


  • Uploaded version 0.5 of GoogleMapDirectory.
  • Here's the next version then.

    In 0.5 the updates are:

    - Fixed bug in RoleID reference - hopefully ironing out a bunch of errors.
    - Added standard vanilla database table prefix
    - Now works with the FriendlyURLs plug-in
    - Click on a category filters the markers to only that catgory
    - Added option to control googlemap zoom/controller

    Now obviously the first statement is a bold one as I've no way of knowing how much this has or hasn't fixed some of the more common problems. I set up about 3 different vanilla forums to test and noticed a few errors I hadn't seen before so I'm hoping those are the ones other users were experiencing and are now fixed. Most of this was centred around referring to the RoleID incorrectly and not integrating the vanilla table prefix properly - I had 'LUM' hard-coded all over the place. doh.

    On the compatibility with friendlyUrls, this is dependent on it being correctly installed and the 'URL_BUILDING_METHOD' setting being added to conf/settings. If its not correctly installed then the googlemapdirectory reverts to the default 'extension.php' type urls.

    There is one new variable in the settings install to enable controlling the map, er, controller so I suggest fully ripping out the previous version and cleaning out all GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY variables from your settings file in the conf folder. You can leave your database table as is and the new version will pick up the locations once reinstalled.
  • well got a chance to give this a try again...for some reason once installed it doesnt create a tab in the navigation hmm any ideas?
  • I'll look into it. I usually find a refresh shows the tab, are you use page manager? if so you'll need to add a tab manually via that. Anything to report back asides from that?
  • yea that was it, had to add it manually, sofar so good no errors seems to be working, im not using friendly urls on this site but so far so good
  • A got this error: I've installed this extension, activated it, tab is showing up, but when I click on it return me to the first tab page. I' ve added api key into extension settings and to the php file. I 've installed delbat theme and basecamp style. Using firefox 2. Any one have idea how to make it work? Thanks
  • Not quite clear what's happening Zed, can you explain a little clearer please? First thoughts is temporarily set your themes and styles back to the default vanilla ones, see if that makes any difference, also what other add-ons are you running? Often another add-on can affect things.

    Also what have you called the tab, what is the link. Any javascript errors? Perhaps install Firebug and see if anything is getting thrown back at you that might helps me understand a little more...
  • I had the same problem and noticed the link to the Google Map Directory was not using extension.php so it wasn't going to the correct page. I simply edited the default.php line 114 to add extension.php as the second param to GetURL. Hope this helps, Eddie
  • Also, aside from the bug trouble shooting, I have a feature request. Is it possible (I think it should be) to have the marker be governed by the address. So when you add a location you don't move the marker around, you just put in the address and the marker pops in. I think this plug-in would be a lot more useful with that kind of functionality.
  • i am trying to get this AWESOME extension working on our new forum: and i can't get it happening. i am not an expert on php / code at all.... so any help would be great! thanks! - you can even email me direct on djp1972 {at} thanks heaps!
  • hey guys. just installed vanilla to replace my phpbb of 5 years and its been great! migration and everything worked fine. however... I dont know whether its just me, but my Googlemap doesnt show up properly when the markers are clicked. the drop shadows from the popup doesn't fall in nicely... it's hard for me to explain, but please take a look for yourself... also, my slider's images doesnt show up properly, just blank white spaces. (so i disabled it. i'm a design perfectionist)... anybody know whats up?
  • Firebug gives Javascript error document.getElementById("GoogleMapDirectoryAddLocationLink") has no properties in map.js line 56 but i don't know if it's because of this

    offtopic: have you noticed that you have a couple of slashes in a row in your url ""
  • miquel - interesting. i went to the same URL without the slashes but its still the same.
  • one bugfix and one suggestion

    to make the plugin work with any kind of urls, mod_rewrited or default, swap lines 112 and 114 in default.php to make the block of code look like this:

    /*** Add the GoogleMapDirectory Tab ***/ if(isset($Menu)) { if($Context->Configuration['URL_BUILDING_METHOD']=='mod_rewrite'){ $Menu->AddTab($Context->Configuration['GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY_TABNAME'], 'GoogleMapDirectory', GetUrl($Configuration, '', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=GoogleMapDirectory'), '',$Context->Configuration['GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY_TABPOSITION']); }else{ $Menu->AddTab($Context->Configuration['GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY_TABNAME'], 'GoogleMapDirectory', GetUrl($Configuration, 'extension.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=GoogleMapDirectory'), '',$Context->Configuration['GOOGLEMAPDIRECTORY_TABPOSITION']); } }

    and to have "Google Map Directory Settings" link listed under "Extension Options" and not under "Options", the very last three lines should be replaced with:
    $ExtensionOptions = $Context->GetDefinition('ExtensionOptions'); $Panel->AddList($ExtensionOptions, 10); $Panel->AddListItem($ExtensionOptions, 'Google Map Directory Settings', GetUrl($Context->Configuration, 'settings.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=GoogleMapDirectorySettings')); }

    p.s. dear David, please set a background at your homepage.. I broke my eyes trying to find your email or any kind of contact
  • Hi. I really like this addon. I run a cycling forum, and it is neat being able to add meeting points to the map so it can be linked in the forum. Please note it wouldn't work with a website configured as "". Instead, it worked as ""
  • I just installed this extension with the latest Vanilla and my 'GoogleMapDirectory' tab doesn't do anything. It just seems to take you back to the main page. Is there a config setting I'm missing? Thanks!
  • I had a problem with the positioning of the map pins, and found myself a fix for it. The original discussion is here:

    I sent the details to the author but have not had any response, so I'm not sure if the author is maintaining this extension any more. What should we do in these circumstances, where the bug reports and fixes mount up, but after nearly a year no further releases have been made? Can the extension be opened up for other people to maintain, or does it need to be forked under a different name?

    -- Jason
  • Hi judgej, I gave up developing this any further quite some time ago. For each fix I did it felt like I got 2 more fix requests and a few complaints. I don't know how Mark keeps his head up doing open source for Vanilla on such a scale. Ultimately, this plugin works fine for me and has done for quite some time. I imagine a lot of the errors are due to differing servers, settings and other plugin combinations. I simply don't have time to work through it all and make it fully robust. Still if anyone wants to take it over, go for it, I'd love to see the various glitches ironed out. Not sure I have to do anything in particular to enable this? David
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