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jQuery don't have to use it. You just need to add at the end the jQuery file
//You now only can use jQuery with jQuery(); jQuery.noConflict();
or//you now can use jQuery with jQuery() or $j() $j() = jQuery.noConflict();
When you use jQuery plugins, you have to be sure that the use jQuery() and not $(). For the official plugins, I think that only Thickbox use $(). That's easy to fix.
see jQuery page: Using jQuery with Other Libraries
jQuery.noConflict(); // Put all your code in your document ready area jQuery(document).ready(function($){ // Do jQuery stuff using $ $("div").hide(); });
stash it would be nice if ur extension version matches the official jquery versions
so 1.1.3 should be with 1.1.3 jquery
{tangent} did you see this: Interface Elements for JQ and the latest JQuery-Ext alpha by Jack Slocum? Whoo! {/tangent}
I'm the one who reported the page reordering conflict with the Page Manager, but I don't believe JQuery is the problem - I think JQThickBox is causing the issue. I've tried it with JQuery version 1.1.2 enabled (with JQTB disabled), and I am able to reorder pages just fine. If I enable JQTB, then I cannot reorder pages.
Tom, that's a thought. At this point though I'd be going back a version number, so I wonder, will this screw up the updates system with the add-ons site?
$j() = jQuery.noConflict();
to jquery.js in the jQuery extension and replace the "$" by "jQuery" in Thickbox.js.$j is not defined jquery.js Line 2
However, using this seems to do the trick:
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
Any particular reason I shouldn't use this?
u cannot just use addstring, cause all addscripts appear first then addstrings appear.
no matter what the sequence u enable it.
v12-1.1.4 Released 2007-08-27 + Updated the JS library to jQuery 1.1.4. + Changed the version numbering scheme to a simple RELEASENUMBER-JQUERY_VERSION_NUMBER. So for this release — v12-1.1.4 — the v12 refers to release 12 (count 'em) using version 1.1.4 of the jQuery JS library. Hopefully this will be an improvement and less confusing for people. If you have a view on this one way or another,please leave feedback in the addon discussion.