here are the problems basicly nothing is working. my version of
phpbb is 2.0.11
when i click on users i do get errors, and when i click on "Click here
to go back" it says "Users (264 rows migrated in 0.823520seconds)"
but when i check the database (via phpmyadmin) no users have been
when i click on discussions i get the following error for every row of
run: 0
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
result resource in
on line 37
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
result resource in
on line 45
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
result resource in
on line 49
and when i click on comments i get the following for every row in the
comments table
run: 0
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
result resource in
on line 36
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
result resource in
on line 56
Ok. Can you run the following queries on your phpBB database for me and report the errors. SELECT user_id,username,user_password,user_email,user_viewemail,user_avatar,user_posts,user_regdate,user_lastvisit FROM phpbb_users ORDER BY user_id ASC
SELECT forum_id,forum_name,forum_desc,forum_order FROM phpbb_forums ORDER BY forum_id ASC
SELECT topic_id,forum_id,topic_title,topic_poster,topic_time,topic_replies,topic_first_post_id,topic_last_post_id FROM phpbb_topics ORDER BY topic_id ASC
SELECT post_id,topic_id,poster_id,post_time,poster_ip,post_edit_time FROM phpbb_posts ORDER BY post_id ASC
sorry but i'm an idiot i just remembered that my forum was hacked by yusuf kara. apparently he ownz my shit. rather than unhacking it i just i decided to migrate to vanilla. not sure if that is going to cause a problem with the migration script. you can see the results of maladjusted 13 yr olds with too much time on their hands at
that aside
no errors on SELECT user_id,username.........
no errors on SELECT forum_id,forum_name.....
no errors on SELECT topic_id,forum_id,topic_title....
no errros on SELECT post_id,topic_id,poster_id.....
minisweeper: i could not download the file to reimport (as described above) too, so i thought i'd have the latest version... since i did this thingy just few weeks before. but good to know you already fixed that :-) and glad to see you still maintain it :-) good work hunny
No probs. Bobert - can you add in an echo $phpBBcommentquery; into comments.php just after $phpBBcommentquery is defined (and do similar to the rest of the files) then run through it again and check that the queries it's running arent messed up in some way. If you then put *those* queries through your phpMyAdmin and see what results it gets i'd appreciated it.
so phpcommentary was defined only in comments.php
as $phpBBcommentquery = mysql_query("SELECT post_id,topic_id,poster_id,post_time,poster_ip,post_edit_time FROM $phpbb_posts ORDER BY post_id ASC LIMIT $count,$limit");
i then inserted afterwards
echo $phpBBcommentquery;
and i did not see anything. honestly i am confused as to what i could have a seen as i thought that $var = mysqlselect("sql statement") would only store a resource. and i could not use that resource in phpmyadmin
Well naturally in the rest of the files the variables were named phpBBtopicquery, phpBBforumsquery and phpBBuserquery. It is however my mistake that echoing it wouldnt have shown the query it was running, though it should atleast have said Resource ID #N. Did it do that or not?
sorry. i didnt mean to come across as a dick i'm just generally confused at me being the only one to have a problem.
you were right thought. it displayed resouce #n. so its running. thats also proven that the mysql_total_rows prodcues a valid number
you can check out the results at
i put the echo in h1 tags so that it would be obvious. as always let me know what i can do to be of assitance to get this thing working
I didnt realise you had come across as a dick so no worries
Grab the latest version from my site (0.5) HERE and run that through. It'l chuck out all the queries it's using so hopefully we can see if it's going wrong atall anywhere just to satisfy me. If it's not the queries *then* i'm getting confused.
so i edited the users file to view the error produced by each insertion of a user into the vanilla db
(because there HAS to be one) by outputting mysql_error. however when i store the resource id of the
query and do mysql_error($result) i get
Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource
also i'm not sure if
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `$LUM_User` ADD `phpBBuserid` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL AFTER `UserID`");
when i do
$result = mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `$LUM_User` ADD `phpBBuserid` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL AFTER `UserID`");
and then do echo $result, i do not get a valid resource
$result = mysql_query("
INSERT INTO `$LUM_User` (`phpBBuserid` , `RoleID` , `FirstName` , `LastName` , `Name` , `Password` ,
`Email` , `UtilizeEmail` , `ShowName` , `Icon` , `CountVisit` , `CountDiscussions` , `CountComments` ,
`DateFirstVisit` , `DateLastActive` , `LastDiscussionPost` , `LastCommentPost` )
'$phpBBuserid' , '$RoleID' , 'phpbb' , 'user' , '$Name' , '$Password' , '$Email' , '$UtilizeEmail' ,
'0' , '$Icon' , '$CountVisit' , '$CountDiscussions' , '$CountComments' , '$DateFirstVisit' ,
'$DateLastVisit' , '$LastDiscussionPost' , '$LastCommentPost'
echo "result: $result";
echo mysql_error($result);
Whats the biggest phpBB forum someone has moved with this? Its not huge but I've got over 500 users and 40,000 posts (pruning is done regularly). I'd love to switch and help with this conversion app however I can.
SELECT user_id,username,user_password,user_email,user_viewemail,user_avatar,user_posts,user_regdate,user_lastvisit FROM phpbb_users ORDER BY user_id ASC
SELECT forum_id,forum_name,forum_desc,forum_order FROM phpbb_forums ORDER BY forum_id ASC
SELECT topic_id,forum_id,topic_title,topic_poster,topic_time,topic_replies,topic_first_post_id,topic_last_post_id FROM phpbb_topics ORDER BY topic_id ASC
SELECT post_id,topic_id,poster_id,post_time,poster_ip,post_edit_time FROM phpbb_posts ORDER BY post_id ASC
echo $phpBBcommentquery;
into comments.php just after $phpBBcommentquery is defined (and do similar to the rest of the files) then run through it again and check that the queries it's running arent messed up in some way. If you then put *those* queries through your phpMyAdmin and see what results it gets i'd appreciated it.
Grab the latest version from my site (0.5) HERE and run that through. It'l chuck out all the queries it's using so hopefully we can see if it's going wrong atall anywhere just to satisfy me.
If it's not the queries *then* i'm getting confused.