail in master/stage
d) I have to fix and test against master/stage
I have a fix for an issue and normally would have made a Pull Request against the 2.1 file, but it has been changed in 2.2 and so I think the answer to my questions above are a) yes b) ??? c) yes and d) also yes, but could you (or anyone else) please confirm that (and answer b) for me)? I wouldn't like to install something if I didn't have to.
Edit: found an anwer for b) https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla/compare/stage
They are not the same, so I need two installations
@R_J That was general Vanilla development procedure. If you have a PR for a 2.1 patch, by all means, pull against 2.1. It's very helpful if you also include notes like "this is already fixed in master" or "this should go to master" or "this is still a problem in master but this won't fix it" - but not required, certainly.
Stage is always slightly ahead of master; it's where we land new features before they go to master. Master is in an always-ready-to-deploy state. Stage is in a "probably OK but you'll wanna integration test it more first" state.
Installation already done - both stage and master!
And that was a good thing to do because the issue I was looking at has been already fixed for 2.2 (reported that on GitHub a second before).
Pro tip: I do 1 install each for release branches (2.0 and 2.1), and 1 for master/stage. My installs are directly linked to my git repos so I can toggle as I need to by just checking out a branch. It's extremely rare you would run into a breaking change switching between the two (or one that requires more than utility/update).
I don't recommend checking out between 2.0/2.1/master on your installs because that will get messy. I have 3 repo copies of Vanilla.
Also, remember that every fix in master is a fix for the next release
The more we deal with via master/stage, the better 2.3 will be.
This is helpful!
can you explain more fully.
is it something you plan to do in the future.
e.g. will 2.3 be using upgraded jQuery that master now uses? will ALL bug fixes that have been implemented in master now, be in 2.3
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thanks for the info. It's a bit disheartening to go through the trouble of submitting pull requests only to have them untouched, so this is encouraging.
Does everything also apply to the addons repository?
@JasonBarnabe there is no guarantee that a pull request will get a pass. Not everything belongs in the core an some issue are more important than others.
grep is your friend.
I fully commiserate, and apologize for the lapse. Obviously not all will make it into core, but we should communicate that ASAP.
It does. I plan to fork Addons to have a 2.3 branch this time as well. We haven't done release branches there in the past, and it's gotten us into trouble.
Great question.
Whenever we start a new release cycle, we copy the current state of
as the seed of the next release. This was less obvious with 2.1 because we forked it so far in the past before it finally made it to release. It took more than a year from when it split from master to when we were "official". That's really bad; 2.3 should be closer to 3 months, I hope.The idea is that we have big stuff coming into master constantly that would destabilize our release. So we take a snapshot (fork) and from then on just add smaller patches until we get the official release.
keeps chugging along, never noticing it had a baby.Excepting 2 I commented on for further assistance, I've caught up all pull requests to 2014.
I made a new badge for pull requests that leave me particularly chuffed: http://vanillaforums.org/badge/high-five
A new way for super-fast pull requests: https://github.com/blog/1945-quick-pull-requests
Git is still very hard for me to understand
When I want to make a pull request that affects only one file, I simply do it over the GitHub web interface by directly editing the file. That already creates a pull request.
In what way is that GitHub Flow different?
Looks like it gives you a chance to name the branch
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Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.
Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.
That is nice addition!
Thanks for the info.
We've closed 134 pull requests since the holidays. We're down from ~100 open then to 36 now (across repos; 28 are on core).
I have ridden the PR train as far as it goes. There are only 9 PRs open now.
165 pull requests have now been closed since the holidays. We are about to close our 900th PR across repos. That's 18% of all-time PRs closed in 30 days.
Mission accomplished.