Dojo Files

edited April 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Dojo Files


  • Uploaded version 0.41 of Dojo Files.
  • Uploaded version 0.42 of Dojo Files.
  • getting this error when i enable it from the settings page (have to manually edit conf/extensions.php to be able to get back into vanilla):

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /home/thescot2/public_html/forums/extensions/DojoFiles/default.php on line 124
  • this is odd. I dont get that. on that line is just a variable decleration.. let me try something

    try to edit the default.php and comment out the line
    124 private $Context;

    and then enabling the add on again
  • its strange, this line has no effect for me.. anyone else have this problem?
  • I've the same problem. I'm using PHP 4.4.6. Also the extension can't handle files with ' in its name.
  • i use php 5 if that could be a problem. Did u try to comment out the line Tekl? about files with ' in their names, I really think one ought to NOT name files with that, I can see no reason to do so, but im assuming that ppl will demand it anyway. I guess I will just rename files that come in with such a name.. Are you sure attachment handles them well?
  • Hi!

    I had the same problem, and solved it by changing

    124 private $Context;


    124 var $Context;

    But I still have some path-issues: Images don't show, hotlink-urls are wrong, ... I don't use friendly url's on this installation.

  • But I still have some path-issues: Images don't show, hotlink-urls are wrong, ... I don't use friendly url's on this installation.
    Now I know what's wrong with pathes: I gives me the filesystems pathes, not urls! I have put the file repository inside the home dir, where it is not web-accessible. No problem for the Attachments-Extensions. But one for Dojo Files!

    Seemed clever for me this way, because it's a very closed forum, only accible for four persons, discussion workshop we do! And because of lists with participant mails and things like that, I would like to keep it private and secure as possible!
  • ah, I understand, I think for your case a specific version of the extension is needed. if ur not able to, I can probably help out. the problems are these lines:
    97 $arr = split($Configuration['WEB_ROOT'],$Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH']); 98 $local_root_path = $arr[0]; 179 $hot = str_replace($Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'],$Configuration['BASE_URL'],$row['Path']); 220 $path = str_replace($local_root_path,"",$row['Path']);
    As you can see I look for the configuration settings to find how to modify the path to the files. If you exchange out these with strings containing the path to your files directory, you should get it to work
  • Uploaded version 0.4201 of Dojo Files.
  • What's new at 0.4201?
    If you exchange out these with strings containing the path to your files directory, you should get it to work
    Uhm, but there is no path to my files, it is not web accessible!

    We should use the file download-methode of the Attachments Extensions.

    Instead of the url and pathes, it would be nice, to see from which discussion the file comes! In my opinion, this would be very useful!
  • yea, wich discussion is an good idea, ill write that up as a future feature, but I dont think I will make it work for a local non web forum. defeats the purpose IHMO

    the only thing new in 0.4201 is the change u found with VAR instead of PRIVATE (even though it doesnt have effect on my machine. probably php version)
  • Hi!

    Oh no, my forum is web! It's used over, no problem, just think about it, as a normal forum!

    Only the path, where the attachments extension stores it files isn't accessible over the web. That is no problem, because Attachments uses his default.php for piping the attachment-files to the browser. In this way, you can use all of the rights-managment on the attachment-files, and no way around them, like it would, if the storage would be web accessible!

    That's why I can't use direct download urls, but need urls in the form of, they work fine at all - throught the web. The Attachment Extension uses them too!

    Having direct web access to the storage is in my opinion no good idea, because you loose all rights managment on them!

    But none the less, your extension is very useful, great idea! I realy like the idea of having a file-repository inside vanilla, even better if it is integrated into the discussions ... great for discussions about documents.

    Don't hesitate to take my sugestions as silly crap, but keep on the good work!
  • On the contrary, I think your feedback has been useful. I will in the future also (when I make the admin settings functions) have the admin choose which columns that should be displayed on the tabled view. I do however think that if your willing to let the users host files on the forum, you must trust your users. I myself only use it on a small forum where I know all the users personally. I also think that showing the hotlinking url is one of the most useful features of this add on, as this way the users can resuse images without attaching them again. So besides direct link and hotlinking, it works for you? I could edit it for you to hide those columns, if u prefer.
  • you should look into DiscussionOverview extension and see how to use extensions.php as a custom page. It is provided by vanilla for this very purpose.
  • have you tested this extension Schizo?
  • yes thats what I'm doing right now
    just take out the BadPanelItems stuff. it seems to be buggy. Its removing panel items that don't belong to BadPanelitems array.
    Its really bizarre
  • Hi again!

    First, thank you! :-)
    I do however think that if your willing to let the users host files on the forum, you must trust your users.
    No problem with this! I trust my users! Realy! They are friends of mine, I know them in person, in real live, in geek speek: in meatspace! ;-)

    But I distrust the "None-Users", people that aren't my users shouldn't get able to get throught to the attachments!

    But I think, it may be an easy hack... I have a look at it!
  • schizo: ok i will. its there cause i stole much of the code from panel manager... consider it gone. to doing the main features ok? Tigr: meatspace. hahaha :) I dont however see how none users will be able to get the url. only a person that know the exact url will be able to get to the file. and if you only list the urls on a page you can only see while logged in, only your users will see them.. Maybe im too naive or not good enough hacker to understand, but I dont see the problem here really..
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