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Feedback Issues Questions for Galleries Plugin

Please post any feedback about this plugin here, I hope you enjoy it and is useful to you.



  • This is the icon I ended up making I hope it does not violate any licenses ..

    If it does I made another and here it is too...

  • I have followed the instructions and enable the plugin, but nothing happens. My version is

  • edited 2013 30

    Ok first tell me how you have installed the forum, is it called forum or is it in the root?

    If it is in the root, you need to change the parts that say forum to say / or home

    in the gallery.php .

    Please describe what does not work, you enable and it does not do what?

    Look in the uploads folder to see if the new album you made is there and if images were uploaded. If they were then the problem is with the links and path which needs to be changed to your set up.

    Also if you get a 404 not found, disable the plugin then enable again, sometimes the route does not stick on the first try.

    The most important thing is to change the parts that I mentioned if your forum is not in a directory called forum.

  • fr3em1ndfr3em1nd ✭✭

    hi @vrijvlinder it's not working on v2.1

  • DenisSDenisS ✭✭

    I installed it checked permissions all ok, and when i went to upload a photo i got this message. Page Not Found
    The page you were looking for could not be found.

  • hi @vjijvlinder,
    Can you help me with the part you mention ''add the 'plugincontroller' to the array of places the fancy box will be used on'' please.
    Where do i start with this?
    Thanks in advance

  • No luck here.. forum is just root / and I made all the necessary changes in gallery.php .. I'm noticing that the button on the site is going to the /gallery directory and there is none so it's just a blank page.

    Is there more to change / reroute?


  • On 2.1 here

  • edited 2013 03


    If you installed in the root, then you need to also change /gallery to gallery.

    in the default.php of the plugin

    class Galleries extends Gdn_Plugin {
        public function Base_Render_Before($Sender) {
    $Session = Gdn::Session();
           if ($Sender->Menu){
    $Sender->Menu->AddLink('Gallery', T('Gallery'),'gallery',array('Garden.SignIn.Allow'),array(), array('target' => '_blank')); 

    I believe that will work but no way of testing I don't have installed in the root .

    here is the file on github with annotation where to change the stuff.




    in order for the url to be correct this would have to be:


    so the url would end up :


    here it would also change but to / or home

    img src="/forum/'.$dir.$folder.'/'.$pg2[0].'"

    img src="/'.$dir.$folder.'/'.$pg2[0].'"

    so the url will look like :

    yoursite.com/uploads/picgal/name of album/image1.jpg

    to be certain you will have to play around with those paths and find the right one. I believe this is the correct format . I have a very buggy 2.1 install and it works well.

    I also got 404 and errors but due to having missed a couple of those changes. After fixing it it worked fine.

    The albums are made and stored in the uploads folder under picgal . There is where the images are called from their individual folder. It is one view but it changes depending on which album you choose to upload to.

    then the upload form and the small pics with names and edit buttons to delete or save a change comes up and uploads to that specific folder/album.

    They are then displayed in the galleries. After you upload or delete, you may need to refresh the page or go to the main galleries view to see the changes.

    Once you get past the path issues it is rather simple.

    You can view this instal on 2.1 here:


    I had to change all the forums to foro....also check in the routes in the dashboard if the gallery route appears there...if not disable and enable again .

  • Sorry for the delay getting back to ya.. Appreciate the post.. I went through it all and What I'm basically ending up with is a blank page when I click on Gallery.


    For the routes I had 1 listed for gallery. and it went to plugin/gallery and I get a white page.
    ..If I change it to /plugins/Galleries (which is the actual path) I get a Page Not Found error.

    Banging my head still but I'm going to get it to work if it kills me!

  • So I decide to delete it all, start over.

    I re-upload and only make the one change of removing the / from default.php

    It works. Or at least so far it works. Setting it up now to make sure. Strange as hell.

  • Okay, needed to make the secondary changes to the gallery.php file as well since it was not displaying the previews, etc.. properly since it had that /forum stuck in all the wrong places for my setup.

    Still having issues but it's starting to work now at least. I was able to make an album, upload 1 image. Now when I go to 'View or upload more images for <album name' it gives me a page not found error..

  • ok don't worry I will help you as best I can I know it can be confusing trust me I made this and it was very confusing but after I figured it out.

    here is a version I made for you based on your installation, when you unzip remember to change the name to Galleries because it is called Galleries-1 . Hope that works

  • it had that /forum stuck in all the wrong places for my setup.

    yes that is because the set up I have is installed in a folder called forum a subdirectory. but to fix it all you need to do is remove all the fore slashes etc. like you have done to point to the root.

    it works quite well and you can style the gallery anyway you want.

  • edited 2013 15

    edited, there was no error... let me know how it goes.

  • is not support link utf8

  • DenisSDenisS ✭✭

    I have tried to sort this out about 5 or 6 times but i can't, because i'm stupid! This is where it is www.ubon-expatsforum.services-thai.com a sub dir "services-thai.com" is the main dir. The plugin is installed ok. I can make an Album but when i go to upload photos i get page cannot be found. I have looked at gallery.php and yes it's got forum in 10 places. But i don't know what to change it to.

  • ok thanks for the screenshot,I can see that you need to remove the forum parts as you can see this will not work if you don't remove the word forum from the links. Remove the word forum from everywhere that it is and replace it with / or nothing. at all whatever works. I made a zip 4 comments above this one for people who have this installed in the root.

    Please see if that works for you, remember to change the name of it to Galleries instead of Galleries-1

    The place most important to change these is in the links.In the gallery.php

    < div class="pics" >< a class="fancybox" target="_blank" rel="group" href="/forum/'

    change the forum part to href="' or href="/'

    Whatever works.

  • edited 2013 27

    If you look at this link



    your picture is there. In the folder you made. The only problem you are having is you need to remove the /forum/ part on all of them. Which is what I did in that zip file 4 comments above.

    That goes for the ones that say img src too. Once you get past this everything works as it should.

  • @vrijvlinder: You should definitly put the path forum/ out of the deployed plugin. Like @DenisS i also had the issue that the layout and original CSS for my forum is broken when i visit the "Galleries" page. Thanx for your work.

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