With all due respect, if I ever caught one of my kids pressing someone about something they were getting for free, they'd hear me say a few of The Words You're Not Supposed To Say. It's like the "don't complain about your leaders if you didn't vote" idea - either pitch in to help, or keep quiet and be happy to get what you get, when you get it.
That being said, @rbrahmson if you have been contributing to the development effort, my apologies.
It's possible that I'm missing something about the OS paradigm that renders my opinions incorrect, and I'm happy to hear it if so.
@rbrahmson You should know that the hosted Vanilla has its own release cycles and is, as far as I know, never far behind the latest commits in the master branch.
The code for this community website is open source, you should have a look at https://github.com/vanilla/community and might consider contributing. You will get a shiny badge for it
I don't know why I was jumped on just for making a suggestion I thought would reduce the number of "when will it come" posts. Those who know my environment from other posts know that I won't likely take 2.2 immediately anyway.
As for contributing, again, you may not be aware that I am not a developer, just an admin. And yet, with some volunteers help I managed to modify two plugins to add functionality, and write another from scratch (albeit with great guidance from @peregrine).
So what about contributing those three plugins? My experience is mixed here. I uploaded the first one (giving due credit to the original developer) I received a hint in a discussion that this is not welcome. I learned my lesson and did not upload the second one (though I think I would be helpful to others). I did upload the third one that was coded from scratch.
And on top of that mixed experience, I am learning that making suggestions in this forum is kind of risky. Some don't assume that it is done with good intentions and jump on you. Not worth it.
Yeah, I kind of get jumping on someone for missing a post buried in a thread, but jumping on someone for making a suggestion as a potential solution to the former problem as kind of whack. This community seems small enough, I would hope it to be a little more tight-knit and friendlier than that.
And, if I saw my kids inquiring about something they got for free and obviously invested enough to participate in the community and offer suggestions / feedback, even if it wasn't the best, I'd buy them ice cream.
@rbrahmson said:
A plugin from the cloud version opened up or the right to name a plugin to be developed, or the right to pick one outstanding development item and make it #1 on the priority list
I've worked here 4 years and I still can't do those things.
There's 1 serious bug left that makes it hard to install Vanilla on modern MySQL setups which is unacceptable. I think I have a handle on how to resolve it, but it'll probably take a full day of effort to fix that and finish the other tweaks for getting us to RC.
Internally, the dev team is a little snowed under with work at the moment. I'm working on getting things back on track, but currently things like "finish the RC for 2.2" keeps getting bumped from my sprints as critical items come in. We had a spate of security reports recently (cheers to @mtschirs for the help, more details soon) that have highlighted some things that need to get patched in 2.2 before it is released and I'm on the fence about how much more security auditing we should do before launching 2.2 at this point.
@rbrahmson said:
(all too often jumped on opinion)
As every veteran of forums knows, it can be a delicate balancing act to convey your own tone. Your voice in text takes on the biases of the reader. For a project like this, those biases come from being beset upon by folks who are impatient for an end result they don't contribute to - very Little Red Hen.
So folks are primed to have that reaction. Having empathy for that is part of joining a community, and working on changing that mindset is part of being a good leader - a path for contribution that requires no coding skills.
I have modified the following which I did not upload out of fear of being jumped on:
1. AddMenu Item - Added another entry (sixth) and allowed the admin to select which entries are active on the desktop, which on mobile, and which are disabled.
2. Spoiler - to change it to a "More..." functionality like WordPress. I believe you mentioned that in some distant future in some distant galaxy this would be implemented.
I also developed a very simple debugging function which I used in the development of ProfilePrivacy. The function is embedded in the plugin code and I use it whenever I change anything. I really don't know where it could be uploaded (it's not a plugin, after all).
@rbrahmson my apologies, I took your tone the wrong way. When I read "Would it hurt to have a box on the top like this", as well as some other posts, they sounded complainy and ingrateful to me. But, as @Linc said, that's probably my own bias coming through (from this forum, as well as others) and I should have just shut the hell up about it. I'm pretty sure that was my first critical comment on here, and it'll hopefully be my last.
It sounds like you're a valuable asset to this community, and it certainly sounds like you have contributed more than I have. So please, stick around and don't take future criticism from idiots like myself personally.
Thank you @Linc for your support... my English sucks, sorry (downloaded 2.2b1 from repository)
1st attempt... native 2.2b1 .htaccess
NB: I 've updated RewriteBase (/forum) only, because files 're stored on subdomain.example.net/forum/
2d attempt... empty or older .htaccess file (from 2.2.5, our current version), then I see web installer page, it seems right... with-out URL rewriting
3rd attempt... added AcceptPathInfo On to native 2.2b1 .htaccess (at the top, I don't know if it's the best place),
Tried because my web host said than it's not enabled by default (mavenhosting.com)
(1) (3) The page isn't redirecting properly (firefox),
PS: Not sure if this AcceptPathInfo is enabled correctly ;-) but voilà... do you need more info about it, my server' config ?
With all due respect, if I ever caught one of my kids pressing someone about something they were getting for free, they'd hear me say a few of The Words You're Not Supposed To Say. It's like the "don't complain about your leaders if you didn't vote" idea - either pitch in to help, or keep quiet and be happy to get what you get, when you get it.
That being said, @rbrahmson if you have been contributing to the development effort, my apologies.
