Delete the file /themes/mobile/views/discussions/helper_functions.php
but if you still find a theme incompatible after completing these steps please continue to post the names of the themes. if you post names of the plugins and themes in a tabular format like the following threads show. You can add themes and plugins that work as well.
Something to keep in mind regarding Themes that have not been updated recently.
there are numerous themes out there:
that modify views and helper functions and have not been upgraded with vanilla 2.1 views (fixes to security and and fixes for triggers)
if you have a theme and you go to the views folder and the theme is older than a few months (or even vanilla 2.1.6) you may have not solved all your security issues (and you definitely don't have the most recent correct events to fire upon). My suggestion would be not to use any themes that have modified helper_functions or views that are pre vanilla official release date 2.1
e.g. if you go to your theme and go into the views folder of the theme and see folders like these.
be careful. here is an example of a theme that overrides views.
you might want to contact author of theme to see if they will provide an update and check for missing firevents or security holes, if they are overriding views, helper functions, etc in their theme.
@jackmaessen said:
That plugin is working correctly? Ok, then i have to figure out why it is not working for me...
I think you don't understand the concept. and maybe a language issue. maybe the following will be clearer.
Peregrine said:
this also is a list of plugins that do work. you can list those that DO work as well and add to spreadsheet as well.
meaning you can also list themes and plugins that you have tried in version 2.1 that you know WORK.
e.g. you could say these plugins (version number) work in Vanilla 2.1.x
thank goodness vanilla is easier to install for some people than it is for some people to add a comment to this discussion or adding to the spreadsheet, otherwise there would only be a few people using the software.
you can add to the spreadsheet as well.
I also did not imply that Participated Discussions v 1.0.0 works.
it seems there doesn't seem to be much backporting of fixes for 2.1 add-ons and there is not a reliable versioning number for the plugins.
so between you not understanding english, hit and miss changes,, and version numbers not changing, it is a bit like the wild west. but I suspect the wild west is not in Holland. and I'll be astounded when you or anyone else adds a list of plugins that do work.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine said:
I suspect the wild west is not in Holland
Oh but it is !!
On another note, the Plugin google earth is no longer working on chrome .... because google is no longer supporting the google earth plugin ... I hate that no? yes so this might render the Google Earth useless except as a skeleton to make a module
The download link you gave me on Github, that Participated Discussion DOES work indeed. Much appreciated for the download link.!
But there is one thing i do not understand: if a plugin does not work and some people change things in it, and after changing the plugin does work, why is the plugin in the addons on vanilla forum not updated?
Why i must search on Github for it? It is a small effort to send the author of the plugin a note and ask him: we have made chages to your plugin so that is does work now in the newest version; please update the addon you write... Or i am saying now something stupid?
@jackmaessen said: why is the plugin in the addons on vanilla forum not updated?
Because it is up up the author
Why i must search on Github for it?
That is where the development code collaborations take place and all the updates as well. It is like getting your meat from the supermarket or from the butcher in the farm with fresh killed meat.
those are the plugins that work in 2.1.11: BotStop, Emotify, FileUpload, Flagging, HTMLPurifier, Last Edited, Pockets, Post Count, Quotes, Role Titles, ShareThis, Signatures, Sitemaps, Stop Forum Spam, Touch Icon, Vanilla SEO, WhosOnline
if anyone has trouble with themes in 2.1
it could be because you missed this crucial step when upgrading from 2.0.18.x
Delete the files /themes/mobile/views/discussions/helper_functions.php
AND /applications/dashboard/views/default.master.php (not default.master.tpl which should also be in that folder)
To upgrade to 2.1 from 2.0.18, add this step:
Delete the file /themes/mobile/views/discussions/helper_functions.php
but if you still find a theme incompatible after completing these steps please continue to post the names of the themes. if you post names of the plugins and themes in a tabular format like the following threads show. You can add themes and plugins that work as well.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Something to keep in mind regarding Themes that have not been updated recently.
there are numerous themes out there:
that modify views and helper functions and have not been upgraded with vanilla 2.1 views (fixes to security and and fixes for triggers)
if you have a theme and you go to the views folder and the theme is older than a few months (or even vanilla 2.1.6) you may have not solved all your security issues (and you definitely don't have the most recent correct events to fire upon). My suggestion would be not to use any themes that have modified helper_functions or views that are pre vanilla official release date 2.1
e.g. if you go to your theme and go into the views folder of the theme and see folders like these.
be careful. here is an example of a theme that overrides views.
you might want to contact author of theme to see if they will provide an update and check for missing firevents or security holes, if they are overriding views, helper functions, etc in their theme.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Auto expire: If turned on throws error when you go to delete a discussion if open or not.
