I keep getting a redirect loop with this version only. Yet again, I had to choose a different host (free ones really aren't that great) and everything went well until the actual installation of vanilla. I feel like this is an error on my end. But when I try to install vanilla 2.1.11, everything goes just fine. Maybe it is a PHP issue... I am running version 5.4, so I don't see how that would cause it. I tested 5.5 and 5.3 which are the only two other php versions that hostgator offers and it didn't work
@Linc said:
What version did you upgrade from? Did you follow the additional upgrade instructions from 2.0.18 and earlier that include deleting 2 files?
On my old installation, Garden.MobileTheme was set to a copy of bootstrap.
I upgraded from 2.1.11, I followed the instructions to a T, deleting the files, and running the script at the end.
apparently, it is not the none standard port that cause the problem but something to do with this code below.
< script type="text/javascript">gdn=window.gdn||{};gdn.meta={"TagHint":"Start to type...","TransportError":"A fatal error occurred while processing the request.
The server returned the following response: %s","TransientKey":false,"WebRoot":"http:\/\/localhost:36942\/","UrlFormat":"\/index.php?p=\/{Path}","Path":"dashboard\/setup","Args":"","ResolvedPath":null,"ResolvedArgs":"[]","SignedIn":0,"ConfirmHeading":"Confirm","ConfirmText":"Are you sure you want to do that?","Okay":"Okay","Cancel":"Cancel","Search":"Search"};
It has something to do with search but not sure why it happen during setup!
@chanh said:
apparently, it is not the none standard port that cause the problem but something to do with this code below.
< script type="text/javascript">gdn=window.gdn||{};gdn.meta={"TagHint":"Start to type...","TransportError":"A fatal error occurred while processing the request.
The server returned the following response: %s","TransientKey":false,"WebRoot":"http:\/\/localhost:36942\/","UrlFormat":"\/index.php?p=\/{Path}","Path":"dashboard\/setup","Args":"","ResolvedPath":null,"ResolvedArgs":"[]","SignedIn":0,"ConfirmHeading":"Confirm","ConfirmText":"Are you sure you want to do that?","Okay":"Okay","Cancel":"Cancel","Search":"Search"};
It has something to do with search but not sure why it happen during setup!
any idea?
I replaced the .htaccess file with the one from 2.1.11 and it fixed my setup issue. Not sure what that has to do with that script, but it fixed it. I personally think, according from the information from that script, it has some issues with certain web hosts. I used hostgator for instance, and it went into a redirect loop. But on X10 (which I don't recommend for anyone out there that wondered) it allowed 2.2 to setup and load properly.
@orangesmasher221 said:
I replaced the .htaccess file with the one from 2.1.11 and it fixed my setup issue. Not sure what that has to do with that script, but it fixed it. I personally think, according from the information from that script, it has some issues with certain web hosts. I used hostgator for instance, and it went into a redirect loop. But on X10 (which I don't recommend for anyone out there that wondered) it allowed 2.2 to setup and load properly.
I will say that the .htaccess from 2.1.11 doesn't allow anyone except the owner to use the dashboard and the one from 2.2 after setting it up displays the front page on every page. Even if you click on messages, it goes to the front page.
I've upgraded tot 2.2b1 and I have noticed that users have no role assigned after the upgrade. All my users have the role "Registered User", after the upgrade they have no role.
I will be out of the office now until July 20. I'm blocking off time that week to see if we can get it all resolved, but obviously anything folks can look at in the meantime is greatly appreciated. We especially need better testing on multiple Apache setups to find issues with our removal of the 'p' parameter. https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla/issues/2863 That, to me, looks like the most time consuming issue of the bunch if it's truly an issue.
Reminder: It's very important that any fixes for those issues get backported to the 2.2 branch. Also accepting backports of other fixes you see / have seen between the beta and the RC release. No more non-critical backports once we hit RC.
@piotr said:
I've upgraded tot 2.2b1 and I have noticed that users have no role assigned after the upgrade. All my users have the role "Registered User", after the upgrade they have no role.
What version did you upgrade from? Was it an import (and from what)?
@chanh The code you have pasted is simply the new "definitions" list for Javascript to use. I don't see any actual problems in that code. Is it simply spitting out that code and nothing else during installation? Perhaps some screenshots or a screencast of what's happening would help illuminate, or the actual error(s) from your logs.
All I got was just a "red" bar across the screen it shows nothing and it won't continue so I went to the "view source" to copy the code.
this is the Url to the issue: https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla/issues/2862 it has something to do with MySQL Strict Mode
So... finally I can give my full GRATITUDE to the Vanilla Team and the Forum Supporter!! I'm so flashed by my new Forum (V2.2b1 and Bootstrap), that I'm dreaming bout it every 2nd day.... (allways need one day to calm down my fascination..hehe.. )
Especially the Advanced Editor is a milestone for me... the "almost" WYSIWYG feature is a killing feature in my opinion...
