jsconnect,jssautoconnect and sso

I have read and used the sso for embedded vanilla. The question is do I still need to generate the vanilla_sso and add to the embed code or the jsautoconnect eliminates the need for that?


  • The embed code is for inserting your forum inside another website.

    SSO is for connecting your main site's accounts with Vanilla.

    They can be done together or separately.

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  • LincLinc Admin
    edited February 2015

    @beta said:
    I have read and used the sso for embedded vanilla. The question is do I still need to generate the vanilla_sso and add to the embed code or the jsautoconnect eliminates the need for that?

    The vanilla_sso token is required for seamless login (no-click) on an embedded forum. The AutoConnect config setting is also required to automatically connect users with existing forum accounts (matching on email).

  • thanks.

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