Vanilla 0.9.3 Beta Released (2005-12-01)

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

Please refer to the new 0.9.3 installation discussion here


The application is available by SVN from the following url:

You are actually looking at a working copy of the beta right now.

There are a *lot* of changes in this new codebase. I spent the last few months working hard at ironing out the kinks in the core and did not focus so much on the items on the bug list. I found that if I would fix a bug on our bug list, a change in the core would then make that bug irrelevant anyway. So, there are still quite a few bugs on the bug list that have not yet been dealt with, and also quite a few which are no longer applicable.

I was hoping that Nathan could set up his bug tracker here on the lussumo server, but he seems to have disappeared. So, until then we'll just have to tinker around with the application and see what we can break. Please keep all bug reports on this forum in the "Vanilla 0.9.3 Bugs" category.

The forum itself should look almost identical to this older version. But rest assured that the code underneath is completely different. You will see all of these changes when you get your hands on the code, but here are some highlights:
No more controls folder
All controls have now been moved to individual files in the library. This is because all classes are now loaded on the fly through the object factory. This massively reduces the load on php as each page is handled.
Library files renamed
All of the files in the library have been renamed to follow a more natural namespace naming convention. You'll also notice that there is a new namespace "People". The People namespace is for a new framework that is shared between Vanilla and other upcoming Lussumo projects - it is used to (you guessed it) handle users and sessions.
The conf folder
You will no longer be editing constants in the appg/settings.php file. All custom settings are defined in your conf directory through an associative array of configuration keys. This will also allow us to do very easy upgrades simply by copying and pasting all code > 0.9.3 overtop of existing code and not disrupting your custom settings. Check out your conf/settings-dist.php file for more information.
I've been talking about delegates a lot, and now you will actually see the power of delegation for extensions. Take a look at the CommentProtection and Atom extensions to get a real idea of what can be done.
Whispers are back in the core
Whispers are now a part of the core, but turned off by default. This was done just because it kept the site a lot faster to keep them intimately tied to the core.
New Ajax
I've completely removed all of my ajax code and replaced it with the fancy and lovely Prototype ajax libraries and a few of the fancy scripts from scriptaculous. Most of this is seen on the administrative screens.
Now for the bad. There is still a lot of work to do in Vanilla, but aside from bug fixes, it is almost entirely to do with making old extensions work with the new code. Most of the extensions sitting in the extensions folder are not ready to work with the new code. Even those that still work need to be overhauled simply because you can do more with less code, now.

I've spoken enough. You guys feel free to svn checkout the code to your local machines. You can create a copy of your existing databases and then run the SQL in the db-upgrade-notes.txt file to upgrade your database (read that file, too).

For those who don't know what SVN is or how to use it, I'm sorry. I'm beat. I'll have to explain that one tomorrow.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Oh, I should also mention that the installation folder is not functional - you will need to manually install and configure this application.
  • Er I tried to login on dev forum and got this error... Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getprivatediscussionsbyuserid() in /applications/lussumo/lussumocorp/vanilladev/extensions/PanelLists.php on line 74 Now whenever I click the devform link I get the same error.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Say hello to bug #1! Yay! Let me guess - you had a preference to see your private discussions in the control panel?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited December 2005
    Okay, I've turned off the panel lists extension - try again now... (I found two more bugs in the process, btw) I think tomorrow will be a fun day of squashing bugs :) Okay, I'm done for the night. Please keep all further bugs or errors confined to the new Vanilla 0.9.3 Bugs category and reserve this thread for kudos, donations, and adoration.
  • Awsome look forward to testing it out. Will report any big problems if I come across any.
  • Adoration!
  • Ehm... maybe I'm not that smart, but do need to download each file seperatly?
  • You need to do it ala subversion. Then its something like "svn co foldertosaveitin" from a prompt. (thats how it is on windows anyways)
  • When I log into the development site, I get a completely unstyled page.
  • gigingergiginger New
    edited December 2005
    I've got the same problem as Jesusphreak. I've tried selecting different ones and using my custom style but it won't change. If I log out then it's fine. EDIT: I just tried setting the minivanilli theme using Custom style and it still won't change. When the page refreshed it had reverted to my old custom style as well. Thought I'd try the webdev edit CSS thing. I get this: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <H1>Not Found</H1> The requested URL /apps/vanilla/styles/bam/css/global.css was not found on this server.<P> </BODY></HTML>
  • Yeah I have the unstyled page as well.. it's possibly due to the custom stylesheet I'm using.. but even if I choose one of the current ones it still doesn't work.
  • edited December 2005
    Ok... I've downloaded the new Vanilla, created a new database with vanilla.sql (why is there also a database.sql??) from the install directory, and created the conf/settings.php....

    But it doesn't work out of the box.... When I want to login:

    A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message An error occurred while validating your credentials. Affected Elements UserManager.ValidateUserCredentials(); For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Documentation website at:

    When I click the search Tab:

    A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message An error occurred while attempting to retrieve roles. Affected Elements RoleManager.GetRoles(); The error occurred on or near: Unknown column 'r.PERMISSION_SIGN_IN' in 'field list' For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Documentation website at:
  • OK, I found the problem... The vanilla.sql isn't up2date... You'll have to execute the db-upgrade-notes.txt code
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've changed all users in the vanilladev site to be using the default stylesheet. So, you should be good to go, now. if you have any problems, please let me know.
  • Thanks Mark.
  • Either I'm high, or I can't seem to change styles.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited December 2005
    The styles are slightly different now.

    You'll need to shuffle your style files around a little bit. Take a look at the themes/vanilla/styles/default folder for an example of how things are sorted.

    Basically, you've got to put your css files in one folder, images in another, and js in another. Once you've done that, you can reference your style with styles/default/ or styles/lechs_custom_style/
This discussion has been closed.