"DiscussionController->Discussion not found."
LOCATION: /home3/han/public_html/isaanexpats/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussioncontroller.php
[/home3/han/public_html/isaanexpats/plugins/AutoExpireDiscussions/default.php 170] DiscussionController->__get();
[/home3/han/public_html/isaanexpats/library/core/class.pluginmanager.php 705] AutoExpireDiscussions->DiscussionController_Render_Before();
[/home3/han/public_html/isaanexpats/library/core/class.pluginmanager.php 638] Gdn_PluginManager->CallEventHandler();
[/home3/han/public_html/isaanexpats/library/core/class.pluggable.php 196] Gdn_PluginManager->CallEventHandlers();
[/home3/han/public_html/isaanexpats/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussioncontroller.php 608] Gdn_Pluggable->__call();
[/home3/han/public_html/isaanexpats/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussioncontroller.php 608] DiscussionController->Render();
[/home3/han/public_html/isaanexpats/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussioncontroller.php 608] DiscussionController->Delete();
[/home3/han/public_html/isaanexpats/library/core/class.dispatcher.php 350] PHP::call_user_func_array();
[/home3/han/public_html/isaanexpats/index.php 46] Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch();
SendPM plugin didn't work right with vanilla 2.1
Details here:
this modification fix MAY work for you.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I noticed: Participated Discussions v 1.0.0 not working at all; at least for me
this also is a list of plugins that do work. you can list those that DO work as well and add to spreadsheet as well.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
That plugin is working correctly? Ok, then i have to figure out why it is not working for me...
I think you don't understand the concept. and maybe a language issue. maybe the following will be clearer.
meaning you can also list themes and plugins that you have tried in version 2.1 that you know WORK.
e.g. you could say these plugins (version number) work in Vanilla 2.1.x
thank goodness vanilla is easier to install for some people than it is for some people to add a comment to this discussion or adding to the spreadsheet, otherwise there would only be a few people using the software.
you can add to the spreadsheet as well.
I also did not imply that Participated Discussions v 1.0.0 works.
but I do know if you download - the MASTER
you will see a Participated Discussions v 1.1.0 that does seem to work.
now pay attention - this is tricky.
the Master was updated and the addon was updated - but the plugin version number was not changed.
so if you go here you will also see version Participated Discussions v 1.1.0 for 2.1 - 2.1
don't use the [articipated from this link - - 2.1
it is not the most recent update as of today.
it seems there doesn't seem to be much backporting of fixes for 2.1 add-ons and there is not a reliable versioning number for the plugins.
so between you not understanding english, hit and miss changes,, and version numbers not changing, it is a bit like the wild west. but I suspect the wild west is not in Holland. and I'll be astounded when you or anyone else adds a list of plugins that do work.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Oh but it is !!
On another note, the Plugin google earth is no longer working on chrome .... because google is no longer supporting the google earth plugin ... I hate that no? yes so this might render the Google Earth useless except as a skeleton to make a module
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
The download link you gave me on Github, that Participated Discussion DOES work indeed. Much appreciated for the download link.!
But there is one thing i do not understand: if a plugin does not work and some people change things in it, and after changing the plugin does work, why is the plugin in the addons on vanilla forum not updated?
Why i must search on Github for it? It is a small effort to send the author of the plugin a note and ask him: we have made chages to your plugin so that is does work now in the newest version; please update the addon you write... Or i am saying now something stupid?
this is one of the mysteries of the vanilliverse.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Because it is up up the author
That is where the development code collaborations take place and all the updates as well. It is like getting your meat from the supermarket or from the butcher in the farm with fresh killed meat.
You want fresh killed meat not days old meat.
No more stupider than buying stale beef....
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
just a note: if you use Cleanser plugin. please upgrade to version 2.8 of the plugin.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Howdy everyone, I recently updated the spreadsheet with the plugins that I have working on 2.1.6
I can confirm that the application Basic Pages v2.1.3 and the plugin Youku & Tudou Embed v1.4.1 works with Vanilla 2.1.6.
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
EmojiPro plugin does not work correctly.
martin, that's what I call "short list"

VanillaPress2010 not working with 2.1.11. Side panel in the wrong location.
those are the plugins that work in 2.1.11: BotStop, Emotify, FileUpload, Flagging, HTMLPurifier, Last Edited, Pockets, Post Count, Quotes, Role Titles, ShareThis, Signatures, Sitemaps, Stop Forum Spam, Touch Icon, Vanilla SEO, WhosOnline