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Vcal (Event calendar) Alpha screenshots



  • should the eventform be added to the discussion form or it should be a separate ion the calendar tab?
  • Optional? Otherwise I say seperate. Or ajaxy.
  • edited November 2007
    so for adding discussions you use the usual post.php, but for events you use a totally different one.
    Is that what you want?
    All the extensions that work in the discussion form won't work if i create a separate form.
    Themes won't work on it either. you will have to create new themes
  • I would say from a both a usability standpoint and (as you mentioned) a standards compliance with other extensions, to keep this functionality in the same form as post.php. You can't do any harm by keeping the process for all operations in the same place (in my opinion). I know from a technical standpoint that my users don't tend use a feature that goes too far outside of the basics no matter how beneficial it may be.
  • By optional I meant 'have an admin setting which says either use the post form or a seperate one'. But if you're using the post form, I say get some ajaxy goodness in to hide/display it when necessary :)
  • edited November 2007
    this is one awesome calendar widget It has all the views, monthly, weekly and daily all in one page all animated. Its build on mootools Seriously now when will see cool stuff made in jquery
  • edited November 2007
    That is indeed a very, very nice way to handle the interface. I'm interested to see how this turns out as I'm in need of a calendar for my Vanilla community at the moment -- I guess that means I'm volunteering to be on your list of beta testers too if required? I'd tend to agree with the above in that the form should be kept on the usual post.php, but has the ability to be shown/hidden as required. mis-one is spot on with the comments about regular users not straying too far away from the norm when it comes to additional features.
  • Schiz, just pick one and start building! lol!

    Add me to the testing list if that helps. :)
  • I will definitely be waiting for this! Looks amazing.
  • I'm propping my eyelids up with matchsticks in feverish anticipation of this one!
  • edited November 2007
    about 50% done i would help me if anyone can write the code to take the location and spit out google maps
  • more screenshots added above
  • edited November 2007
    That looks just fantastic so far. Really good. A couple of comments: As far as I am concerned Google Maps, whilst fancy, is not as important as being able to run a calendar or list. Getting there is a secondary question that surfaces only once you know there's an event. I think location should be a main field, not an advanced option - an event always has to happen somewhere. Repeating events - I know my people sometimes offer the same event a few times over each summer but they are irregular and I just see them trying to shoehorn their thing into the recurring form instead of entering the event 3-times over. However, I see you have a field for dates to be left out. Could it be possible to use the same kind of add-date-block-field for "this event also occurs on..." entries. Aside: If you're not already, please also use the SetDefinition/GetDefinition dictionary terms so that it can be localised. Thanks!!
  • edited November 2007
    ok google maps has been moved down in priority.
    Already using SetDefinition/GetDefinition
    Location is now a main option
    Regarding reoccuring events, i can give a custom option. where you can just enter the dates they event will occur
    Custom Repeat option added
  • I assume this is a table...
    td { width: 14%; !important; }in the CSS will get you even columns for a seven day week.

    Can we have "< Previous" and "Next >" links in the first row to go forward or back a month at a time?

    Layout point: just a hair of space between the date field and the pop-up calendar icon?

    It's looking great!
  • I add a little "info" icon in the calendar event to take the user from the calendar to the post (see it here). How does the user get from calendar to post on yours, or is it only post to calendar?

    Does selecting a calendar for the event add a class to the event so it can be variously styled via CSS?
  • Wouldn't it be more intuitive to have the title of the event in the calendar linked to the discussion as opposed to a tiny icon? Not criticizing your design pbear, just curious as to why you went that route.
  • No prob. Couldn't tell from the screenshot what was a link or not, but I guess sometimes the Vanilla style is underline for a link only shows on rollover. As long as there's a way to get from discussion to calendar and vv. Links to external websites might get nicely encapsulated in an info icon. Or if the prefs allow HTML to be entered for the text so one could put an "<img... />" tag instead of say "website." Need some class attached to that too as a CSS hook. Start Date and End Date look like they could fit on the one line together. I can't wait for this to be operational. :D
  • their won't be any info in the monthly view other than name of the event. no icons to external sites. the title will be directed to the discussion view
    the link to external site will only appear in the discussion view. all the other info will also appear in the discussion view.
    The monthly calendar view will be simple.
  • "Pictures in the month view was a nice touch. instead of saying Nov 28th concert, just add the picture of the concert promotions, which makes it easily recognizable if their is lot of clutter." Is this part done? goodwork.
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