Vanilla 2.2 beta 1 is now available

LincLinc Admin

Vanilla 2.2 beta 1 can now be downloaded. It requires PHP 5.3* and is NOT recommended for production environments or non-developers.

You must follow the normal upgrade process, including running /utility/update. You CANNOT DOWNGRADE after upgrading because 2.2 contains a change in password hashing that is irreversible.


  • Install it on various hosting & server solutions.
  • Make a copy of your existing forum (away from production) and then try upgrading.
  • File issues on GitHub (accounts are free) or start a new discussion here. Either way, mention "2.2b1" as your version.
  • File pull requests against master and mention they are for 2.2 in the first line of the description.
  • Test out open source plugins with it. File issues on their repositories / addons pages if you find issues so the authors can investigate. Tell us which ones already work great, too.
  • Everything work great? Super! You can still post here with your environment details (PHP & MySQL versions, server software version, OS version, whether MySQL is in strict mode) and say everything is coming up roses.
  • More ways to contribute to Vanilla.

How we do release cycles:

  • We pick a point and fork a release/x branch from master.
  • We release 1-5 numbered betas (ex: 2.2b1) as we work on final fixes. No more features.
  • We release 1-3 numbered release candidates (ex: 2.2rc1) with last-minute tweaks, usually environment-specific.
  • We release a gold version that is officially designated with the major-point version (ex: 2.2).
  • We then do minor-point releases with patches as needed (ex: 2.2.1).
  • If we need a second or third patch within 24 hours of a minor-point release we may do a rare "patch" release (ex: 2.2.1p1).

Support for 2.1 will cease immediately with the gold release of 2.2.

Repo branching notes:

  • The 2.0 branch has been deleted.
  • 2.1 is now on release/2.1.
  • 2.2 has been forked as release/2.2.
  • master will press forward with its 2.2.100.x numbering scheme until we fork for the next version.

*Note on PHP version: We always recommend the latest PHP stable release. The next major release of Vanilla will require 5.4 which may happen as early as this year.



  • LincLinc Admin
    edited June 2015

    As far as the schedule for this cycle, I plan to release either b2 or rc1 the week of June 29 (in ~2 weeks). I hope for a gold release the second half of July.

    This cycle is focused on fixing significant, user-facing issues. The GitHub tracker has quite a few open bug tickets that will be targeted for the next version. Reporting something doesn't necessarily mean it will be fixed in the 2.2 final.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    @Linc said:
    Draft 2.2 changelog (very condensed overview):

    • Add support for mentions in brackets: '(@someone)'.

    Obviously not. Filed a PR :(

  • LincLinc Admin

    @R_J said:
    Filed a PR

    Thanks! I ported it to the 2.2 branch too.

  • LincLinc Admin

    Updated first post to indicate that you cannot downgrade after moving to 2.2 because of password hashing. You'd need to reset the password of any account that logs in under 2.2 to go back to 2.1.

  • Its been a few days and no feedback? Guess i'll be the first one :) I upgraded my test env from 2.1.11 to 2.2b1. Upgrade went fine - forum still works i.e. no visible errors. I'm using Kaspers Bootstrap theme.
    Running MySQL 5.5.43-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 - (Ubuntu) with Apache/2.4.7 & PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.9

    So far only Resized Image LightBox plugin doesnt work.

    Love the new advanced editor, one question tho - how can i disable uploading via the editor? Or are you guys having any plans for a setting 'Disable upload/upload button' .

    Keep up the great work.

  • @CrazyLemon said:

    So far only Resized Image LightBox plugin doesnt work.

    Bummer :(

    Search first

    Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.

    Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited June 2015

    Finally... :D:+1:
    Thanks to all for your every effort for making this new Version happen... :awesome:

    Now, to help in someway, I did the steps as told by @Linc:

    1. Made a working copy of my Forum (changed also the database connection in config.php to the database copy)
    2. Backup database, .htaccess and conf/config.php
    3. Upload the new release's files so they overwrite the old ones.

    But on step 4: "Go to to force any updates needed."

    I did ""

    I get an Browser error: "This webpage has a redirect loop"...

    And there I'm stuck... :(

    I did not post this on Github, it's most certainly my error somehow... O.o=)

    I also have to mention, the Copy is on the same Website as the working Forum, but in an other Folder... maybe Cookie Problems?? O.o=) (p.s.: I did clear the Cookies)

    The link to the Copy is

    I am updating from Version 2.1.10, using Opera, Firefox and Iron as Browser

    Thanks in advance... ;)

  • LincLinc Admin

    @Dr_Sommer Did you use the new .htaccess file? What version of Apache are you using?

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited June 2015

    Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)
    PHP Version 5.4.36-0+deb7u3
    MySQL Server Version: 5.5.41-0+wheezy1

    I overwrote the old files with the new one, so ".htaccess" was also overwritten ( I rechecked on the old and the new files).

    is it the PHP5 Version? must it be exactly 5.3 or minimum 5.3?

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited June 2015

    Minimum. I'd check your PHP error log next; that link takes me to a blank page. Start a new discussion to troubleshoot further.

  • @CrazyLemon said:
    Its been a few days and no feedback? Guess i'll be the first one :) I upgraded my test env from 2.1.11 to 2.2b1. Upgrade went fine - forum still works i.e. no visible errors. I'm using Kaspers Bootstrap theme.
    Running MySQL 5.5.43-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 - (Ubuntu) with Apache/2.4.7 & PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.9

    So far only Resized Image LightBox plugin doesnt work.

    Love the new advanced editor, one question tho - how can i disable uploading via the editor? Or are you guys having any plans for a setting 'Disable upload/upload button' .

    Keep up the great work.

    I've implemented Swipebox into my forum installation.

    I opened the attachment file in plugins/editors/views/attachment.php
    On line 39 added a class of "lightbox" to the a link

    Then inserted the lightbox dependencies to my theme folder and added a single jQuery call to it jQuery( 'a.lightbox' ).swipebox();

  • piotrpiotr New
    edited June 2015

    I've installed 2.2b1 on a testdomain, upgrade went fine. One question: how do I enable the "advanced editor" (the one I'm typing this message in) ? I don't have the buttonbar. Thanks.

  • @piotr said:
    I've installed 2.2b1 on a testdomain, upgrade went fine. One question: how do I enable the "advanced editor" (the one I'm typing this message in) ? I don't have the buttonbar. Thanks.

    You dont need buttonbar. Just enable Advanced Editor in the plugin section. And you need to change InputFormatter in conf/config.php to 'wysiwyg' in you want WYSIWG editor.

    @DreamCatcher thats an option yes but! I hate editing the core/plugins just because i know i'll overwrite them sooner or later. But thanks for the info. Maybe a module or a plugin that does the same wouldnt hurt :)

  • Thanks for the reply @CrazyLemon, there is no Advanced Editor the plugin section of the dashboard.

  • @CrazyLemon you don't need to edit the core plugin you can attach it to the default class already there
    jQuery( '.editor-file-preview a.filename' ).swipebox();

    I only edited the core because I wanted certain separation for file links and might allow other filetypes uploads later down.

  • @piotr said:
    Thanks for the reply CrazyLemon, there is no Advanced Editor the plugin section of the dashboard.

    Check your plugins folder, you should see an 'editor' folder inside. If not - its weird, you sure you're on 2.2b1? :D - download it from github

  • The /plugins/editor folder was there, but it was empty. Uploaded the pluging again. It's working now. Thanks !

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