Looking for feedback on "potential" PeregrineReactions plugin.
I'm in the middle of writing a plugin with similar (but not exact) functionality to the reactions plugin on this forum for Vanilla 2.1 and above (only).
What reactions would you like? how many?
some ideas
- reaction 1 - lol (definitely)
- reaction 2 - genius super superb brilliant
- reaction 3 - wow
- reaction 4 - best
then I'll tie it in with PeregrineBadges.
But I'm still hoping for monetary pledges from at least 10-15 people
so make some feedback and specify your pledge amount for a community plugin and interest. Note: I don't have a forum, so it would not be something I am developing for myself, it would be for the community . But, I figure if I donate my time (many,many hours, it's worth a pledge and donation from anyone who thinks they might have use for it.
if you want to post potential sprites and images for the "button" clicks and the reactions feel free.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I'm back from a lot of time and, what a surprise! Great idea.
I'd suggest...
reaction 5 - WTF?!?
reaction 6 - Epic fail!
Nice to see you are once again releasing a major gamification feature for the OS product
. Of course, a way to display a user's reacted posts on their profile would be great.
For displaying reactions on posts, I currently use to make it hover only display; but visible on the first post.
So I hope it hooks into the same event as social reactions do.
On another note a reaction ( based on a permission ) something along the lines of "Quality Post"; that would reward more points, would be a nice feature.
Unfortunately, as the service which my community operates under is still in beta. Money is a bit tight, but if we have any to spare at the end of the project I would love to push something your way.
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@candyman said:
I'm going to forego negative reactions or reactions with negative connotations.
@Tama said:
yes, In second release if not in the first.
glad you brought that up. I was able to view the googleplus icon without configuring (and it would co-exist fine), the twitter and facebook require conifiguration (and I use neither), but I assume they are displayed in similar fashion.
I'm debating about making all reactions enabled via role or individual reactions via role.
I'm thinking of always show. reaction buttons (but css tweaks like yours sound good).
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I think just three reactions is good enough, I like lol but that would not include all people, haha is more universal no? Yes keep those negative reactions out of this ....good thinking
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Till the full addon is commissioned, we can use Font Awseome resources as Sprites
Some examples - http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/#web-application
They are pixel perfected, can be stretched to any size without degradation(as they are essentially fonts) and have simple licensing requirements.
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for the genius icon
= http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icon/female/
how about a no-comment meh for when you have not much to add that would be positive= http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icon/meh
awsome= http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icon/bolt
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Something like Insightful, Awesome, and LOL.
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@Shadowdare said:
actually I like those the best:)
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
What about Troll?
I can always count on you for trolling.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Don't even think about it !!!
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Actually you can just add the font face with the fontdings into the plugin like I did with the marquee plugin. I made these examples of fonts and weddings
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@vrijvlinder said
this all foreign language to me.
help sir
xplain to me stepper by stepper.
from wherefore and whence and in-between
no comprendo fontdink or faces
ting bu dong
je ikke forstaer du det.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
It's basically the same idea as aery but instead of using a font service you could include the font files within the plugin. So the right font is used for the icon .
Check out the marquee plugin so you see what I mean, I included a whole slew of fonts to be used . You can include the webding or dingbat fonts which make the icons.
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here is a good resource for free fonts
since these are fonts and use the keyboard letters geography you can use the pertaining letter in the html side of things
so instead of the source being the image sprite the source would be replace by the font
each reaction would have a letter based on the font , so say letter a is awesome, instead of an image
letter A= font-family: dingbats
Using fonts instead of images allows for easy color changes to the icons, as easy as changing the font color .
The css would regulate the colors and transitions
reacting {color:yellow,font-size:16px;font-family:dingbats;}
or whatever the name of the action will be called .This way you don't have to use css coordinates for an image sprite.Which is a pain and sometimes often does not work on everytheme so you need to fix it.
And people could also choose different dingbats if they want and all they do is upload the font file into the fonts folder of the plugin and then add the css part to match the font.
as you can see there are millions of dingbats
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Font Awesome looks pretty cool.
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
I think Font Fred is great !
These are good for making badges too and other crafty things
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thx for the feedback. I am officially throwing in the towel for this plugin at this point.
on to thinking about another one
(that I may drop like a hot potato also
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Awe , down before being born
How about a reactions array , using the existing ones from the existing plugins , the plugin would simply put the buttons for the other pluggins in a nice array plus an extra one the haha is needed.
So they would have to be using the other plugins for this to work since all it does is add one reaction haha, and put the others in a nice array on every post? kind of like the share daddy on WP
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