Vanilla 0.9.3 Beta Released (2005-12-01)



  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    No change in security, no. You should be able to get everything just fine.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Please note that there have been a number of changes made to 0.9.3 lately that will require wacky upgrade procedures. Here is information on today's changes: I am currently working on a fresh install script for 0.9.3 that should ease your pains.
  • Still waitin' for the day to update my community. Take a break for Christmas, come back next year and continue the great work. From what I have seen of 0.9.3 it can't get any better! A merry christmas to all of you! :)
  • You can just *tell* mark's lovin those new clean urls. You gonna do a remote file download install script this time?
  • edited December 2005
    Hmm.. I'm having some problems installing 0.9.3: I have checked out all files. I have created a new database. I have uploaded the vanilla.sql stuff, the db-upgrade-notes.txt stuff, the "more database changes" stuff (can you add that to the SVN?) I have set up all settings. Still I get a lot of strange errors. Before login (anonymous access to the forum) i get a lot of: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Users/skyfex/Sites/Metropolis/newforum/library/People/People.Class.User.php on line 265 At the login I get one of them. After logging in I get no errors, but now there's no style (the CSS points to styles/vanilla/css/vanilla.css) What am I doing wrong? :/ Edit: I figured out the style problem. The default database entries contain an error. And I guess the notices can be ignored.
  • I'm just curious; do you have an approximate time you think you'll release 0.9.3 public? Or are you just going to do it when you feel it's stable enough?
  • when mark is ready for a "final" release candidate, he'll more than certainly announce it. meanwhile we'll have to settle for svn scraps :D
  • Can I get that zipped 0.9.3 too? Because I can't use that SVN in Windows. Thx.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited January 2006
    0.9.3 is only available by svn.

    I'm using windows and I've got svn installed no problem.
  • Yeah. Would it be possible to use the svn plugin for Eclipse for this?
  • 我安装了一个vanilla,但是对中文支æŒ?ä¸?好,需è¦?在数æ?®åº“连接之å?Žï¼Œæ‰§è¡Œmysql_query("set names 'utf8'")
  • When 0.9.3 is ready for a real release, will there be an upgrade path from 0.9.2 that doesn't involve SVN and all sorts of manual mysql tomfoolery?
  • I think when 0.9.3 is finally finished, Mark will release it as 1.0 and make a proper old-fashioned .zip file for everyone.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yes, there will be a fresh install script and also an upgrade script.
  • *shudders in anticipation of 1.0*
  • oh baby, i cant wait.
  • Holy handgrenade! I can't wait for the next version. Looking forward to having those thread and category specific feeds! I'm running a Wordpress powered site ( which I'm looking forward to integrating closer to Vanilla. Any updates on the schedule?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    No, sorry.

    Still waiting on Nick1Presta for the xhtml upgrade.
  • anyone want to teach me xhtml? :D
  • Lesson 1: It's just like HTML, but XML.

    Actually, that's pretty much what the XHTML 1.0 spec comes down to.
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