[Donations: $1650] Mac Book for Mark! (WE DID IT)



  • edited May 2006
    $800 seems a little more doable now... Way to go! I hope this fundraiser will make Lussumo seem like slightly less an utter waste of your time. :D
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Didn't mini say he'd donate $100 for the mini vanilli style? Where's he at?
  • I'm here. Is it up yet? I dont think so! I also havent been paid yet.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Oh come on. You know I'm good for it!
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    Has news of the donations drive entered the blogosphere in any shape or form yet? (Apart fae Swell of course)
  • I don't think we want a huge influx of new users before the release of 1.0
  • I am as jealous as a starving ethiopian watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, thinking it was a real contest.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Thanks to Jesse, who's donation brings us to $670 :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Big ups to Precid for his donation, which brings us to $680 :)
  • edited May 2006
    Make that nice round $700, just sent $20 CAD. Missed or didn't see a place to add notes when making payment so it will appear from my company Plexi Hosting.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Sweet. Thanks, talkshoe!
  • $20 from me.

    initials are AP, just so you know.

    equivalent to buying you a few pints. one for Vanilla, one for Filebrowser, one for introducing me to komodo.

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Right on, Thanks dude!

    Here's my latest tip: If you have any use for VPN's, I've been using an awesome service lately that makes it way easy - check out hamachi
  • Thanks for the tip, Mark. I'm hoping to see the clientless VPN take off more than it has. Cisco doesn't seem to be embracing the concept but other bigger vendors are, and then your tip there is a great step for other folks too! Sonicwall seems to be doing some great work in clientless VPNs but unfortunately I usually come into a company after they've purchased Cisco or something that "you can't get fired for" choosing. Anyway, too offtopic again. Seems to be my style. Back to the donations!
  • Yeah, i checked out hamachi a while ago. Seemed pretty sweet. Not found a use for it yet though. I'm still totally lovin remotely anywhere. Almost worth paying for! I get paid tomorrow and i have a few debts i need to call in so I'll certainly make up the $800 or chuck something in if we get there beforehand.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • You have to post pictures of the Macbook when you get it.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You know I will, for sure.
  • 2.20am and i still havent been paid! Sucks! If you're gonna be posting pictures and showing off and making me all jealous i'm not so sure i want to be part of this anymore. I've just about convinced myself it's a better idea to keep this :( Seriously though give me till the morning. p.s. release mini vanilli! (and put it on this site since i dont have a vanilla forum running anywhere else!)
  • He can't put Mini Vanilli on the site without taking down this theme.
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