Major Quotations extension update

edited June 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
If you're using the latest Vanilla revision, and wondering why the Quotations extension wasn't working, well I fixed it. The changes to the XHTML templates were messing up the javascript, causing it to return blanks. All has been rectified.

Also I updated the stylesheet to reflect the new layout, and to be a little more "Vanilla-like".

Get it here



  • you don't have enough info in the header for it to be recognized.

    i added Extension Url: and it worked.
  • Whoops. Fixed.
  • i had already rewritten your extension to work with the new DOM and combined it with some other dude's quote extension that works with partial selection too. it took me a while to figure out the xhtml, so i'll be interested to see "the right way to do it" :)
  • Oooh, partial selection would be cool.
  • nothing to it... document.getSelection(). just be sure to use onmousedown instead of onclick, because lots of browsers including firefox 1.5 clear the selection before onclick fires.
  • Hmm, document.getSelection() only returns text, though.
  • how do you mean? isn't it supposed to? :)

    oh, you mean like if i selected some text and an image, i'd want the image included?

    maybe there's a clever solution but i can't think of it. maybe match the first part and the last part of the selection, using the comment id as identified by the quote link, with a regex, to pull the rest of the stuff in between. sounds unreliable at best :)

    anyway my users are happy with the partial selection as it works now.
  • you might also try messing with a mysterious property called anchorOffset - i can't find much documentation about it, but it supposedly marks the start of the selection as related to the beginning of the text in the node.
  • Any working versions of the Quotations extension for a very recent 0.9.3?
  • edited April 2006
    Any working versions of the Quotations extension for a very recent 0.9.3?
    The version linked above was tested with revision #358, and seems to work fine. (certainly better than it worked before)
  • ithcyithcy New
    edited April 2006
    hey bergamot, check this out!
    function quote() { var d = document.createElement("p"), s = getSelection(); for(var i = 0; i < s.rangeCount; ++i) { var r = s.getRangeAt(i); if (!r.collapsed) d.appendChild(r.cloneContents()); } alert(d.innerHTML); }

    put that in a document with some html-formatted text, and call quote with onmousedown when you've got a selection. it worked perfectly for me in firefox 1.5!
  • ithcyithcy New
    edited April 2006
    well, almost perfectly. it catches everything except the outermost tag.
    for example if i select all of this: ddddddsss

    it returns ddd<u>ddd</u>sss, so it's missing the <em> tags.

    but i think i can make it work.
  • edited April 2006
    Ok, I made those changes and reuploaded it. Seems to work fine, and I didn't run into your bug (probably because I wasn't using innerHTML, which is evil).

    In Internet Explorer, it just ignores the selection and quotes the whole post; I'll mess with that later.

    My code is here, if you want to look at it.
  • hmm... doesn't work for me in firefox

    oh, i think i see. you need to use onmousedown instead of onclick for the quote link.
  • yeah, that fixed it.
  • but there is another problem.
    no matter where i click quote on the page, it always cites the author of the last comment on the page. i had that problem for a while and i ended up having to re-analyze the dom tree and get all the elements by a different method.

    my code is here but it looks nothing like yours :)
    also i haven't added the new appendChild business yet.
  • edited April 2006

    I think it's finally working. Of course, I thought that the last time, and there were still bugs.

    Anyone want to try it?

    Ithcy: I ended up using some of your code.
  • edited April 2006
    Yup works perfect, (by works perfect I mean I barely tested it but it does now get the new quote).

    You can try it out over at this board
  • edited April 2006 ahahahahah
  • And that right there is the exact reason I won't be bothering to install any quote feature on my site :P

    Still a very nice extension, good work Bergamot!
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