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Issue Tracker



  • When I apply BaseCamp to the Forum, and I have the Issue Tracker Enabled, I get nothing like this: Thanks, Josh
  • What do you get?
  • The Default Theme.. Just with a Different Layout. Thanks, Josh
  • Did you remember to set Delbat as the theme and Basecamp as the style?
  • i am kinda lazy and confused but can anyone upload a vanilla file maybe with all the edit done to it, to make it a issue tracker? thanks you
  • I simply cannot get the user assignment thing to work. I've cleared my cache, I've downloaded the latest scriptaculous and installed it, and still the thing doesn't work. anybody else have this problem?
  • @jgpippin I just installed this extention AND MAN IS IT EVER COOL! I was having the same problem with not being able to get the "assignment" thing to work until...and boy do I feel stupid...I realized you have to go to Roles and Permissions and check the assignment permissions for the admin role.
  • The link for the issue tracker sorting issue bug isn't working. Can someone please post the fix in thread? Thanks!
  • I'm not above offering chocolate to the kind person(s) who posts the answer to the Issue Filter sort all list bug. The bug is a show stopper so all help is greatly appreciated.
  • I'd like to chime in here and say that the latest version still has the Issue Filter (show all) bug. Also, could we add wish? :-) I'd LOVE to color the issues based on their Priority. (Low Medium High)
  • Hi, Is it possible to limit the visible issues only to those that are submitted by the logged member? It means that each member can see only issues posted by him. I see there is no such option in the settings but maybe I could change somewhere in the code. Best regards, Chris
  • I recently implemented an Issue Tracker site to track maintenance issues for a company I work for part-time that owns several car washes. The owners have been pleased with the site, which I expect will have fewer than 20 users. I have a lot of computer hardware experience but very little recent software experience. I did manage to make a few minor mods like changing "project" to "site" in multiple locations and adding a blank status for items like notices that don't need to be tracked. Other extensions that I'm using are Forced Category, Comment Removal, and Bookmark Stickies. Could someone post the patch for the "All Issues" bug? The link in previous posts no longer works.
  • Will there ever be an update to this Plugin? Can't someone else continue development on it?
  • Perhaps someone can answer this question. How can I allow a user to assign a classification when he or she creates an issue? I.E., there would be a drop down below the Project drop down that would let them classify it as a Feature, Bug, or whatever when they are in the process of creating an issue. Second, how can I make it so that only people of a certain group can be assigned issues? It would be great if I didn't see a whole bunch of member names popping up in the Assign To list. And last, what would I need to mod in order to make someone a maintainer of a particular project? So when someone clicks on a Project tab, there's an extra column showing who is the maintainer or project lead.
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