CRITICAL: Vanilla 2.1.8 released



  • edited January 2015

    @Linc‌ nope i don't use google+ 'cos i have not paid for the openid

  • Sorry for double posting, I thought I had fixed things but no I definitely haven't.

    Getting this error on the update page after putting in my info.

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'alter table GDN_Tag add unique index UX_Tag (Name, CategoryID)' at line 4|Gdn_Database|Query|/* 'unique index UX_Tag (Name)' => 'unique index UX_Tag (Name, CategoryID)' */ alter table GDN_Tag drop index UX_Tag; alter table GDN_Tag add unique index UX_Tag (Name, CategoryID);

  • @Adrian said:
    Simeon_Griggs‌ it's fine, linc had to make a small change :)

    Thanks. I actually had the same issue @martin2008 describes above. The update page never said that the installation was successful. But in the footer of the dashboard I see the new version number and assumed it was all okay.

  • Hello, I uploaded the files to the new version but had to roll back to the previous. I run an integrated forum and only a blank screen appeared. Ideas?

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited January 2015

    @Hawakai said:
    Hello, I uploaded the files to the new version but had to roll back to the previous. I run an integrated forum and only a blank screen appeared. Ideas?

    I suggest starting a new discussion with details of what "integrated" means after following the additional troubleshooting steps linked in the OP. Also check your PHP error log.

  • @morepotatoes said:
    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'alter table GDN_Tag

    On the database table GDN_Tag, delete the index named UX_Tag, and then run it again. It should then regenerate correctly.

  • @Simeon_Griggs @martin2008 I need the error message to assist you. Have you completed the troubleshooting steps? Since the last step says "Start a new discussion" and you are still posting in the release thread, I suspect not.

    @Chalipa Please check your PHP error log for the error message and start a new discussion for assistance.

  • @Chalipa said:
    the whole forum gives a blank page, without any errors

    I followed the steps in the OP, and getting a blank page, no errors. Need to roll back while we figure out how to correctly make the update.

    Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this?

  • @JeffHat: try adding this to your conf/config.php:
    $Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'deverror.master.php';

    That will show you the real error. Don't forget to delete if from config.php after you are finished with debugging.

  • I tried going to "" (substituting my forum's domain name for yourforum" as stated in the Read Me instructions, but I just get "Error 404-Page Not Found".

    I use Expression Web as an ftp upload program, but it will not show the .htaccess file or allow it to be downloaded from the server. I went directly to the server & located the .htaccess file, but don't know how to get it replaced by the new file. Any suggestions? I am not very proficient in websites & don't understand the "techy" language so if replies could be kept simple, I'd appreciate it.

  • @R_J said:
    JeffHat: try adding this to your conf/config.php:
    $Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'deverror.master.php';

    That will show you the real error. Don't forget to delete if from config.php after you are finished with debugging.

    I tried that but I'm not getting anything at all on the page.
    No bonk screen. I might be something very noobish (like read/write permissions or something), I only very rarely play around with the Vanilla forums on our website, but I'm trying to update because of the influx of spam we've been getting.

  • Try changing

    ini_set('display_errors', 0); to ini_set('display_errors', 1); in your index.php

  • @R_J said:
    Try changing

    ini_set('display_errors', 0); to ini_set('display_errors', 1); in your index.php

    I tried this; still getting blank page. :\

  • @JeffHat Check your PHP error log.

  • @Linc said:
    JeffHat Check your PHP error log.

    Searched on how to find my PHP error log, but I can't seem to find it. Where is it located on the server exactly?

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited January 2015


    We have released 2.1.8p2 which addresses problems in the utility update process. Please update if you had issues with the /utility/update. The change is not needed otherwise at this time.

    Updated the OP.

  • I guess you have a problem with your forum being embedded. If I open up I see your forum for a blink of an eye before I get redirected. Not sure how this helps because I don't do anything with embedded forums but that may be hint for someone else.

  • @R_J said:
    I guess you have a problem with your forum being embedded. If I open up I see your forum for a blink of an eye before I get redirected. Not sure how this helps because I don't do anything with embedded forums but that may be hint for someone else.

    Yes the forum is embedded. Will need to look into that.

  • jackmaessenjackmaessen ✭✭✭
    edited January 2015

    i replaced the 15 files and tried to upgrade.

    I got this message when trying to upgrade: how can i solve this?

  • @Linc said:
    On the database table GDN_Tag, delete the index named UX_Tag, and then run it again. It should then regenerate correctly.

    I did that and now it's giving me this error:

    Can't DROP 'FK_Comment_DiscussionID'; check that column/key exists|Gdn_Database|Query|drop index FK_Comment_DiscussionID on GDN_Comment

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