It's possible that I'm missing something about the OS paradigm that renders my opinions incorrect, and I'm happy to hear it if so.
@rbrahmson You should know that the hosted Vanilla has its own release cycles and is, as far as I know, never far behind the latest commits in the master branch.
The code for this community website is open source, you should have a look at https://github.com/vanilla/community and might consider contributing. You will get a shiny badge for it

I don't know why I was jumped on just for making a suggestion I thought would reduce the number of "when will it come" posts. Those who know my environment from other posts know that I won't likely take 2.2 immediately anyway.
As for contributing, again, you may not be aware that I am not a developer, just an admin. And yet, with some volunteers help I managed to modify two plugins to add functionality, and write another from scratch (albeit with great guidance from @peregrine).
So what about contributing those three plugins? My experience is mixed here. I uploaded the first one (giving due credit to the original developer) I received a hint in a discussion that this is not welcome. I learned my lesson and did not upload the second one (though I think I would be helpful to others). I did upload the third one that was coded from scratch.
And on top of that mixed experience, I am learning that making suggestions in this forum is kind of risky. Some don't assume that it is done with good intentions and jump on you. Not worth it.
Yeah, I kind of get jumping on someone for missing a post buried in a thread, but jumping on someone for making a suggestion as a potential solution to the former problem as kind of whack. This community seems small enough, I would hope it to be a little more tight-knit and friendlier than that.
And, if I saw my kids inquiring about something they got for free and obviously invested enough to participate in the community and offer suggestions / feedback, even if it wasn't the best, I'd buy them ice cream.
I've worked here 4 years and I still can't do those things.
There's 1 serious bug left that makes it hard to install Vanilla on modern MySQL setups which is unacceptable. I think I have a handle on how to resolve it, but it'll probably take a full day of effort to fix that and finish the other tweaks for getting us to RC.
Internally, the dev team is a little snowed under with work at the moment. I'm working on getting things back on track, but currently things like "finish the RC for 2.2" keeps getting bumped from my sprints as critical items come in. We had a spate of security reports recently (cheers to @mtschirs for the help, more details soon) that have highlighted some things that need to get patched in 2.2 before it is released and I'm on the fence about how much more security auditing we should do before launching 2.2 at this point.
First, thanks for the update.
@Linc said:
With my OTOJOO (all too often jumped on opinion) I would rather wait knowing security is addressed as fully as reasonably
Thanks for the update, @Linc!
As every veteran of forums knows, it can be a delicate balancing act to convey your own tone. Your voice in text takes on the biases of the reader. For a project like this, those biases come from being beset upon by folks who are impatient for an end result they don't contribute to - very Little Red Hen.
So folks are primed to have that reaction. Having empathy for that is part of joining a community, and working on changing that mindset is part of being a good leader - a path for contribution that requires no coding skills.
@linc - Yea, while's true there are other forums where people are more accepting.
So far my contributions are:
1. ProfilePrivacy
2. CSSTweaks.
I have modified the following which I did not upload out of fear of being jumped on:
1. AddMenu Item - Added another entry (sixth) and allowed the admin to select which entries are active on the desktop, which on mobile, and which are disabled.
2. Spoiler - to change it to a "More..." functionality like WordPress. I believe you mentioned that in some distant future in some distant galaxy this would be implemented.
I also developed a very simple debugging function which I used in the development of ProfilePrivacy. The function is embedded in the plugin code and I use it whenever I change anything. I really don't know where it could be uploaded (it's not a plugin, after all).
@rbrahmson Reading my encouragement as a critique & defending yourself is a pretty good example of what I was talking about.
I thank you for the encouragement and don't see it as critique at all.
@rbrahmson my apologies, I took your tone the wrong way. When I read "Would it hurt to have a box on the top like this", as well as some other posts, they sounded complainy and ingrateful to me. But, as @Linc said, that's probably my own bias coming through (from this forum, as well as others) and I should have just shut the hell up about it. I'm pretty sure that was my first critical comment on here, and it'll hopefully be my last.
It sounds like you're a valuable asset to this community, and it certainly sounds like you have contributed more than I have. So please, stick around and don't take future criticism from idiots like myself personally.
Hi @AaronWebstey, don't worry, all forgotten. If you won't tell anyone I will admit that I am also human who sometimes exhibit thin skin...
empath badges for you both. with a pic of Dr. spock on it.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
+1 Fresh install Redirection looping :-( running on Linux, Apache 2.4.9, MySQL 5.5.42, PHP 5.4.27
I don't know if AcceptPathInfo is enabled on my webhost (even if I don't know if it's the reason ;-) in fact...)
@Pamela You've confirmed you updated the
file?Thank you @Linc for your support... my English sucks, sorry (downloaded 2.2b1 from repository)
1st attempt... native 2.2b1
NB: I 've updated
(/forum) only, because files 're stored on subdomain.example.net/forum/2d attempt... empty or older
file (from 2.2.5, our current version), then I see web installer page, it seems right... with-out URL rewriting3rd attempt... added
AcceptPathInfo On
to native 2.2b1.htaccess
(at the top, I don't know if it's the best place),Tried because my web host said than it's not enabled by default (mavenhosting.com)
(1) (3) The page isn't redirecting properly (firefox),
PS: Not sure if this
is enabled correctly ;-) but voilà... do you need more info about it, my server' config ?@Pamela check your Vanilla config to make sure RewriteUrls is enabled.