So THANKS A LOT for sharing this great software with the community and ThX to the ever helping Community... I've learned a lot with your Support.... Learning ist growing...
Got thrown a bit of a curveball when I got back to the office after vacation that's had me unexpectedly busy. Currently expect both rc & gold will hit in August. Any assistance looking at the 2.2 milestone list on GitHub would be greatly appreciated.
Well I was just wondering because my mobile theme got messed up with this version.
What does "messed up" mean?
What's your current config value for Garden.MobileTheme?
What version did you upgrade from? Did you follow the additional upgrade instructions from 2.0.18 and earlier that include deleting 2 files?
I keep getting a redirect loop with this version only. Yet again, I had to choose a different host (free ones really aren't that great) and everything went well until the actual installation of vanilla.
I feel like this is an error on my end. But when I try to install vanilla 2.1.11, everything goes just fine. Maybe it is a PHP issue... I am running version 5.4, so I don't see how that would cause it. I tested 5.5 and 5.3 which are the only two other php versions that hostgator offers and it didn't work
On my old installation, Garden.MobileTheme was set to a copy of bootstrap.
I upgraded from 2.1.11, I followed the instructions to a T, deleting the files, and running the script at the end.
apparently, it is not the none standard port that cause the problem but something to do with this code below.
< script type="text/javascript">gdn=window.gdn||{};gdn.meta={"TagHint":"Start to type...","TransportError":"A fatal error occurred while processing the request.
The server returned the following response: %s","TransientKey":false,"WebRoot":"http:\/\/localhost:36942\/","UrlFormat":"\/index.php?p=\/{Path}","Path":"dashboard\/setup","Args":"","ResolvedPath":null,"ResolvedArgs":"[]","SignedIn":0,"ConfirmHeading":"Confirm","ConfirmText":"Are you sure you want to do that?","Okay":"Okay","Cancel":"Cancel","Search":"Search"};
It has something to do with search but not sure why it happen during setup!
any idea?
I replaced the .htaccess file with the one from 2.1.11 and it fixed my setup issue. Not sure what that has to do with that script, but it fixed it. I personally think, according from the information from that script, it has some issues with certain web hosts. I used hostgator for instance, and it went into a redirect loop. But on X10 (which I don't recommend for anyone out there that wondered) it allowed 2.2 to setup and load properly.
I will say that the .htaccess from 2.1.11 doesn't allow anyone except the owner to use the dashboard and the one from 2.2 after setting it up displays the front page on every page. Even if you click on messages, it goes to the front page.
I've upgraded tot 2.2b1 and I have noticed that users have no role assigned after the upgrade. All my users have the role "Registered User", after the upgrade they have no role.
Keep up the great work, this release is looking great!
These are the issues currently blocking us from making it to RC: https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla/issues?q=is:open+is:issue+milestone:2.2rc
I will be out of the office now until July 20. I'm blocking off time that week to see if we can get it all resolved, but obviously anything folks can look at in the meantime is greatly appreciated. We especially need better testing on multiple Apache setups to find issues with our removal of the 'p' parameter. https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla/issues/2863 That, to me, looks like the most time consuming issue of the bunch if it's truly an issue.
Reminder: It's very important that any fixes for those issues get backported to the 2.2 branch.
Also accepting backports of other fixes you see / have seen between the beta and the RC release. No more non-critical backports once we hit RC.
What version did you upgrade from? Was it an import (and from what)?
@chanh The code you have pasted is simply the new "definitions" list for Javascript to use. I don't see any actual problems in that code. Is it simply spitting out that code and nothing else during installation? Perhaps some screenshots or a screencast of what's happening would help illuminate, or the actual error(s) from your logs.
All I got was just a "red" bar across the screen it shows nothing and it won't continue so I went to the "view source" to copy the code.
this is the Url to the issue:
https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla/issues/2862 it has something to do with MySQL Strict Mode
Our happiness tastes like Vanilla....and we love it. Thanks to the developers of this wonderful project from the team of dondomainer.com
Coming from 2.1.3, copied the DB to a testserver and did the upgrade as described in this thread.
Thanks @dondomainer!
So... finally I can give my full GRATITUDE to the Vanilla Team and the Forum Supporter!! I'm so flashed by my new Forum (V2.2b1 and Bootstrap), that I'm dreaming bout it every 2nd day.... (allways need one day to calm down my fascination..hehe..

Especially the Advanced Editor is a milestone for me... the "almost" WYSIWYG feature is a killing feature in my opinion...
So THANKS A LOT for sharing this great software with the community and ThX to the ever helping Community... I've learned a lot with your Support.... Learning ist growing...

Thanks! awesome update team!
Got thrown a bit of a curveball when I got back to the office after vacation that's had me unexpectedly busy. Currently expect both rc & gold will hit in August. Any assistance looking at the 2.2 milestone list on GitHub would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for asking a dumb GitHub question again, but where would I find that? Do you mean all the open issues?