Dojo Files



  • ^^


    EDIT: take care of this situation: the user clicks on (e.g) Images, but there ist NO image in db. So the table should be empty. But under the table, there is the "[last]" linkm which leeds to a unkind empty white white side ;)

    This is the IF-condition for showing up the [last] Button
    if ($page != $nrOfPages) {
    have to change into
    if ($page != $nrOfPages && $nrOfPages > 0) {
    *oller Klugscheißer* :P

    EDIT 6.4. 11:43: Now I'm quite sure... You definitly don't use the dictionary in the "look at" column. And the </strong>-close tag from the movie look at link is missing
  • thanks for the feed back. fixed those two things plus a heap more. Next version (in an hour or so) will tons of small little fixes, but most of all, a total restructure, including Dojo Files' own settings page for admins. No more editing settings.php :)
  • Uploaded version 0.9 of Dojo Files.
  • Ok, its approaching something I can call a version 1.0 very rapidly. Now it has admin settings page, role permissions and the works. Boy have I learned a lot about vannilla through this process and I got to say I love it. Your setup makes extension building fun and easy Mark. KUDOS!

    Now, if ppl that use this could try out 0.9 and help me get the last kinks and bugs out, I will possibly look into the javascript thingy for title renaming. I dont really see what more to do with this product atm, so hope you guys enjoy it :)

    0.9 bugs so far:
    - incorrect end of headline if viewing anything but all or hidden. (fixed. in next update)
    - Title edit goes to wrong link. (fixed. in next update)
  • Uploaded version 0.91 of Dojo Files.
  • just installed Attachments and Dojo. tested attachments to see it could read/write, and it seems fine. Dojo enabled prints this error across the top of the forum: Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. in site/forum/extensions/DojoFiles/default.php on line 184 I've been pouring over default.php in wordpad (UGH!) and i'm somehow missing the line it's referring to. i also did some finds and couldn't get anything in default.php that was like allow_call_time_pass_reference. any idea what this is, where it is, what i change, why it's happening, etc? I feel like I'm always posting here if it's 3am and my eyes are too tired to spot that last obvious detail ):
  • no idea, sry...

    but I've also a new problem with Dojo Files :P

    I've 8 Tabs in my forum... 1 is Dojo Files, 1 is my own experimental extension.

    My tab is always there, except, if I open the Dojo Files tab. It disappers and only returns, if I switch to another tab...

    any idea
  • @Rysk: Do you use Page Manager?

    0.92 I hope will fix your problem Alanapost. It also fixes another minor bug ( a missed html end tag)
  • Uploaded version 0.92 of Dojo Files.
  • mmh, I don't konw, how to anwser, I've installed PM..

    If I enable it, my tab disappears, and I cant find it...

    If I disable PM, my tab returns, but how I said, disappears again, if I open Dojo File tab...
  • i'll install pm on a test forum and try to figure out. do you have any other extensions installed that influence the menu in any way? edit: yea i get the same thing. the reason the Files tab remain is that its also hard coded in. Appearently the Page Manager writes the tabs for all pages, but not extension.php.. ill ask that author about it and try to find out, hang tight :) Looking at it, it dont appear to be an easy fix and SirNot is awol. What does your tab do? I can help you make a quick fix that will make it work for now.
  • After look at it a bit, I cant really figure out how this PM works, but I gotta say, no ooffence to SirNot, but I dont like it. For one thing, the way I have set up Dojo Files, you have to have role permission to view the tab. Page Manager will totally disregard this and display it for all. What PM does is removes all the menu tabs and rewrites them, base on its own settings. It doesnt do so when your at one of your own custom pages. My advice is write small extensions for your custom pages. For instance, I added a wiki to my site. Wanting to link to it in the menu on my forum, I created a new extension folder with a default.php in it that had these lines: <?php /* Extension Name: WikiTAB Extension Url: Description: Adds Wiki tab Version: 0.1 Author: Alek Author Url: N/A */ if(isset($Menu)) { $Menu->AddTab("Wiki","wiki","","",31); } ?>
    Sorry. This still dont work for some reason. I cant figure it out.. Hang on
  • Ok here is what you need to do, sorta. You must create add-on like mine for your custom pages in addition to have them on PM. You probably need to run the "Resync tabs" on PM settings page. Then You need to play with the order of enabling and you should get it to work.
  • My forum isn't online... at the moment, I have 4 Accounts... Admin and 3 test accs...^^

    Take the time, you need...
  • if the tab that is dissapeared on "my" tab is a PM custom page , use this :$Menu->AddTab("Wiki","wiki","","",31); [Just go to your custom page and get the url.

    you understand?
  • try this version of dojo
  • whats the difference?
  • ah u a re correct off course. I thought I had moved away from the exit(); thanks for pointing it out :)
  • so it fixed ur problem or no
  • Uploaded version 0.93 of Dojo Files.
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