I am using Camino on the Mac and Firefox 2 on the mac. I will turn the map back on and you can see it on our site, http://gliving.tv/community/extension.php?PostBackAction=GoogleMapDirectory
Give this 0.2 version a go. A few revisions noted in the default.php. Let me know what happens. Cheers for your patience on this, its my first extention so bound to be a few teething problems. This is working fine on Firefox and Explorer on PC (some noddy error exceptions on IE, though they don't affect functionality), I don't have your browser so I'll use you as my tester if you don't mind!
I have updated to version 0.2 and now the error is gone, but once you add the second loaction, all locations are not visible. The location ballons and links below the map are missing. The data is in the database, just doesn't show on the site.
A few request, if they are not already part of this extension.
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OK, is this happening on both Camino and Firefox? I'm just not getting these errors, is there anything in Firefox's error console i can work from? Also ensure you've refreshed your cache and not loading previous javascript etc by mistake. If the locations aren't showing up, it should spit something out about javascript/ajax errors. I'm gonna hook up a mac next week to start testing more.
As for the requests, no none of those are in the extension at present, and before they are entertained, I'm hoping to find another extension coder to shore up the database stuff and get the foundations solid first. I've started this at a super low version of 0.1 - 0.2 so it can develop a lot before hitting a version 1.
The data is written to the databse but nothing shows up on the page or map. Also, I do not get any error warnings now, the locations simple don't show up. You can click on the map and add the data.
Gmonkey, I think its breaking down due to certain data input. I'll revise the code trying to use Vanilla in built data input functions. Could you post the sql for your table at present so I can get it working with that as my test.
Ok, found a bug in my JSON not escaping double quotes. Hopefully that'll catch your errors GMonkey. I have a feeling that's not the last I'll hear of string literal errors, but not being a guru I learn by what happens in the field...
line 73 of default 73, replace:$Head->AddScript("http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2.69&key=".$Context->Configuration['GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY_KEY']); by $Head->AddScript("http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2.69&key=".$Context->Configuration['GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY_KEY'], ''); Without the second argument, Addscript should add $Configuration['WEB_ROOT'] before ttp://maps.google.com/maps?...
Am I not doing something correctly? I am unable to get this to work at all...nothing shows up after installing the extension and inserting my API key obtained from google. Are there additional steps?
Does anyone have a functioning example that i can view?
Okay it works, but it is very easy to break. If a person adds a lot of information with a few paragraphs in the text area, everything stops showing up.
I added this amount of information:
Euphoria Loves RAWvolution is LA's hippest cafe and retail store providing all you need to begin and thrive on raw, living foods.Euphoria Loves RAWvolution is LA's hippest cafe and retail store providing all you need to begin and thrive on raw, living foods.
Euphoria Loves RAWvolution is LA's hippest cafe and retail store providing all you need to begin and thrive on raw, living foods.
And it broke. So either they should be allowed to add more data, or prevent them from adding too much text. Also, there should be an address text box, so they can give the address of the location.
Cheers Dinoboff, I'm not great at the whole Vanilla coding thing, as you can tell by the shakey start to this, but the reason I put this up was exactly for bug finding and other coders to help me tidy it up. I had no other way of furthering it.
GMonkey, keep the faith - we will get it going eventually. I too think it'll be a great plugin, but I'm in dire need of the vanilla community's more technical guys help on this. Hopefully it'll gather some momentum and get much more robust. Until then you'll have to put up with me fixing things as they break. Anyone out there got some light to shed on data integrity, vanilla and JSON...? It's giving me headaches.
i'll add Dinoboff's code and an address box, and get that input above working - it's the paragraph line return that's crashing it. Very strange, but i'll fix it over the weekend. Also it needs a delete action, should I limit this to administrators you think?
Well, it appears that my map is there, but the tab in the navigation is not showing up for me. any ideas on where I might start looking to fix this? Would this have anything to do with it? Sorry, i'm not the best coder. /*** Add the GoogleMapDirectory Tab ***/
if(isset($Menu)) {
$Menu->AddTab($Context->Configuration['GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY_TABNAME'], 'GoogleMapDirectory', GetUrl($Configuration, 'extension.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=GoogleMapDirectory'), '',$Context->Configuration['TAB_POSITION_GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY']);
ThaRiddla, do you have any tab management/page management extensions running? I know the Page Management extension screws with the default manner of adding tabs, but if you are using that, you can simply add a tab and give the url of
I've tried every which way with the directories, but just get the javascript message:
"The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/."
Notice: Undefined variable: row in
gliving.tv/html/community/extensions/GoogleMapDirectory/default.php on line 130
When trying to add a new location
Give this 0.2 version a go. A few revisions noted in the default.php. Let me know what happens. Cheers for your patience on this, its my first extention so bound to be a few teething problems. This is working fine on Firefox and Explorer on PC (some noddy error exceptions on IE, though they don't affect functionality), I don't have your browser so I'll use you as my tester if you don't mind!
A few request, if they are not already part of this extension.
Mulitple Pages ( 50 or so per page )
Categories listed to jump quickly to that section
As for the requests, no none of those are in the extension at present, and before they are entertained, I'm hoping to find another extension coder to shore up the database stuff and get the foundations solid first. I've started this at a super low version of 0.1 - 0.2 so it can develop a lot before hitting a version 1.
The data is written to the databse but nothing shows up on the page or map. Also, I do not get any error warnings now, the locations simple don't show up. You can click on the map and add the data.
$Head->AddScript("http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2.69&key=".$Context->Configuration['GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY_KEY'], '');
Without the second argument, Addscript should add $Configuration['WEB_ROOT'] before ttp://maps.google.com/maps?...
Does anyone have a functioning example that i can view?
I added this amount of information:
Euphoria Loves RAWvolution is LA's hippest cafe and retail store providing all you need to begin and thrive on raw, living foods.Euphoria Loves RAWvolution is LA's hippest cafe and retail store providing all you need to begin and thrive on raw, living foods.
Euphoria Loves RAWvolution is LA's hippest cafe and retail store providing all you need to begin and thrive on raw, living foods.
And it broke. So either they should be allowed to add more data, or prevent them from adding too much text. Also, there should be an address text box, so they can give the address of the location.
This is will be great once it works...
I've put a basic example up at http://www.dkltd.net/vanilla
GMonkey, keep the faith - we will get it going eventually. I too think it'll be a great plugin, but I'm in dire need of the vanilla community's more technical guys help on this. Hopefully it'll gather some momentum and get much more robust. Until then you'll have to put up with me fixing things as they break. Anyone out there got some light to shed on data integrity, vanilla and JSON...? It's giving me headaches.
i'll add Dinoboff's code and an address box, and get that input above working - it's the paragraph line return that's crashing it. Very strange, but i'll fix it over the weekend. Also it needs a delete action, should I limit this to administrators you think?
/*** Add the GoogleMapDirectory Tab ***/ if(isset($Menu)) { $Menu->AddTab($Context->Configuration['GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY_TABNAME'], 'GoogleMapDirectory', GetUrl($Configuration, 'extension.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=GoogleMapDirectory'), '',$Context->Configuration['TAB_POSITION_GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY']); }
"The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/."
Anybody else encountered this?